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Comets, asteroids hitting other bodies, different class asteroids

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This is a sort of 3-in-1 idea thread.

First things first. Comets. Comets have extremely elliptical orbits that stretch very, very far out and get extremely close to the Sun. Comets have an 80% chance of getting entirely vaporized by the Sun. It is possible to prevent comets from being vaporized by the Sun. Comets are usually as big as the biggest type of asteroids in the ARM pack, but it's a real challenge to move them to prevent them being vaporized. A comets periapsis is usually around 800,000 meters, and to prevent being vaporized, you need it's periapsis to be above 1,000,000 meters.

The second idea is asteroids hitting other bodies. I'd like to see it if asteroids even bothered other bodies like they will to Kerbin.

The last idea is different class asteroids. There are 3 different types of asteroids. Ice, organic and rock. Rock can be of any size from 5 meters to 15 meters. Rock asteroids are very heavy. Organic asteroids are both gray and brownish. They are fairly light and are usually pretty small. Ice asteroids are very light and are a white color like ice. Ice asteroids are usually the size of rock asteroids.

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