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[WIP] CoffeeIndustries Plane Parts - Jetliner and cargo planes


Heat tile belly or sky blue camo?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Heat tile belly or sky blue camo?

    • Heat tile
    • Sky blue camo

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I'm speechless :cool: Cargo bay is very good and passenger seats looks great, all those kerbals are fun.

You've go farer than I first imagine, great.

The only thing I see would be glass transparency from outside and take care of tex size and memory (I think you've already gather textures).

Then, we just need airports and runways :D.

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Wow. 5m airplanes. This+Firespitter=The Flying Lumberyard (a.k.a. Spruce Goose, Huges H4 Hercules). :) This has the potential to be the new B9. Are you also planning some high-bypass turbofan enignes? They'd be a lovely addition, probably looking much better than stock jets.

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Hah! This is fantastic. I'd be nice if we had more launch centers around Kerbin, so you could transfer Kerbalnauts from one locale to another. I'd agree with the textures looking a bit flat (even for KSP) bit I'll assume they are just work in progress.

Really great so far, I'll definitely snag this when it's ready.

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they look nice but for some reason they feel flat maybe its due to the colors lol.
Hah! This is fantastic. I'd be nice if we had more launch centers around Kerbin, so you could transfer Kerbalnauts from one locale to another. I'd agree with the textures looking a bit flat (even for KSP) bit I'll assume they are just work in progress.

Really great so far, I'll definitely snag this when it's ready.

Can you point out which parts of the texture looks flat, or do you mean like how everything looks dull and not shiny? I'm trying to keep it somewhat realistic as jetliners aren't really bumpy irl. Thanks!

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Is there any pic of what blue camo would look like on your plane ?

pics may help to vote, even I quite like the original color scheme.

"flat" maybe because your normal/bump map seems to be quite "soft". Compare your parts with stock in your vindicator (I think it is, the one with two canards in front), stock parts bump is stronger.

EDIT: why not also offer a single color all around the fuselage like IRL (and maybe many color scheme with help of FS texchanger module) ?

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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Can you point out which parts of the texture looks flat, or do you mean like how everything looks dull and not shiny? I'm trying to keep it somewhat realistic as jetliners aren't really bumpy irl. Thanks!

I might suggest baking AO into the textures; this will help a good deal.

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Nice work buddy! My aircrafts are waiting for your creation.

I also want to let you know a problem with the EVA from cockpit and passenger parts, that the round shape makes it difficult to attach ladder. So if they have built in ladder, the thing will go so much better.

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I might suggest baking AO into the textures; this will help a good deal.

Oh thanks! I'll look into that. Time to hit youtube lol.

Nice work buddy! My aircrafts are waiting for your creation.

I also want to let you know a problem with the EVA from cockpit and passenger parts, that the round shape makes it difficult to attach ladder. So if they have built in ladder, the thing will go so much better.

Ah ok, I've noticed that as well, but if I include a ladder, then it will only extend to a certain length. I can either make it extend to the ground from the height of the plane on the stock landing gears, or I could model in a flat panel right below the doors do attach ladders to.

The biggest question is, will it be FAR compatible?

Maybe. I don't use FAR and don't know how implement it. But I'll look into it once everything is finished and working with the stock aerodynamics.

anybody else agree for the RPM For the cockpit and such? mixed with the normal instruments/

I might add it, it really depends on how easy it is to add. I haven't really looked at it yet as I don't use it. But after everything is done and working in game, I'll look at it. It will have stock props though.

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So totally looking foreward to this, and as for RPM I belive it's just like putting in normal props in IVA, I mean I suppose you can look at the standard layouts they have and muck about with those to see how they work, since this would totally be perfect for your Airliner parts and glass cockpits and all that jazz

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Maybe. I don't use FAR and don't know how implement it. But I'll look into it once everything is finished and working with the stock aerodynamics.

I look forward to it when it is.

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I agree that the parts feel "flat", almost like dev placeholder textures. Compare the way the standard parts (or the B9 parts) look to these- these are almost cartoonish, with flat shading and no "texture" to the surfaces. The IVA work is fantastic though- I'll keep an eye on this for sure.

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