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cool planes/crafts

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Hi guys

Is there any page I could download a pack of crafts for ksp without mods? just planes/rockets in general, so I can have a look at people's creations, learn from their design etc.

Or maybe could anyone upload their folder for me? I am not going to share it with anyone if u dont want to

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Are you running ksp from steam?

If so you need to go to the steam directory. Then go to to steam apps, common, Kerbal Space program. From there you go into Saves. "Your user name" . Ships. From there you choose if u want to add planes to SPH or the Vertical assembly building. Thats the way to do it without mods.

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I did, but there are only single, fancy crafts that I dont really need.

I need a pack of different size rockets that are actually usable. Something that experienced player would use etc. Not things like military trucks, rovers and so on :P

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There are ships like this in the ship exchange, though you're right that people mostly post complex things they want to show off there. But keep looking and you'll find that some of us do concentrated on making simple ships for new players. Here are some of mine:

Sandbox moon ship with walkthrough.

Career mode low-tier ships with which to get started.

A couple of stable planes which should be pretty easy to fly.

A ship with which to practice docking.

Anyway, since the ship exchange is the right place for shopping, I'll move this thread there now.

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