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Solar Orbit

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Orbit the Sun With any parts you deem necessary, although show them to me so that I can decide which you can use, if that made any sense.


Get into Solar orbit with approved parts (Stock parts preferably)

Return to Kerbin


Please take pictures or videos to prove your achievements.

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Orbit the Kun (Sun) With any parts you deem necessary, although show them to me so that I can decide which you can use, if that made any sense.


Get into Kolar orbit with approved parts (Stock parts preferably)

Return to Kerbin


Please take pictures or videos to prove your achievements.

1: Burn straight up

2: Reach escape velocity

3: ???

4: Profit!

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Guest Flixxbeatz

I\'m sorry for the 'kun' should it be 'Kol'? I\'m to see all the feedback on this topic. Good luck!

Prepare yourself for Nova\'s Wrath of Eternity.

Well here\'s a little backstory, so that Nova won\'t 'Nova' your a** up. Naming everything by just changing the first letter to 'K' had become a serious cancer already around here for a considerable amount of time. It was cool at first, but definitely went very awful as time passed by. As you may see, we\'re trying to eradicate those kinds of thing.

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My entry (after a lot of kerbals lost their life on the launch pad or were stranded somewhere in space):

It\'s purely stock (no CFG-edits), and I decided that it\'s too easy with scalable thrust, so I went for SRB only:


I\'m using RCS to stabilize the beast during ascent, but the RCS tank is dropped with one of the ascent stages as soon as it\'s stable enough without.

After the initial slideshow has become a smooth simulation again, I\'m on an escape trajectory from kerbin, with three SRB stages left:


Now a slingshot past the mun,


and after some time I\'m in kerbol orbit, with kerbin and the mun still visible as tiny objects in the lower right:


Now comes the trick part: Catching up with kerbin with only three vigorous but short boosts. After the first two I seem to be on the right track:


Luckily one final de-orbit burn prooves to be more than sufficient to get back:


My heart skipped a beat when I first saw the landing site my SRB\'s chose, but the capsule survived the impact on the steep slope and came to a rest in this strange valley:


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Jebbe, you have earned my eternal respect.

Thanks! :)

No challengers? Perhaps somebody wants to try to actually orbit kerbol before returning to kerbin; I barely made it out of kerbin\'s sphere of influence, then just tried to get the heck back. It would probably be easier if we had Lagrange points, but with the current highest-gravity-only model there\'s nothing like that.

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I\'ll just drop this here. From a challenge I posted back in 13.1, to go to the orbit of one of Nova\'s proposed planets, get a circular orbit there, and then return to Kerbin:

Eve is the easiest of the other planets to do this for, so here goes. Only control mechanisms are gimballing engines and an ASAS, so all course corrections use low thrust from the engines to allow me to spin the ship around.

On the pad, ready to go:


Done setting up the transfer orbit to Eve (anything from 9,677,125 km to 9,872,622 km acceptable):



Got it to an acceptable Eve orbit, still about 20 tanks of fuel left:



Ok, let\'s eyeball this return orbit... took me 35 days or so to transfer inwards... carry the three, add a fudge factor... I think I should burn when my ship is at 6\'o\'clock on its orbit and Kerbin is at about 4:00 on the orbit.


Wait... maybe it should have been 4:30 or 5...


I can salvage this, just ride it around one more orbit and see how it lines up, then go for it!


Frak. Too far ahead now. Fine, go circular slightly outside of Kerbin orbit, still lots of fuel left, just ride it out...


Much, much additional corrections later including fixing the orbital plane to correct a slight tilt...


Closing in! Still have about 5 fuel tanks left, just one more correction, about a 30 second burn straight in towards Kerbol to move the periapsis, and...


YES! now to bring it in.


Too fast first pass through the atmosphere, had to ride it a second loop, and the ground is all screwed up, and jumping around by up to a km every 5 seconds or so, just a real wild ride and scary that the random ground jumps would keep me from ever aerobraking into re-entry.


It doesn\'t show up, but the ground was flickering like mad in that shot. But here I am on the, um, ground. I think. I passed through the tilted apparent surface of the water at about 100 feet altitude.


At the end, I jettisoned an extra 4 1/2 fuel tanks right before the first re-entry, so complete success with stock parts, just so sloppy I feel like never piloting again. Extra screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/PYHww

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I did this a while back. I actually went further, and launched to solar escape. It\'s not hard.


I launched 24x 2-meter habitation pods, plus 10x 1-meter habitation pods, plus 12x nerva engines (my placeholder for a nuclear reactor, before I made these).

It is currently semi-impossible to enter solar orbit and then return & land. Every time you leave kerbin\'s sphere of influence, the terrain on kerbin gets all messed up. the Serpinski bug.



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