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[1.2.2](Dec10/16) Action Groups Extended: 250 Action Groups, in-flight editing. Now kOS/RemoteTech


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Action Groups Extended Version 2.2

Can be found on the CKAN as Action Groups Extended

Joystick and Controller Users: See this post for specific instructions to assign joystick/controller buttons to action groups.

This mod respects career mode VAB/SPH progress and only shows unlocked action groups by default.

To override and always have all action groups available, find the KSP\GameData\Diazo\AGExt\AGExt.cfg file and change the "OverrideCareer" value to 1 (one) from 0 (zero). You can also use the new stock ActionGroupsAlwaysAvaialble option in-game, found under Custom Difficutly -> Advanced Options.

-Option to override Career Mode action groups lockout on low level buildings to use action groups immediately if desired (Disabled by default)

-Increase the number of action groups to 250

-Edit Actions in Flight.

-Name Action Groups on a per vessel basis, so you can remember what is assigned where

-Actions state can be color coded based on status. (Note this defaults to off.)

-Toggle monitoring allows visual feedback of actions that lack this, such as the "Inverted Steering" on a wheel.

-Supports saving actions to sub-assemblies

Mods aware of this mod and can activate all 250 action groups:

Auto Actions: Automatically activate action groups (and RCS/SAS) on launching a new vessel.

Smart Parts: Activate an action group on a time delay, or at a set altitude or a fuel tank being empty.

kOS Scriptable Autopilot System: Control your vessel with scripts to automate vessel control tasks. (kOS 15.6 or newer)

RemoteTech: Support for signal delay and RT's Flight Computer


How to edit actions in flight?

Right-click (not left-click) the AGX button in flight mode and select the 'Edit' button.

How to assign actions to non-number groups (Brakes/Gear/etc.)

On the Groups window, click the Other button.


Download latest version can be found here.

All releases are archived here if you are running an older KSP version.

Note that ModuleManager is a required dependency. (Click here to download.)

Full changelog here.

This mod is released under the GPL 3 license and source code is on GitHub.

List of supported partModules for toggle state monitoring is here.


The GameData folder inside the zip file is to be merged with the GameData folder in your KSP directory. The AGExt.dll should end up at KSPInstall\GameData\Diazo\AGext\AGext.dll

Toolbar support is included, but is optional. If Blizzy's toolbar is not installed, the AGX icon will appear on the stock toolbar instead.

Quick Start



1) Assign an action:

-Click the part that contains the action, all parts in symmetry will be selected by default and show in the Selected Parts List. To change to another part, just click it, the parts list will clear itself and select the new parts if they are different. If the parts are the same they will be added to the list. Clicking on a part in the list removes just that part from the list. A Blue Cross will hover over parts currently selected, a Red X will show over a part when you mouse-over it's button in the list.

-Select the group you wish to assign the action to in the Groups Window.

-All actions available on the part will now show in the Actions List (below the selected parts list). Click on an action to assign it to the current action group. It will now show in the Actions window. Actions currently assigned to the currently selected action group will show in the Actions window and a small green X will indicate the parts these actions are assigned to.

-The clicked action will now show in the Actions window, note that actions appear for individual parts, if you had 4 parts listed in the Selected Parts list, 4 Actions will appear in the Actions window, one for each part.

2) Remove an action:

-Select the Action Group that has the action assigned in the Groups Window.

-Click the Action in the Actions Window, on mouse-over a red X will appear on the part containing the action so you can tell similar actions apart.

3) Name a Group:

-Click on the Group Name text box, this is a free-entry box for typing with the keyboard.

4) Change a keybind:

-Groups 1-10 are assigned to the 1-10 number keys to match the KSP defaults. Other groups have no key assigned by default.

-Click on the Keybind Key ("Alpha1" in the above image), a new window showing all available keys will pop-up. Click the button representing the key you wish to assign. Assigning the key by pressing the physical key on the keyboard does not work.

5) Activate group in flight:

-Press the assigned key on the keyboard or click the action group on the Flight window.

-The Flight window can be shown/hidden by Left-Clicking the AGX icon on the toolbar. (Right-Clicking the AGX icon opens the menu.)

Full AGX Manual on Google Docs. (In progress, only 10% complete.)


Edited by Diazo
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Like the GUI functions and editing. However, dislike how this supplants all standard binding functions essentially removing the lights, gear, etc functions. If this worked with, rather than instead of, normal functions it would be fantastic.

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Oh that is a very nice and intuitive gui, I love to name my action groups and see them all at once! I also totally agree with JeffreyCor , I am used to how standard bindings works... for example is not possibile to brakes only while B is pressed, it's just stay "braked" ( poor flipped rover :D )

Edited by brusura
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I have encountered some bug with this add-on, I suspect it to be compatibility issue with Invfernal Robotics parts when moving a part that have existing action groups binded (I did NOT confirm the bind part, but it was IR part), you can pick that part OK, but as soon as you drop it or try to place it as part of the craft, the bug appears. Could this be possible? I have alot of other add-ons too. The game starts a loop of non-responsivness. It does not crash, but becomes unresponive for 15-20 seconds, then recovers and instantly becomes unresponsive again, and you are forced to close KSP.exe

If there is a way to debug what is going on? And it would be helpful for futher development, (LOVE the idea of the addon! but as of right now I cant use it) I am able to reproduce this if you want more information.

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Full Changelog:

Version 1.25 d

-KSP 0.90 Compatibility

-Fix KeySets so they work

-Reduce debug log spam.

Version 1.24

Add cooldown to action group activation to work around KSP passing a key press twice.

Move toggle state monitoring from Update() to FixedUpdate()

Version 1.23 a/b/c/d

-Add modifier key support

a/b/c: Fix AGX Ambiguous and Toggle State monitoring issues

d: Add expanded logging to track down an error.

Version 1.22a

Add in-game button to right-click button on toolbar to reset window locations when they teleport off screen.

Version 1.22

ExtraPlanatary Launchpads compatibility.

Tweak Docking Code for weaknesses revealed

Version 1.21a

ModuleAnimateGeneric fix for AGX action ambiguous.

Move Edit Actions in flight to right-click menu on toolbar

Add Keysets button to flight window.

Version 1.20

Add Part Location crosses (blue plus, green cross, red large cross)

Add editing of non-numeric actions to editor (Brakes/Lights/etc)

Add RCS/SAS/Stage action groups to non-numeric editing.

Version 1.19

Add ability to override custom action groups lockout

Version 1.18

Add USI Survivability Pack Support

Compile 1.17 fixes for official release

Version 1.17a through 1.17f

Add Near Future and RemoteTech support (remove Action Ambiguous message).

Tweak ModuleScience support.

Fix handling of "Untitled Space Craft" in Editor

Add support for Undo function in editor

Toggle state of Action groups on vessel object for other mods to monitor (kOS requested this.)

Add Better Then Starting Manned support

Reduce aggressiveness of Editor auto-save so it no longer saves invalid data

Add ability to skip cleanup of old save files.

Version 1.17 (Sep 23/14)

-Expand saving in editor, now when mods offer a non-standard way to leave the editor AGX will save correctly.

Note that this means there is no way to leave the editor without saving, even an Alt-F4 quit will save now, although it saves the AGExtEditor.cfg file to a non-standard location.

-Add BTSM mod support.

-Add on-screen warning when an action loads incorrectly. See note above.

Version 1.16b (Sep 20/14):

-Fix show/hide of AGExt in flight mode

-Rework action-part saving to improve launching of new vessels

Version 1.16 (Sep 19/14):

-Refactor Save/Load code in Flight Scene so it will save/load correctly.

-This fixes the Timewarp issue as well.

-Include CCraigen's tweak to make how the mod handles old files better.

Version 1.15a (Sep 13/14):

Timewarp fix so data save/loads correctly.

Verison 1.15(Sep 11/14):

-Tweak Render settings to try and resolved mod conflict that sometimes causes AGX to disapear on mouse down.

-Fix loading of actions for Spaceplanes when a Spaceplane and a Rocket have the same name.

-Add ability to edit actions on Abort/Brake/Gear/Light action groups in flight mode. (Editor still uses KSP default editor for these groups.)

-Start adding code to support vessels remembering settings after dock/undock. This does not work yet however.

Version 1.14(Sep 08/14):

-Add ability to select parts from list rather then clicking on the vessel.

-Mod now cleans up after itself and deletes old AGExt00000.cfg files automatically.

Version 1.13 (Aug 30/14): New save/load routing.

-New save/load routing to remove use of partModules

-Revise mod to remove all references to a partModule

-Therefore ModuleManager is no longer required and the part.cfg file is no longer part of the download. (See note in download post before deleting this file however.)

-No UI or behavior changes this version.

Version 1.12 (July 28/14): KSP 0.24.2 recompile.

Add ability to show/hide the Keycodes in Flight. To do so, right-click on the AGX button on the toolbar and use the button that shows to change this setting.

Version 1.11 (July 24/14): KSP 0.24.1 Compatibility confirmation.

DMagic Orbital Science fix

Roll up fixes from several test releases including several minor bugfixes.

Add more detailed logging to try and track down a case where the actions do not save. (Hopefully fixed by KSP 0.24.1, but left in just in case)

Version 1.10 (July 21/14): Further KSP 0.24 Compatibility tweaks.

Tighten up UI so bleed over from other mods can not mess up my GUI window layouts

Add detailed logging to try and track down a case where the actions do not save.

Version 1.9 (July 17/14): Compile for KSP 0.24 64-bit

Update download to include ModuleManager 2.2.0

Reduce checking of toggle states from 60 to 3 times a second.

Added Interstellar and Tac Life Support toggle monitoring.

Version 1.8b: Full support for Firespitter and add FAR, and Infernal Robotics toggle state monitor. Tweak ReactionWheel to only show off when disabled by player, not lack of resources

Version 1.8a: Add Kethane, ScanSAT and started on Firespitter Toggle state monitoring.

Version 1.8: Rewrite Toggle state logic from scratch. Actions are now monitored in real time and when changed via any means (such as a part's right-click menu), the Actions list updates correctly.

Note that as a part of this, actions that previously could not be monitored (such as if a wheel had its steering inverted) can now be monitored via this feature.

The toggle monitoring still defaults to off, please see release post at the end of thread.

Fix how the ModuleAnimateGeneric is supported so parts with more then one animation should now behave correctly.

Version 1.7b: Update to ModuleManager Version 2. Update part.cfg to match. Note that older versions of Module Manager should still work. No .dll changes.

Version 1.7a: Fix Toggle state so it saves correctly.

Version 1.7 June29/14: Flight window now changes its anchor to the bottom of the window when at the bottom of the screen. (Within 20 pixels.)

Optional toggle state monitoring can be added on a per group basis.

Actiongroups can now be grouped into 5 views so you can show/hide individual action groups without having to show/hide all of them.

Added method for other mods to get an actiongroup's activated status. (See dev thread here.)

This update changes the UI, overview of the changes only here. This first post is in the process of being updated and does not show the changes yet.

Version 1.6 June 15/14: Fully integrate with KSP's default action groups.

Hide KSP's default action group editor when AGX is showing.

Verison 1.5 June 14/14: Add support for multiple partModules with the same name on the same part.

Add support for multiple actions with the same name on a part.

Note that for a part with the same partModule and the same action name I will have to manually tweak the code, but the structure is in place and it will take about 30 seconds to add.

So far the Module EnviroSensor from base KSP is the only place this has been necessary.

Revise significant portions of the save/load code to fix weaknesses revealed by the above changes. (Should result in significantly fewer errors.)

Simplify error handling significantly. Now instead of trying to actually handling errors, it simply stops loading that part and writes to the log ("AGX Fail...." messages). This means if an error happens, configured actions will vanish, but everything will keep working so no more KSP lockup issues.

Version 1.4a June 08/14: Hotfix to allow launching more then one rocket per game load.

Also includes the start of my work to incorporate the base game actiongroups. The only thing in this version is that Keyset1, Groups 1 to 10 have the same keybind as KSP's default action groups.

IE: Changing the key in the KSP settings window will change the keybind in the AGX keyset window and changing the keybind in the AGX keyset window will change the key in KSP's setting window.

Note that only the Primary key is linked, the Secondary key is not linked and setting a key to this in default KSP will not be affected by AGX.

Version 1.4 June 07/14: Bugfix and stability release.

-Error trap VAB/SPH so you can't get stuck with a piece picked up you can't drop.

-When the Flight Scene loads with AGX hidden via the toolbar from a previous game session, ActionGroups will now work without having to show and then hide AGX first.

-Changes made in flight mode now save correctly. Note that I use the exposed KSP save methods, not my own so if you unexpectedly exit (crash, Alt-F4), you may still lose any recent changes you have made.

-Can now select small parts, sort of. Workaround: No change to left click but if you right click a part to show it's menu, that now counts as selecting the part for my mod and will add it to the list.

Version 1.3 April 02/14: KSP 23.5 Compatibility. No other changes of note.

Version 1.2.1 April 01/14: Fix to work with RemoteTech. New users download the file from Spaceport as normal, existing users see this post before updating. More details this post also.

Version 1.2 March 31/14: Bugfix to symmetry placement. You can now assign actions then go back and multiply the part with symmetry.

Visibility of Flight Window now saved in Flight Scene. At present the only way to hide it is though the Toolbar.

Spelling fix so Linux systems can now use this mod.

Version 1.1 March 30/14: Hotfix to make the built in Gear/Light/etc. action groups work again. This required removing the compatibility with the default 10 action groups. Action groups in groups Custom 1 through 10 will no longer load when this mod is installed. This will be reinstated in a future release.

Keyset and KeyBinding changes are saved in the AGExt.cfg file. Do not overwrite this file when updating to save your keysets.

March 30/14: Initial Release

(My original post deleted and replaced with this Changelog)

Edited by Diazo
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List of supported stock partModules for toggle state monitoring As of release 1.8b.

Which partModule does your part use? Open the part.cfg for that part and find the MODULE and match it to this list.


ModuleAnimateGeneric: Animation in Start State or mid-animation (Red), in End State (Green) <- Depends on how the mod maker animates which state is which

ModuleDeployableSolarPanel: Panels Deployed Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleLandingLeg: Legs Lowered Yes/No (Green/Red), Legs Locked Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleEngines: Engine Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleEnginesFX: Engine Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleEnviroSensor: Sensor Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleGenerator: Generator Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleGimbal: Gimbaling allowed Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleLandingGear: Gear Deployed/Stowed (Green/Red), Brakes Engaged Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleSteering: Steering Inverted Yes/No (Green/Red), Steering Locked Yes/No (Red/Green)

ModuleLight: Light On/Off (Green/Red)

ModuleRCS: RCS Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleReactionWheel: Reaction Wheel Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red) <-Note that if the wheel is not functional due to lack of ElectricCharge, state will still show green even though it is not functioning

ModuleScienceExperiment: Science Experiment Deployed Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleResourceIntake: Intake Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red)

ModuleWheel: Invert Steering Yes/No (Green/Red), Lock Steering Yes/No (Red/Green), Brakes Engaged Yes/No (Green/Red), Motor Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red)


SCANsat: Is scanner scanning yes/no (Green/Red)


KethaneConverter: Converter active Yes/No (Green/Red)

KethaneGenerator: Generator Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

KethaneDetector: Detector scanning yes/no (Green/Red)

KethaneExtractor: Extractor running yes/no (Green/Red)

Ferram Aerospace

FARControllableSurface: Flap level of 0 (red), flap level of 1, 2, or 3 (green)

FARControllableSurface: Spoiler activated via Brakes action group (Green), otherwise (Red). <- Due to how spoilers are implemented I am unable to monitor their state directly, however the Brakes action activates them so I'm monitoring that for this.

Rasterprop Monitor

No actions to monitor found

Exoplanetary Launchpads

Uses the same modules as Kethane


FSwing: Leading Edge Extended Yes/No (Green/Red)

FSwing: Flaps Extended: Not extended (Red), extended any amount (Green)

FSwingletRangeAdjustment: Lock Range Adjustment Yes/No (Green/Red) <- Unable to find part to test this one

FSanimateGeneric: Animation in start state or moving (Red), Animation in End State (Green)

FSrotorTrim: Toggle Steering Yes/No (Green/Red)

FSrotorTrim: Alternate Input Mode: not available, this is in the part right-click menu only and has no action for my mod to use.

FSswitchEngineThrustTransform: Reverse Thrust Yes/No (Green/Red)

FSengineBladed: Hover mode engaged: Unable to monitor as hover always starts disabled on scene load and is not a KSPField

FSVTOLrotator: VTOL Engine Raise/Lower (Green/Red), VTOL Steering On/Off (Green/Red)

FScopterThrottle: Hover mode On/Off (Green/Red)

FSengineThrottle: Hover mode On/Off (Green/Red)

FShoverThrottle: Hover mode On/Off (Green/Red)

FSpartTurner: Invert steering Yes/No (Green/Red), Enable Steering Yes/No (Green/Red)

FSwhee: Gear Up/Down (Red/Green), Motor Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red), Motor Reverse Yes/No (Green/Red), Brakes Engaged Yes/No (Green/Red)


No toggle actions found

Infernal Robotics

MuMechToggle: Lock part movement On/Off (Green/Red)


DTMagnetometer: Magnetometer On/Off (Green/Red)

FNThermalHeatExchanger: Exchanger On/Off (Green/Red)

ISRUScoop: Scoop On/Off (Green/Red)

MicrowavePowerTransmitter: Transmitter On/Off (Green/Red), Relay On/Off (Green/Red)

MicrowavePowerTransmitterBackup: Transmitter On/Off (Green/Red)

ModuleModableScienceGenerator: Experiment Deployed Yes/No (Green/Red)

AlcubierreDrive: Drive Charging Yes/No (Green/Red)

MicrowavePowerReceiverBackup: Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red)

FNGenerator: Generator Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

FNRadiator: Radiator Extended Yes/No (Green/Red)

FNReactor: Reactor On Yes/No (Green/Red)

MicrowavePowerReceiver: Receiver Active Yes/No (Green/Red)

Kerbal Attachment System

No actions available to be monitored.

TAC Life Support

TacGenericConverter: Converter Enabled Yes/No (Green/Red)

Procedural Fairings

No toggle actions to monitor

Edited by Diazo
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I'll also check out the IR parts, I did not test those parts before release.

edit: Quick test with IR shows it working fine on my end, I will need those instructions to replicate please.


Alright, I was able to replicate this on new craft as well as I was hoping. Sadly it appears to be wider issue than just IR, I was able to replicate this with any part. Simply binding key to something, picking up its root part and try to place it again, and all hell breaks loose :( Addon works flawlessly if you dont pick up the root part, laucnh the craft and bind works. Is there any futher info I could provide?

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Old first post manual preserved for reference, horribly out of date.


Selected Parts Window

Window not visible? Make sure you are in the Action Group editing mode and then click the AGX button on the Toolbar to show.

1) Selected parts: Click on a part to select it and add it to this window. If it is the same type of part as already in the window, it will be added to the list. If it is a different type, the list will be cleared and only the part clicked will be added. Clicking on a part in this list will remove it from the list.

Workaround: Unable to select a small part in flight mode? Use Right-Click instead of Left-Click on it.

2) Available actions: This list will auto-fill with the available actions for the part(s) in the Selected Parts Window. Click an action in this window will add that action to the Current Action Group for all parts in the Selected Parts Window

3) Symmetry: If Yes, when a clicked part was attached via symmetry, all the symmetrical parts will automatically be added as well. If No, only the part clicked will be added. Note that setting this to No and individually selecting parts from the same symmetrical placement is currently unreliable due to the way KSP handles selected parts.

4) Clear List: Clear the selected parts list.

5) Current Action Group: Displays the current action group. Clicking this button displays the Groups Window if that window has auto-hide enabled.

6) Description: Enter and Change the description of the current action group here.

7) KeyBind: Key bound to the current action group. Click to open the KeyCode window and change it.

8) KeySet: Displays the name of the key set assigned to this vessel. Click to show the KeySet window.

9) Toggle Monitor: Display the status of this group (red=off, green=on). Off by default, see patch notes.

10) View Group: Control which View Groups this Actiongroup is visible in. (Green=Visible, Red=Hidden)


Groups Window

Displays the list of action groups with Group Number and Name. Click on a group to change the Current Action Group

A group highlighted in green has actions assigned.

50 of the 250 actions available are displayed per page. Change pages in the top-right. The red page is your current page, a green page has actions assigned to a group(s) on that page.

You can enable Auto-Hide (top-left) on this window. If you do, it will only display after the Current Action Group button is clicked on the Selected Parts Window.


Current Actions Window

Displays the actions assigned to this group, including group number, group name, part, and assigned action.

Click on an action to remove it.


KeySet Window

Opened from the KeySet window in the Selected Parts Window.

Top Half: You can change the KeySet assigned to this vessel and rename the 5 keysets available.

Note that keysets are not vessel specific. This avoids have to rebind the keys assigned to various actions each time you make a new vessel.

When this window is open, the Groups Window changes to display the Key assigned to a group instead of the Group Name. You can click on a group at this time to change the key assigned to this group.

Bottom Half: Change the name and the current View Group here. This is vessel specific and can be different for different vessels.


KeyCode Window

This window displays only when you are changing the key assigned to a group.

The None button in the top left will make it so no keys are assigned to the group.

Note that there are no checks for key conflicts. You can assign the same key to multiple groups to activate them all, or overlap with keys on the keyboard that are assigned to KSP actions.

Every key KSP can recognize is shown, this includes the Mouse keys, the special keys and the Joystick Buttons (once you click the Joystick button in the top right.


Flight Actions (Flight Mode only)

During flight, this shows all the action groups assigned on the current vessel, including the group number, group name, and assigned key.

Click on an action with the mouse to activate that action group.

Click on the Edit button to show the other windows and enable editing of actions during flight.

Note that due to limitations in the code, you may have to Right Click to select small parts instead of Left Clicking.

The button in the top right shows the name of the active View Group. Clicking on the button shows the pop-out to select which View Group should be active.

Docked Vessels

As of Version 1.13, how docked vessels are handled is changed.

Now, when a vessel docks, the names of the action groups are merged so that if Vessel A has the group Named and Vessel B does not, the combined Vessel after docking will have Vessel A's group name.

If both Vessel A and Vessel B have the group named, the Vessel being docked to is the group name that will be used after docking.

When you undock a vessel, both vessels will get a copy of the group names. This means after undocking you probably will have groups with names but no actions assigned but as those groups do not show since they have no actions

So, when you design the mothership, use actiongroups 20 though 30 and KeySet1 to control it.

Then, design your lander using groups 40 through 50 and KeySet2 to control it.

When the lander docks with the mother ship, the mothership's KeySet1 will be in control of the Actions assigned to the mother ship.

Once you reach your destination and undock the lander, thelander remembers that it has KeySet 2 assigned and switches to that to control groups 40 through 50.

If you get really fancy, you can use key set 3 to control both groups 20 to 30 and 40 to 50 at the same time.

Note that all of this applies only to the Group Names and assigned keyset. You can assign/unassign actions to action groups at anytime, regardless of any sort of mothership/lander designation or their docked status.

However, this is complex to test so for this release I'm going to ask for feedback to make sure this is working as intended.

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I'd love to see this work with the SelectRoot mod, which lets you make any part root on the fly. It sounds like anyone would probably have to set root and never change it before working over action groups.

I think it would work.

The only time the root part matters is in flight mode for handling the docking and remembering group names and keyset for the docked ships. It should make no difference in the editor.

Off to make a quick test.


edit: Quick 5 minute test with a 5 part vessel works in the editor works. I was able to change the root part using SelectRoot and all actions were remembered correctly. Let me know of any problems you experience with a more complex ship and I'll jump on fixing it. I did not test flight mode mind you so let me know if that is fine please.

Edited by Diazo
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Ah, sorry. I meant simple action group setup. I put solar panel toggle to action group 9 for example. I dont have such mod installed that enables that.

I also found out that it only happens when using symmetry. This time it also didnt totally cripple KSP like before, but still....well, I made tube clip what happens.

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@Zardiz: I can confirm that bug. I've narrowed down the exact line of code causing it, but I'm out of time to apply a fix tonight.

I'll see if I can get something released tomorrow after work to fix this.


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There is an additional issue being a conflict this time. This mod has an interference with the antenna animations that are a part of RemoteTech2. With this installed the animations no longer function, yet if this mod is removed they return to working normally.

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There is an additional issue being a conflict this time. This mod has an interference with the antenna animations that are a part of RemoteTech2. With this installed the animations no longer function, yet if this mod is removed they return to working normally.

The reason is because in parts config, the module that added by this AGE plugin is ahead of the ModuleAnimateGeneric module that controls the animation of the antennas. And since RemoteTech2 is using an index to access the animate module, it will fail to acquire it because the AGE plugin's module is right there, hence the animation will not play though the antenna still works.

You can try renaming the AGE plugin's folder to something that is after "RemoteTech2" in alphabetical order, that way *perhaps* AGE module will be added at the end of a part's config.

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Used it while playing today. I really like the potential this mod has. May I suggest having AGX interface closed by default? Currently everytime I launch or reload a ship I have to close the interface so it doesn't clutter my screen. I like to open it when I need it and then close it again.

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There is an additional issue being a conflict this time. This mod has an interference with the antenna animations that are a part of RemoteTech2. With this installed the animations no longer function, yet if this mod is removed they return to working normally.

The reason is because in parts config, the module that added by this AGE plugin is ahead of the ModuleAnimateGeneric module that controls the animation of the antennas. And since RemoteTech2 is using an index to access the animate module, it will fail to acquire it because the AGE plugin's module is right there, hence the animation will not play though the antenna still works.

You can try renaming the AGE plugin's folder to something that is after "RemoteTech2" in alphabetical order, that way *perhaps* AGE module will be added at the end of a part's config.

Erg, I'm not sure what to do here.

I would argue technically that this is a RemoteTech issue. While this specific case is my mod breaking it, this fact means that any mod that adds a partmodule will probably break RemoteTech if it comes before ModuleAnimateGeneric in alphabetical order.

The second part is that I access my module by name, not by index number. If I go and change my partmodule's name now, I'm going to be sending anyone who's already installed my mod for a loop as that will break compatibility between versions.

At the very least I will talk to the guys running RemoteTech and see where to go from here.

Used it while playing today. I really like the potential this mod has. May I suggest having AGX interface closed by default? Currently everytime I launch or reload a ship I have to close the interface so it doesn't clutter my screen. I like to open it when I need it and then close it again.

Do you mean just the Flight Window? I made that as small as possible because I was expecting people would like to have that open so they can see their action groups now that you can name them. Do you mean the other windows? (Selected parts, Group, etc.) Those are not supposed to be visible on flight start and I would ask for more info as that would be a bug report.


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I agree with BigD. I understand this is really RT2's fault, not yours, but RT2 is a very commonly used mod, and the author has made it clear they don't intend to release any updates until 0.24 (not 23.5). If the only consequence of fixing compatibility from your end is breaking backward compatibility for stored action groups, I would consider that a completely acceptable tradeoff, especially given that your mod has only been out for a day (so people haven't invested tons of time into it yet, and they should expect the possibility of compatibility breaking updates anyway).

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Breaking compatibility happens. If it's for the better, just do it now.

I would generally concur, better if need be to break compatibility earlier than later.

But, in this case (thanks HoneyFox who clearly pointed the issue), the fault is entirely on RemoteTech. Any additional module will still change the module index number, and it can't be a viable solution to ask for any possible other modules (heck, even new ones from Squad?) to be renamed so to be loaded after "ModuleAnimateGeneric". The solution chosen by RemoteTech to use a module index is not perfect and needs to be addressed (and that may already be in the works, as Cilph said to be rewriting large parts of RT2).

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