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goo experiments - moral dilemma?


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Then why not use human babies? They are not as intelligent as a matured human then, we can always make more and we do not have to wait 18 years. It doesnt matter if they die, because they are not able to contribute to society and are more of a liabilitly really. And they cannot express their feelings or talk to the scientists, only scream - like an animal.

Because an single human baby has hundreds of times more potiental to accomplish great things in the future than 100 adult animals.

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A tiny fraction of people is influenced by such stuff to do horrible deeds, but that's not the point and it never was, so saying that "computer games don't cause murders" is a straw man argument.

What games and movies do is they elevate the public tolerance towards unethical behavior. The society becomes more passive towards certain things. Kids are raised believing it's ok to create a unit of people dedicated to murdering "unwanted ones" instead of bringing them to court and letting them face justice. That was not acceptable 50 years ago. People were fighting against such disgusting things. Nowadays it's just some activists that nobody wants to listen to.

Have you noticed how fights between adolescents have changed from typical fair displays of dominance towards "finish him!" ? Brutal injuries and murders among young people have skyrocketed. Why is that? What has happened?

BULLCRAP. Violent crime is dropping across the board. Provide some actual sources before you yell stupid things

I say that we are not violent because we play violent video games. Rather we play violent video games because we are violent.

Actually, we (most of us) play violent games to let off steam. Which we now no longer need to let off in the real world. AKA, less prone to agression.

When TV is was new, it was violent TV shows that were making the youth agressive. When radio was new, it was radio that was making the youth agressive.

In a few decades, it'll be whatever new form of entertainment pops up that the conservative media picks as the 'cause' of mass shootings, or whatever it is than.

When a schizophrenic, with years of untreated mental problems finally shaps and goes on a rampage, the media will dig until they find out that he once played a game of call of duty, and than focus the entire story on that, instead on his years of untreated mental problems. Because untreated mental problems are boring, we've seen those before. But games are new, and thus scary. So that angle will draw more viewers. And that's all the media cares about

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