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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

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  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
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Meet the SX-6 Oracle. This line of heavy assault vessels will once again showcase the MU's skill at building quality craft, and at manufacturing some of the best military vessels currently on the market. These craft carry up to 12 average-size 1.25m munitions, plus a pair of 6-barreled gatling i-beam cannons.

Their propulsion is a mix of low-power K-Drive, LVN rockets, and 8 ion engines. The ships also have immense amounts electrical power, and an all-important "Klaw".

Also, these ships all make use of MU-brand "H.A.R.D." hull-plating. (Hybrid Armor Reactive Defense) This plating makes these hulls nearly invulnerable to light weapons fire, and to most non-heavy munitions. (Plus, it has the added bonus of showing actual battle scarring on the hulls, helping aid in ship diagnostics.)

Ships of the Line:

MU/s Nebuchadnezzar (Captain: Morpheus Kerman)

MU/s Dr. Strangekerb II (Captain: Jebediah Kerman)

MU/s Redpill (Captain: //REDACTED//)

Currently, these ships are an MU-only warship. However, we are willing to negotiate the licensing of new hulls (ships) to interested parties.

(PM me if you wish to acquire a ship.)

//MU Military Shipyards, c.2014//

(P.S.: Sorry for the spam, but I tend to like to.... "flex" the proverbial "muscles" of my newest warships. And to warn others of what they might have to deal with. :cool:)

Also, when might your next battle post be up by, BrightBritches? And do you mind if I battle someone else at the same time? :P

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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(P.S.: Sorry for the spam, but I tend to like to.... "flex" the proverbial "muscles" of my newest warships. And to warn others of what they might have to deal with. :cool:)

This is partially the purpose of the thread, spam away. And seeing as people think it's quiet.






>Picture of 300 and something ton dreadnought I can't find<

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This is partially the purpose of the thread, spam away. And seeing as people think it's quiet.






>Picture of 300 and something ton dreadnought I can't find<

Wow, the rocket-powered VTOL and that WIP carrier look awesome!

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Has been quiet hasn't it? Also, don't get your hopes up with the new ship because Temeraire's returning.

Trust me, no ship has ever been truly "invincible". But I know how to make mine much more..... survivable. :P In any case, very few ships can bounce a cluster-shot of SRBs at "close" range.

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Trust me, no ship has ever been truly "invincible". But I know how to make mine much more..... survivable. :P In any case, very few ships can bounce a cluster-shot of SRBs at "close" range.

Considering that my Hydra is covered with spines I think I have a chance against those srbs :P

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Considering that my Hydra is covered with spines I think I have a chance against those srbs :P

.... 4 quad salvos (or 8 dual-shots)? I'll take my chances. Plus, you discount the fact that even if an SRB failed to damage your physical hull, the kinetic force might very well ruin your internals.

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.... 4 quad salvos (or 8 dual-shots)? I'll take my chances. Plus, you discount the fact that even if an SRB failed to damage your physical hull, the kinetic force might very well ruin your internals.

The Hydra doesn't have internals :P Only the weapons bay is an "internal"

Since the Hydra also has a butt-load of SAS modules and is strutted up on the inside, the Kinetic force wouldn't be too noticeable.

Keep in mind that in the last battle it participated in, it took I-beam spam to the face and nearly no damage was dealt to its vital systems :P

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Any of ya'll want to team up for that reddit vs. forum challenge SQUAD's got running?

Maybe, only problem is that,

A. I don't understand the contest and

B. I'll be out of town next week

Edit: Just read the rules, Sure, lets do this

Idea: how about a team form the battle club?

Edited by AvronMullican
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Any of ya'll want to team up for that reddit vs. forum challenge SQUAD's got running?

1- what's that

2- link?

3- Yes

4- Leave that lone wolf stuff behind.

EDIT: Disregard 1 and 2

We NEED someone who builds oversized, Too bad Zekes isn't here. Comrade would also be a Kraken sent in both senses.

EDITEDIT: Zekes is just being really, really quiet.

EDITEDITEDIT:Are any of the two people above me comfortable with building outside military

EDITx4: Because seriously I don't want me and Script to take all the weight for most of it. One trick horses are amazing when it's the right time....but not much else.

Edited by Spartwo
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