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Never eating at Mcdonalds again.


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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Its a good thing that mcdonalds here doesn\'t do that with our cheeseburgers (I hope). Then again, they don\'t do anything discusting to the burger I eat over here, the grand angus


And because of a big outroar in nz, they use proper chicken down here (Most other places, that\'s what\'s left over from the chicken, once all the good stuff is gone. Discusting? Well people eat it).

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EVERY time I ask for a sprite, it tastes like seltzer.

And by the time I notice I\'m back on the highway. FUCK.

That means the syrup canister is running out or the mix isn\'t set right. You\'re getting more carbonation than flavoring so it tastes like seltzer water because that\'s all that is, carbonated water.


Capt\'n Skunky

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What I love is that the 'Big' Mac is barely any larger than a normal burger from there. Try a half pound burger, then say that it\'s bigger than a Big Mac!

The Big Mac used to be made with a different patty than what went on a regular cheeseburger. Think more like one of the quarter pounder patties. But they changed that long ago to the micro-patties they use now.

Speaking of which, I got a Big Mac the other day and it was ALL screwed up. They used the bottom piece of the bun in the middle and the middle as the bottom. I mean, really, how screwed up do you have to be to get that messed up?


Capt\'n Skunky

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Considering that the pink slime was used to 'purify' the meat (hint: it wasnt Grade A) and they\'ve stopped using it, I am not sure this was a great victory.

Unless you trust that they decided to cut profits by using better meat.

Seriously though, McDs gets a bad wrap, but anything you buy from a restaurant or grocer is processed beyond recognition. Even your fruits and veggies are sprayed and injected with all sorts of chemicals to make them pretty.

So unless you\'re gowing it yourself or buying from a farmer\'s truck, and killing your own cows (or at least from a butcher who can varify his product sourcing) you have no guarantees.

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Considering that the pink slime was used to 'purify' the meat (hint: it wasnt Grade A) and they\'ve stopped using it, I am not sure this was a great victory.

Unless you trust that they decided to cut profits by using better meat.

Seriously though, McDs gets a bad wrap, but anything you buy from a restaurant or grocer is processed beyond recognition. Even your fruits and veggies are sprayed and injected with all sorts of chemicals to make them pretty.

So unless you\'re growing it yourself or buying from a farmer\'s truck, and killing your own cows (or at least from a butcher who can verify his product sourcing) you have no guarantees.

Yeah. I have no idea what\'s healthy anymore, with all these chemicals on everything.


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I don\'t understand the revulsion with foods which are made in a strange, industrial process.

Just because the process of making the food might be objectionable when you see it doesn\'t make the end product any worse, does it? It\'s still food. It has some nutritional value.

When Heston Blumenthal makes food in a weird way (with all sorts of chemicals and scientific theory) in his little kitchen in The Fat Duck, he is considered a genius. When Mc Donalds has this done on an industrial scale, they are evil and don\'t give a shit about anything besides money.

Mc Donalds food is often considered bad for health because of its high fat, sugar and salt content... but then, if you eat in a gourmet restaurant, the levels in the food are probably about the same. Fat, salt and sugar are all tasty... we like them and we want to eat them. Mc Donalds recognizes this in just the same way gourmet restauranteurs recognize it. However, for some reason, because Mc Donalds tries to minimize price and cost it\'s considered far, far worse.

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Kinda does...

If you saw how every item of food you put in your mouth was made, you\'d end up dying of starvation. Pretty much all industrial scale food processing looks nasty at some point in the process.

The only way to prevent this is to go live on an Amish farm. :P


Capt\'n Skunky

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LukeTim, the problem with your statements is that fast-food places like McDonald\'s get their products at the lowest cost possible, even if it means processing inedible bits of carcasses so they can stretch their already low-grade meat further. Your comparison to the food in a gourmet restaurant doesn\'t really fit, since those use high-quality products in their foods instead of something that\'s been designated as unfit for human consumption.

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LukeTim, the problem with your statements is that fast-food places like McDonald\'s get their products at the lowest cost possible, even if it means processing inedible bits of carcasses so they can stretch their already low-grade meat further. Your comparison to the food in a gourmet restaurant doesn\'t really fit, since those use high-quality products in their foods instead of something that\'s been designated as unfit for human consumption.

No part of a carcass in inedible. If it was it would not be served as food, and indeed all companies would be legally restricted from doing so.

It is arguable exactly what 'high-quality products' means in the case of food. Is it nutrition? Because there\'s plenty of that in the 'inedible' parts which are used by Mc Donalds.

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To me, quality is basically how processed it is. Sushi made from fish caught a couple hours ago would be high quality, whereas whatever Taco Bell has in there beef is low quality, since I probably couldn\'t identify most of the substances or chemicals in it.

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I\'ve worked at MD for a year and can guarantee you that is not what is in the burgers or nuggets. In fact, 99% or pictures/videos saying that this is what McPatties/McNuggets are made of are 0% true.

In fact, McDonald\'s personally replied to that image in particular stating that it is in no way what is in the burgers. They are 'made from 100% all-natural beef' and the nuggets are 'pure white meat chicken' 'no mystery meat'

I\'m tired of media and ignorant people spreading bad things about McDonald\'s. The only thing that is fact is that you shouldn\'t eat 3 'super-sized'(large) McDonald\'s meals every day for a year, like that guy in 'super-size me'.


Sorry \'bout that :)

Leaves the question: where does that pink stuff go then? A: Probably dog food.

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I\'ve worked at MD for a year and can guarantee you that is not what is in the burgers or nuggets. In fact, 99% or pictures/videos saying that this is what McPatties/McNuggets are made of are 0% true.

In fact, McDonald\'s personally replied to that image in particular stating that it is in no way what is in the burgers. They are 'made from 100% all-natural beef' and the nuggets are 'pure white meat chicken' 'no mystery meat'

I\'m tired of media and ignorant people spreading bad things about McDonald\'s. The only thing that is fact is that you shouldn\'t eat 3 'super-sized'(large) McDonald\'s meals every day for a year, like that guy in 'super-size me'.


Sorry \'bout that :)

Leaves the question: where does that pink stuff go then? A: Probably dog food.

When did you work there?

MD itself even confirmed they used that but they stopped the first of the month.

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