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I'm vane (Obviously lol)

And i've had ksp for a while now and just succeeded in my first munar landing and minmus landing! (May need to sort that from minmus then new rocket then to mun) So after a while i signed up here. And after playing KSP and making my station over duna dock with a rocket that failed to reach and lost fuel in orbit with duna, Sadly. But the mission is continuing, Yay! So now to my idea, I don't know if this has been made before. But my idea is to try and create a artificial gravity well/pull not just for ships but as a weapon, You know if a projectile comes after you it can go through the gravity well/cannon/pull and lunge back at the shooter/debris. A very good tactic for saving a ship that's impending impact with debris, Or can be used as a strategic defense for ships, if made correctly it can be a invisible shield to your ship!

I don't know if i'll succeed or not, But it'll be made completely with stock parts. Only with help from mods, Nothing with parts or anything. Mods like FAR so i can know if i'm stalling or not etc, And a clock possibly so i can see the best times to start testing or even land with it and see if it'll land good without lunging your ship back from the surface of the planet you tried to land on. So yeah if you'd like to help me or have some knowledge in KSP's projectile system etc like max speeds before it slows down, Max speeds in atmospheres before it impends impact with the ground, etc.

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