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Danny2462-Style Videos: Opinions?


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I've been moving further and further towards using Danny2462-style editing, and I would like your opinions on my videos. Some of them are pretty decent, some most likely could have used some work.

If you are a fan of my videos, or if you think they need work, please tell me what I can do to make them better!

Here are a couple of pretty good ones.

My latest and (maybe) greatest, a video on flying a rover. Yes, flying a rover. And performing by far the best landing I have ever made.

(I call this trick the Corkscrew-360 to Mk1 Cockpit memorial.)

Here's a instructional tutorial on how to fly a VTOL that I made for a BSC challenge (the VTOL came in fifth place overall):

And... finally, for now at least, the terror of stacking command capsules! (This is a bona fide KSP glitch.)

Let me know what you think! And, as always, enjoy watching :)

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Posting a quick note here to keep the thread alive.

I'm worried that either

1) These videos are so beyond compare in their perfection that no one can look at them without turning to stone, or more realistically

2) No one really likes them. :(

I sincerely hope that your viewing experience is somewhere in-between those two extremes. :wink:

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, everyone! (This thread has been dead for long enough.)

Let me try to answer your questions...

They were great, but 720p/1080p would be great. Oh, and a little longer videos would be great!

Thanks! I've just been thinking about my videos' low resolution. I wish it were better, but...

1) my editing program defines High-Definition as 1080p,

2) I do not have a powerful enough computer to run KSP at 1080p, and

3) the next highest setting is 480p.

Sorry. :(

I will definitely take your advice and lengthen my videos in the future... maybe when I'm on summer break and have more time.

Did you have clipping on for the last one?

No, actually! You can try it yourself (mind you, this glitch was exploited in 0.23 and may not work with the ARM patch, I haven't checked.)

As for improving the frame rate.

My computer is absolutely terrible at running KSP, and it goes into full meltdown when I'm trying to create craft with high part count. I can't slow the game down and then speed it up again in post-production, either, as I seem to be incapable of piloting craft when the game is slowed down. Thus, a miserably low frame rate.

I'm trying to save up money and buy a wonderful graphics card, but I'm not there yet.

And with that, here's another video for you to critique! As always, comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome.


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Can you maybe play KSP in 720, then upscale the video to 1080 for editing?

Regarding the video, yeah the framerate is not the best. I won't comment on the content as I don't personally find Danny's style appealing. It's good sometimes (I like his preview stuff to see what crazy things you can do with new parts) but I don't want to consume a steady diet of it.

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