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MMmm, that new save smell. Who is starting over?


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I know I'm starting a new career save to check out everything with new eyes. Who else is starting over again now that we have new parts and new mechanics? What will you be doing different this time?

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For once, not me. I might start a new save to check out the new features, but I have a vested interest in my current game. I'll be waiting for all my mods to update, though.

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Apparently one of the last changes made was modifying the game so that asteroids and other things should also work when you're using an old save!

I'll have to test this when I get home.

I did however manage to save new savegames with nothing in them, before and after the update, and the new block is this:

name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects
scene = 7, 8, 5
^E = 559298752
key = 0 0 1.5 1.5
key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875
key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875
key = 1 1 1.5 1.5

Plus a "PotatoRoid" vessel object with a discovery block:

state = 1
lastObservedTime = 0.02
lifetime = 1717762.28027344
refTime = 1728000
size = 2

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Apparently one of the last changes made was modifying the game so that asteroids and other things should also work when you're using an old save!

Is this true? Anyone verify it yet? I HOPE it is, I truly do.

But I can manage either way.

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Apparently one of the last changes made was modifying the game so that asteroids and other things should also work when you're using an old save!

This is true? I went into my old save and i didn't see them.


Both my career and sandbox save spawns new asteroids. if you do not see any, just speed up time to check to see if they will appear!

thats great :)

Edited by MKI
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Please report any issues in the Support Forum. That's where you can get help, not here.

Wasnt expecting help, only confirmation that they do spawn in old saves. I personally checked it out, and now that my older saves get all of the "new stuff" i will not be starting over.

If they didn't spawn them, i would of started over just as the OP is doing. Now they do, i probably wont as my newest save has to much in it to just throw away.

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Use Steam to update, then placed a copy in my Game folder and named it KSP 0.23.5. That way, I keep a original in the Steam folder and can play with the updated game in the Game folder. Will play with the stock items before adding any mod parts.

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my last career save was mess anyway.. i got as far as to duna, but with many additional mods like ta life cupport, interstellar, remotetech and bunch of other stuff

other saves dont require any messing with asteroids so i will stay with them, i will just stick to asteroids in new career save.

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I started a new career save last week called "925NoF5". I'm most of the way through the science tree and it's been a very, very different experience. I love it! It might be time to bury F5 once and for all.

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Since asteroids spawn in old saves, i will NOT be starting a new save. I have been doing long term missions to put flags and mine kethane on every single celestial body. I've already done most of the hard ones: Eve, Eeloo, Moho. All I have left of the really hard ones is Tylo, which is next up. These have been going so well, I hated to think about starting all over. Now I don't have to! :)

I'll continue my Kethane missions, but I'm going to be doing asteroid wrangling inbetween. Can't WAIT

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