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Ultimate Munar Rocket

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I want someone, you can use whatever you want, but build a rocket that can fly to the Mun, land back on the Kerbin, and then return to the moon a second time, and still return to the Kerbin. No reward, but a really really really awesome rocket, and the best and longest KSP video ever. I just think that would be totally awesome. 8) Good Luck!

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I would try this... as follows, but the amount of processing power I\'d need to have a frame a second on a ship that big is... well more than i have by a very very long way..

'Fly to Mun, land, come home, land, fly to mun on free return.'

I think that should be plenty hard enough... for anyone with a computer that can cope?


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I\'ve got a rocket that definitely probably has the capability, but I lack the patience to actually do this. The problem is that the 1st lander lags permanently if you at any point turn on time dilation. Still can\'t figure out why . . .

The ship is actually designed to do a triple-launch-land on KERBIN. Ie. launch to orbit, land on kerbin, launch to orbit, land on kerbin, launch to orbit, land on kerbin. But it\'s a huge pain in the butt to fly.

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Go to the default fuel tank folder and add a few zero\'s at 'fuel ='.

Go to the game and make a rocket:


command pod


fuel tank



There are a lot of cheat addons that can do this. E.g. Jeb his jetpack

Why not just do this change for the engine?

fuelConsumption = 0

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Done. Used no cheat parts. I actually thought the mission would be much harder, so I had tons of spare fuel at every stage. I overkilled it a bit.

Don\'t have time to write up what I did. Just gonna give you guys the imgur album. It\'s pretty self-explanatory.


I\'ll add the craft file too, once I\'ve tested which mods you\'ll need.

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