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B9 5.0 pre-release (with download)


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Interesting, is there a specific purpose in mind or do we have to use our imagination. Also are we getting any cargo bays larger then the current HL bays that wont fit much more then 2.5m tanks?

Honestly, at the size they are the 'practical' uses are shipping enormous quantities of propellants to the orbit of various planets to use as refueling stations.

There are 4 sizes:


HX2 (2x HX1 side-by-side)

HX4 (4x in a square arrangement)

HX0 (half an HX1)

The 'basic' size 1 HX module masses 30 tons, and though its only .5m longer than a large NASA tank, holds very nearly 3x as much fuel, or 59k MonoPropellant ... or 700k ECharge.

That you can easily assemble them in orbit with specialized docking ports, and the dual mode 'mainsail/nuke' engine is just a natural outgrowth of that, so you can orbit them piecemeal with 'sane' launch systems and then move them to where you need them without needing 50-engine contraptions of fps doom.

For anything else, use stock modules and stack them in a hangar or hang them off the outside. They look so small you'll hardly notice them. A science lab the size of a palace is funny until you realize its also a 30-ton science lab.

Even after seeing the pictures I doubt most you quite realize the scale of the HX system. Those small tanks hanging off like limpets are 2.5m and 3.75m.

The largest nodes it has are size 12.

The heaviest single part masses 191 tons.

You can assemble stuff in orbit with part counts (minus docking nodes) of around 20 that mass ~1500 tons and hold over a million units of fuel.

That's a heck of a lot of refuels for whatever your space program is using.

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Honestly, at the size they are the 'practical' uses are shipping enormous quantities of propellants to the orbit of various planets to use as refueling stations.

There are 4 sizes:


HX2 (2x HX1 side-by-side)

HX4 (4x in a square arrangement)

HX0 (half an HX1)

The 'basic' size 1 HX module masses 30 tons, and though its only .5m longer than a large NASA tank, holds very nearly 3x as much fuel, or 59k MonoPropellant ... or 700k ECharge.

That you can easily assemble them in orbit with specialized docking ports, and the dual mode 'mainsail/nuke' engine is just a natural outgrowth of that, so you can orbit them piecemeal with 'sane' launch systems and then move them to where you need them without needing 50-engine contraptions of fps doom.

For anything else, use stock modules and stack them in a hangar or hang them off the outside. They look so small you'll hardly notice them. A science lab the size of a palace is funny until you realize its also a 30-ton science lab.

Even after seeing the pictures I doubt most you quite realize the scale of the HX system. Those small tanks hanging off like limpets are 2.5m and 3.75m.

The largest nodes it has are size 12.

The heaviest single part masses 191 tons.

You can assemble stuff in orbit with part counts (minus docking nodes) of around 20 that mass ~1500 tons and hold over a million units of fuel.

That's a heck of a lot of refuels for whatever your space program is using.

This all sounds truly amazing! However with all these huge parts and pieces, whats the frame rate gonna be like?

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I really can't wait. :) Please, hurry up, it's the last thing missing for me to start building planes again. And I really can't wait for the new ultrahuge fuselages.

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This all sounds truly amazing! However with all these huge parts and pieces, whats the frame rate gonna be like?

Better, KSP's framerate is pretty much linked to partcount, huge parts = less parts for the same mass.

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This all sounds truly amazing! However with all these huge parts and pieces, whats the frame rate gonna be like?

They all use 1 common texture and have very low-polygon meshes. Probably higher than if you used a 'normal' rocket of the same size.

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Honestly, at the size they are the 'practical' uses are shipping enormous quantities of propellants to the orbit of various planets to use as refueling stations.

There are 4 sizes:


HX2 (2x HX1 side-by-side)

HX4 (4x in a square arrangement)

HX0 (half an HX1)

The 'basic' size 1 HX module masses 30 tons, and though its only .5m longer than a large NASA tank, holds very nearly 3x as much fuel, or 59k MonoPropellant ... or 700k ECharge.

That you can easily assemble them in orbit with specialized docking ports, and the dual mode 'mainsail/nuke' engine is just a natural outgrowth of that, so you can orbit them piecemeal with 'sane' launch systems and then move them to where you need them without needing 50-engine contraptions of fps doom.

For anything else, use stock modules and stack them in a hangar or hang them off the outside. They look so small you'll hardly notice them. A science lab the size of a palace is funny until you realize its also a 30-ton science lab.

Even after seeing the pictures I doubt most you quite realize the scale of the HX system. Those small tanks hanging off like limpets are 2.5m and 3.75m.

The largest nodes it has are size 12.

The heaviest single part masses 191 tons.

You can assemble stuff in orbit with part counts (minus docking nodes) of around 20 that mass ~1500 tons and hold over a million units of fuel.

That's a heck of a lot of refuels for whatever your space program is using.

Sounds interesting, the reason I asked about larger bays is that I wanted to do an OKS station with ELP using only SSTO, problem I ran into is that some of the parts would never fit inside the HL cargo holds. Like the fugly blue workshop or a 4 or 6 port 2.5m hub, they end up clipping threw the doors or into the fuselage. Sounds like the HX will have lots of room, it may look a little funny on the runway but hey its whether it works not looks that really count(looks are nice to thou).

I am very much looking forward to B9 V5.

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Sounds like the HX will have lots of room, it may look a little funny on the runway but hey its whether it works not looks that really count(looks are nice to thou).

With B9 Aerospace, there's no such thing as bad looks. Every part looks absolutely stunning. Even that giant lump of... huge rocket pieces shown previously looked pretty high-tech and beautiful.

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Yup, parts of this size act somewhat funny in FAR. For example, the Energia I tried developing for RSS acted like it was in vacuum. :) Huge engine gimbal ranges+enormous mass will give you such results (that was before aerodynamic failures, of course). I really can't wait to play around with all that, especially now that BahamutoD has released new aircraft guns and missiles... :)

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what are the locks for?

Press both to make the cover open, hole will have transparent material over it with a design painted on top, idea is to make the button impossible to press by accident, but you can see the button behind the cover.


Even better:er image.


Edited by K3|Chris
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