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Has anybody ever managed Aerial refueling?


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I gave it a go, but wasn't able to get there because of the back thrust from the refueling craft...

Here's my attempt! <bold>NOW ADDED A SECOND ATTEMPT - much more succesful!</bold>

Edited by Callisto
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  Thomas988 said:
Wait, that's possible?! That's straight out of Ender's Shadow!
Or the real world :P

Anyway, I've not attempted it, but real aerial refuellers tend to have the refuelled craft fly somewhat below the refueller, which would take it out of the jet blast.

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That's very cool, nice attempt! Gonna have to try that.

I agree with Twreed87, you want the docking ports so the small one docks onto the back of the larger one. Or you could use IR and have a port on the fuel plane on an extendable arm that puts the port behind but below the fuel plane (kinda like they do in RL).

Where you able to switch craft with the throttle up? That used to be possible (I flew two craft side by side to orbit like this once), but when I last tried to do it the game prevented me from switching when the throttle was up, and sometimes its fussy about switching inside the atmo. Did you find a way to disable these rules?

Edited by katateochi
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I've been trying for a while, but I can't quite get the two planes close enough to dock or whatever. My piloting skills just aren't good enough to prevent my plane being flung away from (or, occasionally, into) the other plane, even with caps lock. I think it may be the back thrust of the other plane throwing me off. Maybe using RCS for closing the distance and moving the plane where it needs to be might work, I haven't tried. Might give it a shot tomorrow, doesn't seem like it would be too useful in the thicker atmosphere though, and RCS is heavy.

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It said "Cannot switch vessals while in atmosphere" please tell me how you did this...
Yes this would seem to me to make this an impossibility.

The closest I have come is ground refueling at fuel stores dropped on the poles from orbit with my X-7R Aircraft and its detachable rover.



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easiest way would just to make an LKO refueler instead of mid air one.

3 challenges to overcome

1. Can't switch vehicles while taking off from runway for some reason (needs to be fixed) Can work around this limitation by "kludging" the 2 aircraft together and launching that way

2. the 2.5k range for other moving vehicles disappearing, rather pointless to have a refueler on station if you can't get 3k+ from it

3. Even if you overcome the 1st 2 midair docking is a pita; currently I'm 1 for 7 attempts, exercise in frustration

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  katateochi said:
That's very cool, nice attempt! Gonna have to try that.

I agree with Twreed87, you want the docking ports so the small one docks onto the back of the larger one. Or you could use IR and have a port on the fuel plane on an extendable arm that puts the port behind but below the fuel plane (kinda like they do in RL).

Where you able to switch craft with the throttle up? That used to be possible (I flew two craft side by side to orbit like this once), but when I last tried to do it the game prevented me from switching when the throttle was up, and sometimes its fussy about switching inside the atmo. Did you find a way to disable these rules?

I think they have to be within 2kms for you to switch craft... It's awesome though... you could have a huge formation of planes going at the same time!

- - - Updated - - -

  Motokid600 said:
How were you able to switch crafts in atmosphere?

You can switch craft as long as they are within 2KM (might be more)! use the [ & ] keys :)

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I have an idea of refueling in atmosphere. I will need KAS and the Claw from 0.23.5

Imagine a big refueling plane. You extend the claw with a winch and fly in it with a smaller craft. It would make it realistic.

For stock players, just attach the claw at the rear or to the bottom of the refueling craft or to the top of the jet and make a contact with the other aircraft in mid-flight.

What do you think guys? (can I have a cookie?) :)

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One other problem is the nose of the the refueler craft has to keep it's nose up... even with trimming... :(

I'm going to do what some people have suggested and have the decoupler on top of the fuselage of the refueler craft... If anybody has had a go, I'd love to see it!

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  Nemrav said:
somebody made a challenge, and people completed it, but I was always stubbed by cannot switch vessels within atmosphere :(

You just have to be close enough... so you would need to launch the craft at the same time (like the video)...

I think the max distance is 2.6km (someone could clarify??)... or whatever the visible distance is...

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  Callisto said:
You just have to be close enough... so you would need to launch the craft at the same time (like the video)...

I think the max distance is 2.6km (someone could clarify??)... or whatever the visible distance is...

actually you CAN't launch them at the same time anymore, no idea why/when this changed I certainly can't in any of my saves. You CAN however switch between vehicles that are already airborne that are within 2.5-2.6k of each other.

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