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There's a Rover Upstrairs!! How did he?!?!

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after 10 consecutive launch without any error or anything being forgotten to do or put on. the kerbal engineers got some bonus from the higher ups. so they all ddecide to take a break designing........ ROCKETS.... they wanted to have fun designing other stuff once in a while.

one of them came up with an idea that's hard to say no to....

a vehicle of some kind, that is faster than the kerbals running pace, yet still as agile.....

for one of the testing, this is what the challenge for you...

create a rover small enough to go up the stairs on the side of the mission control building


1. must consist at least 3 wheels, any wheels will do.

2. RCS is allowed but limited. only 1 'put anywhere thingy' RCS thruster allowed i forgot the name okay?

3. any kind of rockets is not allowed

4. must not have any jettisoned part while climbing (is this even possible tho? i cant think of anyone doing this, but just to be safe)

5. must consist at least 3 pictures. 1 the run up before the stairs, 1 while climbing, 1 on front of the top floors door.

rules are to be updated at anytime.

6. mods are allowed as long as they are not OP for this challenge

here's my try

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i did it in 2:40 :D

KSP starts the timer start when all of your wheels are 'off the ground'. so the timer only starts when you started climbing the stairs.

which is good, what i wanted to time is how fast you can climb. not how fast you can get to the stairs and then climb. this is a test of pure micro rover agility.


Bit_reaper 1:38

majorjim 2:23

Koolkei 2:40

have fun guys :D

Edited by Koolkei
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Are mods allowed, like mods that add wheels or will there be a seperate mod category?

i forgot this...


i dont know anymore mods that add a lot of wheel besides B9. and even the B9 ones are not exactly ideal

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The Firespitter tail gear can be used as a rover wheel, is that too OP?

is that a powered wheel?

i've never used that mod.

i dont know the size either... (btw you actually need quite the power when climbing)

i guess if you put only 1 or 2 it's fine but the rest is vanilla maybe....

but i'm not sure. so im letting this one go.

use it :D

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is that a powered wheel?

i've never used that mod.

i dont know the size either... (btw you actually need quite the power when climbing)

i guess if you put only 1 or 2 it's fine but the rest is vanilla maybe....

but i'm not sure. so im letting this one go.

use it :D

It's a single wheel, so i'm now testing it with 4 attached, because 2 makes it like a bicycle. Yes, it is powered and stearable and not very big.

Edited by asdier
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He he I have two manned rovers that can climb the stairs at the KSC.

The SKR-1


And my Dragon rovers


I will post the climb pictures later today.


good luck.

i will certainly belief it's kinda hard with that rover.

my rover was long and front heavy, but still back flipped really easily, especially when i climb without the RCS boosting me up

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good luck.

i will certainly belief it's kinda hard with that rover.

my rover was long and front heavy, but still back flipped really easily, especially when i climb without the RCS boosting me up

Challenge complete.

They wont break any speed records.. The smaller of the two, the SKR-1, made it in around 2:30 and the bigger one, the KR-1, in around 2:23.

Here are the pics:













This was fun!


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Is this dead then..?

maybe.... although quite the number views this thread gets is not terrible, it's not really popular either.

btw.... did you climb the right building??

i had a feeling you climbed the wrong one, since there's a lot of room upstairs

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maybe.... although quite the number views this thread gets is not terrible, it's not really popular either.

btw.... did you climb the right building??

i had a feeling you climbed the wrong one, since there's a lot of room upstairs

Yeah I went up a different set. They are actually higher

Than the one in the op.


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