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How do I go about putting this rover on this craft?

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Well, you could put it on radial decouplers on your lander fuel tanks (either taking a spare rover, or figuring out the correct counterweight) - or you could give it its own decent engine and parachutes (skycrane), and attach it to the top, and then land it before the lander. or you could land it on top of your ship, and then use a couple sepratrons and a parachute and blow it off the top - but your probably need to strut the crap out of it for a safe landing.

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Mine is much smaller but I just stacked it on top. Bottom to top it's:

Lander (docking port on top)

Coupler which stays on bottom of rover (not necessary since it's on a docking port but used cause I can stage it during descent)


Rover landing package (2 sepratrons to keep it away from lander and 2 parachutes, detach with coupler after landing)

Above it is the return tug that just undocked.


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I've considered putting it under, but it's simply too wide to fit.

I've tried putting it on top, however it's pretty unbalanced and I have no idea how to counter the weight, so that's no good. I've considered putting 2 of them on the sides, but it ends up being way too heavy to go anywhere meanwhile.

Any more ideas? :)

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I've considered putting it under, but it's simply too wide to fit.

I've tried putting it on top, however it's pretty unbalanced and I have no idea how to counter the weight, so that's no good. I've considered putting 2 of them on the sides, but it ends up being way too heavy to go anywhere meanwhile.

Any more ideas? :)

I understand how you might feel. I encountered the same kinds of problems at first. Now I actually start by building my rover. Then I build my lander/ return vehicle above and around it. Then I build the transfer vehicle. Lastly I build (or attach a subassembly of) the launch vehicle. Yes, I actually control the craft from the rover; but one can set control to the lander pod if desired. Good luck!

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Your target is Laythe?

I would land it separate, put it on top of lander, separator (the blue ones) between pod and rover bottom, put an small decopler upside down on top of rover, 90 liter fuel tank should probably be enough and 2-4 48-7S on struts so they don't hit the rover then burning.

two parachutes on the tank, I assume you have an probe core on the rover, if this face forward you will need one on top of fuel tank too so you get the right direction. remember to strut tank to rover.

after landing just fire up the rockets a bit and decople to get rid of the fuel and engines :)

Important to have probe on rover so you can drive it to lander, boring to walk two kilometers to it.

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