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I Finally Did It!


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So after spending all day trying to figure it out I have successfully completed my new ship using 3 direct intercept dock maneuvers. Since I had only docked once before it was a bit of a challenge, but with a little help from a tutorial video and a few revert to launches I got it done! I think the funnest part was delivering the two landers, which came on one ship and had to be docked individually. which involved setting the delivery vehicle up to shadow the main ship and decoupling the landers and docking them individually.

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Now to figure out where this thing is actually gonna go :P

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Congrats! Last night, I just finished putting together a 30km polar orbiting Mun station (screens are on my home PC, sadly). In the process, I reused the same Mun tug to move every module from Low Kerbin Orbit to the station, so I did a whole bunch of those direct launch-to-rendezvous maneuvers (refueling tankers and the modules themselves meeting up with the tug). Fun!

Love your results! hope the ship goes far!

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It amuses me to see that I'm not the only one who ends up building short, fat launchers.

Yeah most of my launchers end up looking like this. I don't know why it is, but it is.

This ship looks really good! Where are you planning to take it?

Well I just happened to have a transfer window to Jool and Moho open. Jool is out though since I don't have enough life support to make that trek, so Moho it is!

Are you using joint reinforcement? If so you should use 2.5m ports. They're stronger.

I don't have those ports unlocked yet, this mission is hopefully going to get me the science I need to get those though!

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