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Invisible kerbonauts

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So I assembled this ship that was going to a round trip from Kerbin to Duna to Dres and back to Kerbin, doing science in both high and low space round the targets. The ship has 6 landers attached, with one kerbonaut in each, so I didn't have to waste fuel manouvering the mother ship more than I needed.

So far so good...get to Duna high space orbit, with 6 contented kerbonauts. I undocked one of the landers, intending to drop it into a low space orbit, but here's the thing. The mothership shows me that I now have 5 kerbonauts on board...so one has left. That makes sense, because he should be on the lander. Except he isn't. When I switch to lander, there is no kerbonaut window in the bottom right of the screen, so I can't go EVA. Using the keyboard shortcut, C, I can go IVA and look around and see his feet and mitts...but I can't get him out of the lander

I have version 0.23 plus the right MechJeb.

Any ideas where Bill might be hiding? He really needs to do that spacewalk!!


Edited by POllik
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Oh...he has just appeared. I wonder if it is a performance issue on my laptop or whether he was perhaps just in the head??

I've noticed that when you undock ships, you confuse the game about where things really are. For instance, the Kerbal's picture won't show up and you'll see all engines from all parts of the docked ship in the staging list even though the undocked part you're controlling obviously doesn't have them all. Switching back and forth between the 2 ships usually clears these problems up, however.

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This is a very rare bug that I have only seen once or twice. In fact, I thought it was fixed several versions ago. Anyway, if you quit the game and start it up again, it's likely your missing Kerbal will be back where he's supposed to be, responding normally.

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Bill says he is very sorry for all the worry he has caused. He was very embarrassed.

Yes, I have notice the problem with the engines taking a while to sort themselves out.

Thanks for the suggestions :)

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I had my mothership pilot vanish due to this once ... maybe Jeb thought he was hogging the spotlight?

Oh, and this was with Jeb being the lander pilot, talk about ungrateful!

Anyway, I could still EVA the pilot just fine by left-clicking to access crew in the module, but no picture...

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