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little wonders workshop: all my best planes and more


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Hi, i don't want to bump all my threads, so i decided to create a new one in which put all my best crafts together.

Not all my crafts have a download link so feel free to ask if u want a download :)

-Yf 12A replica

Let me introduce you the YF-12A, it was a prototype based on the platform of the A-12 (the base of the sr 71 too).

It was build to be the faster interceptor ever made, armed with 3 missiles, due to the modification of the nose for radar sistems the aerodinamic was changed, so it was necessary put fins under engines and under the tail. It was faster than sr 71, with at least 100km/h more, for a total maximum speed of 3700km/h.

My replica tryes to reproduce this plane better possiblem not only in design but also in performance, so my replica goes to a maximum speed of about 3800km/h and reach a max altitude of 24000m.

This is my craft painted in black and white with kerbpaint like i have seen in this image:


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-Max speed 3800km/h

-Max altitude 24000m

-Good handling

-good fuel load (can be raised or lowered)

-Ejection system, don't let your kerbal die!!!!


-press 1 to toggle engines on/off;

-press 0 to toggle ladder;

-Take off at 60 m/s speed, pull up gently otherwise fuselage stabilizators crashes on the grounds;

-Try to reach max speed: activate engine nacelles then up to 12000m begin to point the nose up at a small angle so intakes can take the max air disponible, at 21000m you should reach the maximum speed (about 1050-1100m/s).

If u don't do all correctly the left engine should less some power for low air breathing and you can't reach an optimal speed, it's tricky, it's funny! :)

-Land at 70 m/s i suggest

-Ejection system, if you eject your pilot you can still control the craft or the pit ejected if they are near eachothers.

Have fun!




This is a replica of the YF-12A (coloured with kerbpaint plugin) with included a mobile stabilty ventral fin that uses infernal robotics, it is intended to perform like the original, so don't expect a lot of speed, she can reach 1100m/s and 24000m of altitude just like the real one. It comes with an innovative ejection system

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Can reach Pole Nord and back to the spacecenter

-press 1 to toggle engines

-press 2 to toggle engine nacelles

-press 4 and 5 to move the ventral stability fin (only when take off, and remember to set it orizontal when landing)

-press 0 to toggle ladder


-XB-70 Valkyrie replica

Hi! I have worked hard on my old XB-70, and this is the final versions (for now).

There are 2 versions: a stock version and a modded version, the modded one uses only infernal robotics.

This plane has an enormous amount of parts, 475, so expect lags if you dont lower your graphic settings.

It performs similar to the original, it's just a bit too fast.

But stop talking and take some photos

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DOWNLOAD: I suggest the modded one just because it's funnier and carries more fuel.





this is a stock replica of the B-2 spirit (coloured with kerbapaint plugin).

It is a 300 parts craft, she has a lot of lifting surfaces so it's a bit hard to control but it's fine.


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-F111 modded with infernal robotics

Hi! this time i have created a F111 replica. The cool thing about this craft is that you can move the wings just like the real one!:cool:

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1-toggle engines

4,5-move wings

6-lock wings position

0-toggle ladder

MODS USED: infernal robotics and kerbpaint plugin (not necessary)

DOWNLOAD http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/220330-f111-with-infernal-robotic-mobile-wings

-Gee Bee

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-PJJ Personal Jeb Jet

a modified Gee Bee with a built in pit

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-Boeing 727

It handles very well and it's ridicolous easy to land.

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-Eurofighter Typhoon replica

This is my definitive version of this beautifull fighter (my favourite one).

What is different than my previous versions? new rudder,new ladder for a best look and first of all she comes "war ready": missiles, rockets, bombs and a external fuel tank; all of this coloured with kerbpaint.

Performs like the original: about mach 2 max speed.

Owner manual:

press space to stage in this order:

-activate engine

-fire PASR (Pro Aiming Small Rocket)

-fire second PASR

-fire PAMR (Casual Aiming Medium Rocket)

-fire second PAMR

-fire RCM (Remote Control Missile), when shot press ' or ì to switch from plane to missile view and control it, be carefull! don't go too far away from plane

-fire second RCM

-fire bomb

-fire bomb

-fire bomb

-fire bomb

-decouple external fuel tank


-press 1 to toggle ladder

-press 4,6 to decouple bombs 2x

-press 0 to decouple external fuel tank

When fired the first RCM the plane become a little unstable due control surfaces on the RCM left, when all 2 RCMs are fired all is ok.

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This is a little UFO style SSTO, if you want enjoy a little trip to kerbin orbit, then maybe this is the SSTO for you!

But... words are not needed... just take some photos! :)

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1 toggle jet engine

2 toggle rocket engines

4 deploy landing parachute

0 toggle ladder

How to reach orbit:

EVA ur kerbal up on the ladder and click on the little piece of the seat you can see on the top of UFO, then click: "board", enable SAS and RCS (keep always enabled), press STAGE and decouple the launcher, fire the jet engine and activate for 1 second rockets too (only 1 sec needed for separate UFO from launcher); then fly with only jet engine with an angle of 30, when you reach about 16km use an angle of 45 and 75 when at > 20km. If you do all fine then you should have a speed of 1400-1500m/s sufficient to reach 70km. At this pont do a normal orbiting manouver. use parachute for landing.




-Mantide jet-car roadster

It's a sportive hybrid car (electric and jet engine); in electric mode can go up to 20m/s, in jet mode can reach 200 km/h (55 m/s).

It's a roadster so it's cooler than a normal car, batman shoul be jealous of jebs and bill =)!


-Max speed: up to 60m/s

-Max crew capacity: 2

-Max fuel load: 45

-Batteries load: 1730


-Eva ur kerbals and right click on the seats and click "board"

-Use WASD for run on electric mode

-Press 1 for toggle jet mode


Engine power is setted to 26% setting to higher values can cause crashes, going faster than 60m/s is not safer!

The car comes colored in lime green (if u have kerbpaint plugin), otherwise it is loaded in default colour.

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Update to mantide jet car: Now features a new landing gear system to increase speed

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Press G to switch in super jet configuration

Max speed: 20m/s on electric mode

60 m/s in normal jet mode

about 140 m/s on super jet mode (490 km/h)


-Offshore boat

Top speed more than 90 m/s (330 km/h), with engines setted to 85% power; if you set 100% power then the boat can reach more than 400 km/h but she will be very dengerous for your kerbals.

some picks:

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-EDI UCAV from film stealth replica

This is a replica from the film stealth, all stock coloured with kerb paint.

It's VTOL.


1-toggle main engines

2-toggle VTOL engine

It's hard to control due the shape of the wings, but still enjoyable. :)

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-F/A-37 talon from film stealth replica

this time i have a little shiny gem for you: the FA-37 talon!

This was maybe even harder to build than the YF-12A.

All the design is stock (coloured with kerbpaint), and uses infernal robotics to move wings and rudders.

It performs very well at high altitudes: 24 km with a max speed of 6000 km/h.

The mobile wings aren't rigid, but i think they are ok.


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Edited by eorin
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Great stuff. You have a real knack for design. I'm a big fan of the YF-12

Thanks! I like to respect all the proprotions of the real plane with my replicas, thats simply the secret =)

The YF-12 is by far my best plane, it looks simple but i spent a lot of hours for make it, and if u look inside u could see some cool method to clip parts togeter.

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Awesome, though I had some problems.

First of all, I can't load the UFO SStO for some reason. I got V0.23.0.395 I think

Secondly, there is no action group for the mantide jet car. Dunno if it's supposed to do something more than toggle the jet engine

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Awesome, though I had some problems.

First of all, I can't load the UFO SStO for some reason. I got V0.23.0.395 I think

Secondly, there is no action group for the mantide jet car. Dunno if it's supposed to do something more than toggle the jet engine

For the UFO probably is a problem of game version. The mantide can only toggle jet on and off, and you can toggle lights by pressing U

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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