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Ksp Multiplayer Gamemodes suggestions

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2 Game modes Cooperative and competitive


- Option to set tech tree share or individual tech tree

- Option to see you friend is ship normally or needing to scan it

- Money trading for eventual costs

- Company logos and flags that can be added on the ship

- Live play (Mostly already a suggestion)


- Contracts competitions

- Some of the above

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To what end? What goals should there be? "Cooperative" implies there is some kind of end goal, as does "competitive".

It is my opinion that with the primarily sandbox nature of KSP, multiplayer of such a simplistic nature simply won't work.

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Well a first goal would be to complete your tech tree, Learn more about space and hopefully ( if they add random generated planets) Know more about their composition and etc .

Also when you play with your friend, you make your own goal. The goal is your imagination :D.

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To what end? What goals should there be? "Cooperative" implies there is some kind of end goal, as does "competitive".

It is my opinion that with the primarily sandbox nature of KSP, multiplayer of such a simplistic nature simply won't work.

as the ultimate goal of MP fanatics seems to be blowing up the "stuff" of other MP fanatics...

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as I recall so far what the official multiplayer is, is basically some basic server mechanics and a chat system, we don't really know how multiplayer will pan out.

Somehow I'd prefer mini servers where its just you and 1-4 friends no random noobs joining and fights can more easily controlled. (you could just make a station if your group wanted, no random griefers...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can think of two ways multiplayer could work: Single Player that runs on a server to prevent client side cheating, and actual Multiplayer where the craft of different players can dock, collide, and interact.

Assuming KSP is still Single Player, but the game is run from a server to prevent cheating:

Competitive Contracts: Multiple players are assigned the same mission at the same time. Leaderboards display how well players do based on how much faster or cheaper each player completes the contract. Contract rewards could be scaled based on how difficult the contract is for the player community to complete.

Junkyard Exploration: Receive missions to rescue, discover, or destroy craft submitted by other players. These craft would be in the same condition and orbit as they were when submitted. Yes, this means accepting certain missions (or paying Kredits for them?) would get you a fueling depot orbiting a planet of your choice!

Competitive science: Each player that receives science for a given experiment reduces the science subsequent players get for the same experiment by half. It's a space race to reach each biome first! The "winner" would be whoever collected the most science in a time limit.

Assuming multiple craft exist on the same server:

Simultaneous contracts: Multiple contracts are being completed by different players on the same server, at the same time. The catch is that each player doesn’t have the budget to complete his mission without pooling some of the costs with the others, such as by sharing launch vehicles, interplanetary drives, leaving unneeded fuel tanks in accessible orbits, etc.

Competitive contracts: complete the contract before your rival’s can! In case of a tie, the winner goes to either the cheapest or fastest Kerbinaut. Don’t worry if someone else is ahead of you, just ram their fuel depot or return vehicle with a missile! Note that the costs and time of all damaged vehicles, including missiles, go to the player that made that vehicle – war is expensive for all parties involved!

Competitive science: Each player that maxes out science for a given experiment reduces the science subsequent players get for the same experiment by half. It's a space race to reach each biome first! The "winner" would be whoever collected the most science in a time limit.

Kerbal War: These missions are specifically designed to get players to destroy each other’s craft and buildings. Contracts include capture the flags, last ship standing, capture the hill, etc.

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