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Asteroids types, detection outside of kerbin SOI

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Right now asteroids are distinguished only by size.

I think composition variety woudl be good. Rocky, Iron, maybe even Icy ones. Well icy woudl become comet closer to sun anyway.

This woudl affect science results.

Second thing: detecting asteroids outside of Kerbin.

Just add ability for larger crew to set up some mobile tracking station, just like remote tech controll center with 7 kerbals on board.

Edited by kiwiak
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Could be a nice use for the old clamshell resource detector dish model, repurpose it into a Portable Trackmotron to detect asteroids from an asteroid belt, kuiper belt, vulcanoid belt, or moonlets around Jool, or whatever you like.

Looking at it, though, I think this would be quite readily accomplishable in a mod. The asteroids are just vessels with a specific type and part module stuck to them. If you can make a vessel on the fly in a radius around your current ship when the detector is on, taking into account the density at the current area, then you've already accomplished all you need for this.

Edited by NovaSilisko
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I keep getting kicked off this reply GUI when I post not sure why

Try to keep response breif

-Tracked several (?) that completely disappeared when they go close to kerdin. I got really close to the (?).

-comparing my speed and manuevers to match (?) the (?) appear to be under non-gravitational acceleration up to the point that they disappear (and especially around the time they disappear) this occurred about half way down Kerbins SOI. For the objects I tracked most (80%?) disappeared.

Need IRLaser distance tracking system and a visual light telescope.

Again not going through the calculation with 100,000,000 meters asteroids should be trackable against the background stars. Particular if the craft is kerbol relative to the asteroid.

Need a better display of certainty, one that factors in equipment, craft position relative to roid and sol.

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I keep getting kicked off this reply GUI when I post not sure why

Try to keep response breif

-Tracked several (?) that completely disappeared when they go close to kerdin. I got really close to the (?).

-comparing my speed and manuevers to match (?) the (?) appear to be under non-gravitational acceleration up to the point that they disappear (and especially around the time they disappear) this occurred about half way down Kerbins SOI. For the objects I tracked most (80%?) disappeared.

Need IRLaser distance tracking system and a visual light telescope.

Again not going through the calculation with 100,000,000 meters asteroids should be trackable against the background stars. Particular if the craft is kerbol relative to the asteroid.

Need a better display of certainty, one that factors in equipment, craft position relative to roid and sol.

For the first thing you mentioned, new users have their first 5 posts moderated (they go to a queue for us to check over) as a measure to keep out spambots. It'll be removed soon enough and cease to bother you. You only need post once, though it may take a little bit for a moderator to get to approving your post.

As to the rest... did you hit the "Track" button on the object(s) in the Tracking Station? I've not seen the 'roids to exhibit this kind of behaviour, from what you described. If you don't use the Track function, they will usually disappear after a while, and you don't generally have sufficient information to rendezvous with them without using the Track function.

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For the first thing you mentioned, new users have their first 5 posts moderated (they go to a queue for us to check over) as a measure to keep out spambots. It'll be removed soon enough and cease to bother you. You only need post once, though it may take a little bit for a moderator to get to approving your post.

As to the rest... did you hit the "Track" button on the object(s) in the Tracking Station? I've not seen the 'roids to exhibit this kind of behaviour, from what you described. If you don't use the Track function, they will usually disappear after a while, and you don't generally have sufficient information to rendezvous with them without using the Track function.

Thanks for the reply, I am not able to access the track button on the asteroids for some reason, however I will try again. ....>

K, K I see that the salvage button is replaced by track button for asteroids. Got it I will try and see how it works.

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