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B9 5.0 pre-release (with download)


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Someone else found it, im not liable that they posted the link im just posting my reddit link, what you do from there is your responsibility.


Will remove at the request of any B9 Author

Edit: Mod, or author of the post with the link deleted it.

Edited by Nsomnia
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Someone else found it, im not liable that they posted the link im just posting my reddit link, what you do from there is your responsibility.


Will remove at the request of any B9 Author

Yeah that was me, now that I think about it I probably shouldn't have given the link away but I assumed if the devs wanted it secret they would have made the project private instead of -REDACTED-

Sorry if I caused any trouble. :(

Edited by medsouz
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Yeah that was me

I would probly remove the instsruction on finding it, let anyone with common sense play with it. Others can wait for the stable final release. Or until an idiot releases all.

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Just wanted to point out the spelling error for the description of the HL cockpit. Fusilage→Fuselage.

Not that I myself am picky, just thought you would like the heads up.

Also, I never understood why the R12 RCS thruster block is lower in power when the price and size is twice (plus it has more thrust nozzles) that of the other 2 RCS blocks, I personally just change the configuration for that but was wondering why this decision was made.

Edited by JonBar
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YES!, i found it finally. not gonna tell where out of respect to the modders but i will give this one hint; all the info needed is in this thread and the google search i found it through gave only 3 results with 2 words.

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dont give away too much details feel special while you can hahah by the time i wake up tomorrow someone will proly have it rar'ed and posted all over fb, kspforums, and reddit its actually quite easy to find, i hope theres more new parts except the HX parts when the final version is released.

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Not super happy about having sprung a leak, I assume it's my fault, I thought you needed permissions to download/modify the repo. :\

Well if you guys that got it report back with any issues (or suggestions) you come across I guess we could consider you semi-official testers.

People asking for a lower resolution texture pack, use Active Texture Management, makes texture packs redundant, can also use "-force-opengl" after the shortcut (properties -> set launch options in steam) cuts RAM usage about 1GB. (Though it can do weird things to the RPM displays' layer blending stuff, colors can get inversed etc).

The HX capacitor used to be it's own dedicated part, I assume one or more of the HX parts have a battery variant?

Edited by K3|Chris
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B9 return is exciting news.

I wonder if I can create a space program where everything is sent up with a SSTO reusable craft using this and spaceplane +.....

Yes you can. I've been playing like that for a long time. Either of the two packs is good enough, but my favourite is to skip all the wings from either pack and go with procedural wings for all lifting needs. Fuselage sections, intakes, tails are excellent in B9 but the big thing in either are the cockpits/pods. I've run successful operations using only spaceplanes (FAR, AJE) with only the cockpits, p-wings and cargo-bays. In career mode you have to do some junk missions first to get reasonable parts, though.

As for me, with a new release of B9 coming, I'm looking forward to playing KSP more seriously again. To be honest, B9 is more important to me than stock updates at this point since I'm rather lukewarm to how science and contracts work.

Edited by SSR Kermit
spelling, completness
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Not super happy about having sprung a leak, I assume it's my fault, I thought you needed permissions to download/modify the repo. :\

Well if you guys that got it report back with any issues (or suggestions) you come across I guess we could consider you semi-official testers.

People asking for a lower resolution texture pack, use Active Texture Management, makes texture packs redundant, can also use "-force-opengl" after the shortcut (properties -> set launch options in steam) cuts RAM usage about 1GB. (Though it can do weird things to the RPM displays' layer blending stuff, colors can get inversed etc).

The HX capacitor used to be it's own dedicated part, I assume one or more of the HX parts have a battery variant?

I made it public because reasons.

Most of the base, non-adapter HX parts have a capacitor version.

A note about HX, I still need to do a final pass on the engine/generator values, so don't get too attached to your ships just yet.

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found a couple of issues,

the larger triangular rcs seems to only fire in one direction and not both.

the largest cockpit has the first and second person clipping through the roof in the pictures on the bottom right.

[will look for more in the morning]

not problem related but figured i'd show my first attempt.


Edited by etopsirhc
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the largest cockpit has the first and second person clipping through the roof in the pictures on the bottom right.

You're right, it's tiny but it's there, caused by a regression in model, easy enough to fix.

I appreciate your willingness to help people, but specificity is the key to good bug reporting, specific part names would be helpful, screenshots more so. And please note the S3 and Mk5 cockpits are due for complete overhauls, their IVAs if they have one are stock (squad) or stock (squad) + RPM, any and all issues you have with them aren't mine to help you with (yet).

Also try and have as few additional mods as possible, several mods modify B9 in ways no longer necessary or outright incompatible, main sticking points are RPM (we bundle it without the B9 changes, will replace my IVAs if you use it) FireSpitter (we bundle a pre-release version I think, anyway old FS.dll's break the one part many fuels feature) and Hotrockets has a redundant engine setup for B9 (should still work though you don't get Tav's improved version).

If you find a bug at least consider installing B9 on a clean .24.2 install before reporting it.

Oh and obviously delete your old B9 folder before installing, folder structure completely re-done.

Edited by K3|Chris
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Ok since some of you feel left out here is the download:


And here is where you submit bug reports:


But please read my earlier post (2 up from this one) about how to make good bug reports also please check the other bugs first to make sure you don't submit a duplicate.

Try it on a clean .24.2 install

This download is provided as-is for testing purposes, we give no guarantees what so ever about it's stability, and no guarantees the vessels you make using it will work with release version.

List of known issues for you:

F119 Turbofan Engine (F22 looking jet engine) isn't supposed to gimbal horizontally, fix for the plugin incoming.

SABRE fx needs more tweaking.

HX engine needs a final balance pass.

S3 and Mk5 don't have B9 IVAs yet, S3 uses Mk1 squad IVA, Mk5 has squad's "lets stare at a wall" Mk3, both are getting re-done external models and given bespoke IVAs in "5.1".

Please don't distribute the links without including the proper instructions/information, and please don't re-host (I'm not sure there is a legal case for not rehosting but we're asking you nicely) I don't want a pre-release version to get falsely labeled as release and get spread to the masses. Let us polish it first.

I put this here and not in OP for a good reason, I don't want the general public to see it first thing with no pretext, it's here for you that actually read the thread and understand it's pre-release nature.

Edited by K3|Chris
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Ok since some of you feel left out here is the download:


And here is where you submit bug reports:


But please read my earlier post (2 up from this one) about how to make good bug reports also please check the other bugs first to make sure you don't submit a duplicate.,

This download is provided as-is for testing purposes, we give no guarantees what so ever about it's stability, and no guarantees the vessels you make using it will work with release version.

Please don't distribute the links without including the proper instructions/information, and please don't re-host (I'm not sure there is a legal case for not rehosting but we're asking you nicely) I don't want a pre-release version to get falsely labeled as release and get spread to the masses. Let us polish it first.

I put this here and not in OP for a good reason, I don't want the general public to see it first thing with no pretext, it's here for you that actually read the thread and understand it's pre-release nature.

Well, that's a pretty awesome birthday present :) One day late, but I think I'll let you off :P

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Not sure whether it is an issue or just a lack of understanding on my side, but there are two radial intakes, B9_Aero_Intake_DSI and B9_Aero_Intake_DSIX. The smaller one, DSI, has intake area of 0.005, while the larger one, DSIX, has smaller area, 0.00025. True for both version 4 and current repository. Is this correct/intended?

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Not sure whether it is an issue or just a lack of understanding on my side, but there are two radial intakes, B9_Aero_Intake_DSI and B9_Aero_Intake_DSIX. The smaller one, DSI, has intake area of 0.005, while the larger one, DSIX, has smaller area, 0.00025. True for both version 4 and current repository. Is this correct/intended?

Air intakes are utter voodoo, I have no real clue how they work, Tav has a better idea I think but the whole intake air system in KSP is pretty wonky.

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Oh and a list of known issues for you:

F119 Turbofan Engine (F22 looking jet engine) isn't supposed to gimbal horizontally, fix for the plugin incoming.

SABRE fx needs more tweaking.

HX engine needs a final balance pass.

S3 and Mk5 don't have B9 IVAs yet, S3 uses Mk1 squad IVA, Mk5 has squad's "lets stare at a wall" Mk3, both are getting re-done external models and given bespoke IVAs in "5.1".

Current state of S3 v2:

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I could have crammed it into 5.0 if I rushed it by re-using assets etc, but I want to give it a bespoke feel, HL needs some tweaking later because I was a bit lazy and re-used a lot of S2 assets.

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I guess if you feel it might iron out some bugs good on ya for posting it late in the thread where it will get "lost". Im not, and i suggest no one else post it to social media, rummaging around the repo k3 and tar seem to have everything under control.

Leonardo Valeri Manera committed df93f6d
2 hours ago
CFG: Add ATM config

Does this mean even less memory use when everythings polished and done?

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