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Extended Mission Habitation Pod

Legendary Emu

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It could be Extended Mission HAbitation Pod (EMHAP)

Okay, I was kinda bored and needed something to do with blender so I thought I should make a cool 1 meter command pod that has lots of space and lots of visibility meant for 1 man deep space missions. Eventually I want to stick an extra habitation module which adds another kerbal and it attaches on the bottom.

I got a working part!

Candy Coloured Command Capsule AKA the testing version of this.



Mercury Edition

  • Develop a working part to prove that I can make a mod - DONE!
  • Get a basic UV map or something
  • Roughly balance it
  • Make a basic IVA
  • Get an alpha download?

Gemini Edition

  • Get a good texture with a bump map and normal map
  • Make a better IVA
  • Add a nice little service module part
  • Balance it better.

Edited by Legendary Emu
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  Neutrinovore said:
Please use something other than Sketchfab to post pictures? :( It's a resource hog even on a desktop PC, never mind a smartphone. Anyway, all I get when I try to view the above 'image' is "Sorry, the model cannot be displayed."

Sketchfab is HTML compliant. Maybe try a different browser?

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  Legendary Emu said:
I'll totally need help with texturing because I have no idea how to texture.

LegendaryEmu-Ponything, its not that hard :D

Well, its a long process, but there are a ton of tutes out there to help. It starts with proper UV's. Here's one from my (ex) uni I learnt from. Its for Maya though, but i'm pretty sure you can pick up a trial version or something, OR apply the same principles to Blender (they should be very similar).


You can get a lot more complex, but its a start. Actually texturing things is straightforward, just be aware of what UV piece relates to what part of the model, and try paint over terminating edges so that they line up on the other side. Use Gimp or photoshop, but learning how to use THEM is a big job in itself :\

Good luck! We all start somewhere :)

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I made a horrible UV map (Candy Coloured Command Capsule, anyone?) and now I'm gonna slap that and the model together to make a caveman of a part so that I can fix up some kind of stock CFG for it and possibly crash the game. It's kind of a race to see if I can get a working thing in KSP.

Also I'd like to mention I'm happy that people like this idea :D I hope I can get something that won't crash computers before too long.

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