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[WIP] Universal Storage

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I'm so very much looking forward to the next version. If I can put in some requests for new wedges (especially for the changes with TACLS 0.9, and RealismOverhaul):

- Carbon Extractor (Bosch reaction; CO2 + 2 H2 -> H2O + C) or Borsch + Integrated Electrolysis (CO2 -> C + O2).

- Compressor (Allows OX -> LOX, H2 -> LH2, etc)

Together, these would allow for the full range of life support functions to be supported by Universal Storage wedges. :)

Many thanks!!

~ pjf

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Reporting a slight nit-pick on the fuel cell. Unless we're doing things totally wrong in RealismOverhaul land, fuel cells use *more* LH2 than LO2. Hence I'd suggest swapping the oxygen/hydrogen labels on the fuel cell as it currently stands, so the LH2 tank is larger. :)

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Reporting a slight nit-pick on the fuel cell. Unless we're doing things totally wrong in RealismOverhaul land, fuel cells use *more* LH2 than LO2. Hence I'd suggest swapping the oxygen/hydrogen labels on the fuel cell as it currently stands, so the LH2 tank is larger. :)

Yep, that's on the cards for the next large update after TAC (0.8). 0.85 is likely going to be wedge refreshes (Apollo-esque spherical O2 tanks, the fuel cell revision, new water tanks, more radials, etc). 0.9 is going to be a larger release concerning more structural parts for the mod (adapters, new decouplers, shrouds, etc). 1.0 will be polishing, or little extra things we've overlooked. And of course there are bound to be smaller decimal releases in there for hotfixes or tiny changes.

I don't really have plans to make an extra dozen generator parts, are they really required for R\O?

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Yep, that's on the cards for the next large update after TAC (0.8). 0.85 is likely going to be wedge refreshes (Apollo-esque spherical O2 tanks, the fuel cell revision, new water tanks, more radials, etc). 0.9 is going to be a larger release concerning more structural parts for the mod (adapters, new decouplers, shrouds, etc). 1.0 will be polishing, or little extra things we've overlooked. And of course there are bound to be smaller decimal releases in there for hotfixes or tiny changes.

This sounds awesome! You rock! :)

I don't really have plans to make an extra dozen generator parts, are they really required for R\O?

Nope! I just love US and the octo-cores having access space through the middle of them, so want to put all my Life Support gear on them. I can always write a few .cfgs to make new parts from the existing models (and if you're cool for me to distribute those .cfg files, all the better!)

Many thanks, and really *do* keep up the great work! You're amazing!

~ pjf

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This sounds awesome! You rock! :)

Nope! I just love US and the octo-cores having access space through the middle of them, so want to put all my Life Support gear on them. I can always write a few .cfgs to make new parts from the existing models (and if you're cool for me to distribute those .cfg files, all the better!)

Many thanks, and really *do* keep up the great work! You're amazing!

~ pjf


Distributing .cfg's\ModuleManager configs are fine (license stuff is right at the bottom of the page), I'm just not keen on having my models or textures redistributed and changed. Causes issues with quality control, IP and copyright.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, sorry for the massive gap in progress, been churning out some new model concepts for TAC and revisions for current pieces :)

I've been working on implementing the wedge support clamps to the octocore, which was a right pain due to the amount of nodes (essentially 64 variants of fairing-to-node configurations i had to fudge through), plus making them totally optional with "toggle off" options per-part in the VAB. Also revising tanks to make Paul's resource balancing easier, and experimenting with EVA interface panels that actually look functional. The hatches are getting a cleanup too - a tad brighter to better match proper rocketry, and popular mods like KW and B9.


Made a new water tank too, experimenting with better shaders, specular and transparency. All the internal assets aren't there yet (water heater at the base, interior intake pipes, etc) but they will be eventually.


And yes, I know its not 100% accurate to real-life 0G water storage - but solid metal tanks eventually get boring :)

Edited by Daishi
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And yes, I know its not 100% accurate to real-life 0G water storage -

That's an understatement.

but solid metal tanks eventually get boring :)

I think you're overthinking it. The wedges will probably be closed most of the time. You should concentrate on the wedge texture more because they're just black and white with stripes. You're capable of a lot better than that. Have a look at Spaceplane Plus. Those panel textures look nice. Maybe try something like that.

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I think Bahamut has an animated tanks plugin *somewhere* (related to extraplanetary launchpads). You could make the water level visible. With, like, bubbles or something forming in there. And reacting to thrust :D

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I don't think I've shared this, so while we're working on the TAC pack, here is the resource flow we're planning to use. As you can see Waste is the only resource that is not used.

In the ISS waste is exposed to vacuum to kill bacteria then packaged into the progress supply vessel, which then burns up on reentry!

There is a case where solid waste could be used as fertilizer for the various greenhouse mods, but we'll leave it to those mod authors to make use of it if they wish.

The real world Sabatier reactor creates Methane, which we've approximated as liquid fuel. However this is easily changed by a modulemanager file for users of Real Fuels or Interstellar.

We haven't included a Bosch reactor because it creates Carbon which is a waste product and I prefer to reuse outputs as much as possible.


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Thank you for laying out your plans for the resource cycle. I am continually impressed by your vision for this mod, and the skill of your modelling/texturing. Out of curiosity do you have any future plans to make a CO2 extractor block that could be used on planets such as Duna to supply the Sabatier Reactor for the purpose of in-situ resource production (à la Mars Direct)?

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Thank you for laying out your plans for the resource cycle. I am continually impressed by your vision for this mod, and the skill of your modelling/texturing. Out of curiosity do you have any future plans to make a CO2 extractor block that could be used on planets such as Duna to supply the Sabatier Reactor for the purpose of in-situ resource production (à la Mars Direct)?

Hmm, well we had no plans for it. But I'm a HUGE fan of Mars Direct, so maybe...

Actually what would be really cool is a Mars Direct mod, with all the parts you need to run that mission. I know you could pull something together from other mods such as Real Fuels, but a self contained Mars Direct mod pack would be fantastic.

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You mean we can't have boring tanks? (Kicks dirt, sighs) ...Well, I guess.

Sorry, i've made my stand!

That's an understatement.

I think you're overthinking it. The wedges will probably be closed most of the time. You should concentrate on the wedge texture more because they're just black and white with stripes. You're capable of a lot better than that. Have a look at Spaceplane Plus. Those panel textures look nice. Maybe try something like that.

In good time, upping the contrast on the hatches will take me 10 seconds per texture map, a new seamless redesign will take me far longer. I'd rather invest the majority of my time now making new parts at this stage :) Porkjet's style is totally up my alley though. Squad HD+.

And personally, I want these interior parts to be visually distinguishable from a distance, so I needed to design it to be unique from the rest of the larger parts somehow. By having a transparent water tank I can also give myself an exercise in alpha and specular maps in prep for other projects in the future. Sure, it's a realism based mod, but it exists in a game that doesn't take itself too seriously. I think I can get away with a non-shielded water tank.

I think Bahamut has an animated tanks plugin *somewhere* (related to extraplanetary launchpads). You could make the water level visible. With, like, bubbles or something forming in there. And reacting to thrust :D

Well we'll have animated bubbles, but to make it straightforward in both microgravity and 1g+ environments, the tanks are filled right to the brim. I have no idea how to set multiple surface-tension states based on a crafts location or g-load, or make water slosh under acceleration; either way this method shouldn't lag your game as much as dynamic water physics should ;)

Thank you for laying out your plans for the resource cycle. I am continually impressed by your vision for this mod, and the skill of your modelling/texturing....



I overestimated the support for multiple material shaders in Unity, so i had to cut corners on the tank. I think it looks a little better in hindsight though - the simplicity suits the game.

Edited by Daishi
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If you want my 2 cents, in the picture you posted those tanks look REALLY transparent. They look more like glass panels than water tanks to me, they just don't look sturdy enough to be stacked in a rocket. Imho you should up the alpha a little bit :)

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If you want my 2 cents, in the picture you posted those tanks look REALLY transparent. They look more like glass panels than water tanks to me, they just don't look sturdy enough to be stacked in a rocket. Imho you should up the alpha a little bit :)

Sure, that's easy enough :) How's this?


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Hi! I tried to use an alkaline fuel cell/elektron pair as a "battery on steroids", but I failed to activate the Elektron:

Once I clicked on active, it shut right off. I thought it had to do with the entry in the part description,

Deactivates if full: true

but none of the ressources involved were "full".


Could this be a bug or am I misunderstanding something?

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