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Finally joined the forum.

When I discovered this, it seemed too good to be true, a game/sim that blends both building and flying, planetary to interplanetary.

Being a heli pilot/CFII, I longed for something that would satisfy besides MSFS, that could take one out of the atmosphere, that would merge flying and spaceflight and also give one purpose :)

We have Orbiter, a terrific sim in its own right, but it also was lacking an altogether feel.

So now I found KSP, and boy I'm coming in at the right time eh? :)

Lots of dev's, program open to modding, just wonderful. I've looked around and came up with that my imagination seems to pale with some of the contraptions I've seen photos of out there, perhaps I should take up psychotropic's and try design then!

For the past 3 months I've been careering, not touching the sandbox. I'm great with OM, and getting up there wasn't too much of a problem coming from orbiter, etc. I liked gaining traction in the tech tree and challenging myself to maximize returns, looking forward to contracts and possibly being able to pay for parts ahead of unlocking on pure science return, plus 'roid rangling may prove to be a time killer in the coming months.

Awesome job on this Squad. And all for under $25...

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Oh yeah! Of course the one day I got home and ran the program for a bit (I have links to the program and one to the launcher) If I only had ran the launcher to check. :)

Of course that also saved me from then playing with the update to the exclusion of all else (you know, eating, drinking, playing with the wife and daughter, breathing (at least until you pass 20000M and climbing))

I know what I'm doing when I arrive home tonight!

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