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What do you think about the movie Elysium


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I was on it in the cinema, it was some time ago now, I decided to watch it again.

I mean especially the ending of the movie, when the poor took over control at Elysium, and humanitarian aid has been sent to earth by the AI.

After all Elysium resources are limited, it could be enough for a small group of the population consisting of "elite" but not for 10 billion people, I wonder if it could not only aggravate the problems?

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considering the ease at which the shuttles no bigger than a large helicopter made it from earth to the station kinda made me wonder why the rest of the solar system wasn't colonized already, why no build other colonies to take up the earth's surplus population. other things, like how were they keeping atmosphere in the station, considering the inside of the toroid was open to space. there would need to be some kind of containment field in play there. it screams of: "we have the technology to fix every problem in this world, but we dont because durr"

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I like science fiction, but this movie didn't make a lot of sense. Its obviously a "good have not's versus the evil have's" story but it gets washed out with technical ironies. For instance, we have robot police, robot parole officers and robotic surgery, but we have humans making robots, instead of ... robots making robots. We have a thug who gets his

face blown off and is presumably killed

and later, a surgery unit fixes him right up, even correcting for aging (though he shouldn't have had his

beard restored and trimmed

. However the protagonist suffered a relatively intact

death and the surgery unit could not reboot his intact brain

. Then there is a shoulder launched missile flying in a straight line and in seconds ... well, you get the idea.

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  Coldfinger008 said:
This sounds vastly different from the grimdark movie i watched o_o

nothing grimdark about it. just your typical rich vs poor robin hood type story, its just some of it happens in space.

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  p331083 said:
Movie was terrible political crap. The level of technology shown simply did not match up with realities of the movie.

I agree.

Bad movie.

Re-allocating resources to the poor in Elysium would have been a waste of resources. Why? Because there are too many of them. And if they cured all of the cancers and illnesses, there'd be even MORE of them... leading to further strains on the Earth.

As a world where overpopulation was obviously an issue, wouldn't we devote more resources to the productive individuals on Elysium as opposed to squandering it on the unproductive?

BUT if the people on Elysium were just rich because they owned a coporation that made, say jeans, then NO they don't deserve the resources. Nor do the actors in Hollywood or the CEO's of non vital consumer products.

If Elysium was for the best and brightest of humanity that were crucial in developing sciences that could improve our society, then yeah sure they were justified. But if it was only for the rich, then screw them.

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