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Launchpad kraken and why

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So. Here we are again. Thankfully, this update actually loads up for me. This is a combination bug report and vent.

Unfortunately, the game is functionally worthless now, because as soon as I launch anything, or apply thrust, force, or even reaction wheel torque in excess of a certain amount, everything immediately krakens and flings itself apart. I have yet to achieve a sustained flight time of more than .5 seconds at throttles greater than 10%. Its not so much a reproducible thing, its simply the default mechanic my game engages in. Re installed and everything. Every time I launch anything, it dies. I can launch the game, but I cannot do anything in the game. Which is arguably more frustrating than having a broken game. I've been peeling off mods, but am not finding which magical one does it.

What the hell guys.

My sneaking suspicion is that is something that was updated regarding the joints and node sizes broke everything. There is no longer any structural strength. I attach an SRB to a command pod, WHAM! AWAY IT GOES. If this were a starbound update, it'd be called "IRONIC FAILBOAT KOALA"

And keep in mind, this is not even counting the fact that the update completely broke 3 months of persistent play by converting it to sandbox mode, a bug that the devs have been aware of since the first post-career mode updates came out, more or less. (No forgiveness. I'm no longer recommending this game to my friends, and in fact discouraging them from buying it until it is finished)

I really love this game, and the people that add stuff to it. But I am kind of starting to hate the people in charge of developing it. I"m questioning whether or not to continue giving it any time, because every update, I have to spend a day and a half re-tweaking and mod hunting and updating little tiny hotfixes, before I can even get to play again, by which I mean start over.

So, for .24, scratch everything you have planned. Chunk it. Make it all about creating and integrating a streamlined auto-updating mod-manager that cross checks dependencies and compatibility (Before you say anything, and chime in as comments that "OH SOMEONE ALREADY DOES THAT, GO DOWNLOAD A MOD MANAGER", thanks I have one already) I would like one that is integrated and will cut out the frustration and crap that pops up whenever this game gets updated. Each time you update, I want to be able to click one button, have that queue updates, downloads, and installations for mods, go off to work or class, and come back, no fusses, hassles, or kefuffles, and click off whichever ones didn't update (Which would be highlighted yellow as out of date or non-current), and then boot the damn game into a playable state.

I"m probably going to wait a few weeks, let everyone update their mods, come back, realize it hasn't been fixed as a core problem, then give up on it until finally leaves early access. Unless, god forbid, someone fixes it, or has a solution.

Edited by Insignus
Toned it down substantially.
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. When the rigid bodies were finally implemented, the Kraken apparently returned or at least had children. I'm still doing an update on my thread in regards to The Son of the Kraken.

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My immediate thought was to analogize it to steel. They've made it nominally harder at the joint, but all that seems to have done from my perspective is made entire setup more brittle. Which begs the question of what justification that had for patching it in. I mean, I'm hoping its not a generic characteristic in this patch. Surely if it had exhibited the behavior I'm seeing, they would thrown the entire joint reinforcement patch code out and started again.

Because now I can't have any joints.

Edited by Insignus
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I suspect you guys are having issues with a mod because I'm not seeing any of the things that you all are seeing. The first thing I did was make a backup of .23, then deleted my KSP_win directory, then I installed a new, fresh and clean KSP_win from the newly downloaded .23.5 zip file. Anytime there is a new release you must do this or you will have problems. Slowly start adding you're old saved games back in when you see others posting that the new version does not break the old saves. Finally, start replacing mods when the mod authors post on their respective forum threads that the mod has been updated to be compatible with the current version. Until KSP exits the pre-release or alpha phase, it's totally up to you to cover your own butt. Posting things like "squad sux" is not going to get you anywhere.

That being said, it will be nice when we don't have to worry about these things anymore. But in the mean time, it really isn't all that hard to backup and prepare. It took me longer to download the new version than it did to backup my old install. This can be and should be done even if you use Steam.

Edited by Otis
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I'm going to go ahead and say that your mods are causing the issue here, since I've seen nothing like this during testing. If you don't have mods installed feel free to add your logs, craft files that failed etc.. etc.. to this post so we can identify the problem :) (make sure there are only two folders in \GameData\, named Squad and NASAMission!)

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Well, the point here is that from what I understand of the fixes applied to the joints, which mimic many of those found in Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, which I used prior to .23.5 with no problem, something broke most of the mods in a way that should not have occurred. As I stated elsewhere, I think I'm just going to wait till the weekend, update all the mods (I"ve updated nearly all of the core mechanic mods, I.E. things that change or add functionality, but the content and part packs naturally take longer for their authors to update.)

Also: Adding logs or craft files wouldn't do any good, as it creates immediate structural failures across all parts as soon as I apply thrust.

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The implementation the devs chose is different to what KJR used, this can be easily deducted from the fact that it took an applied update of the game engine (Unity3D) to be possible. If you do have KJR installed, uninstall it until a new version is available, though I suspect that with the new joint system you won't need it at all anymore unless your name is Whackjob perhaps

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I believe I found out what caused it. It appears to only occur when I add parachutes. I'm currently checking to see if this is caused by the realparachutes "prank".

Edit: Upon removal of the real parachutes mod, it has been confirmed as the cause, and gameplay functionality has been restored. I'm sorry for going off on everyone :/, but it turns out to be a completely unrelated matter owing to the blatant misconduct of a mod author.

As it turns out that it is, in fact, the cause behind it, I would like to request a 1 week forum ban on the author, because that is simply NOT FUNNY TO UPDATE A MOD IN SUCH A WAY THAT BREAKS PEOPLES GAMES AND FRUSTRATES THEM TO HELL FOR AN ENTIRE NIGHT WHILE RENDERING THE GAME UNPLAYABLE.

Note: I realize the author is a moderator.

I don't care, it is simply inexcusable. A "prank" is a joke activity that is mildly harmless or inconveniencing. Anonymous or mass pranks are acceptable only if a) no harm is conceivably done, B) it involves something purely visual c) Does not damage core functionality. Serious pranks should only occur with people you know. An example of an acceptable prank for the real parachutes mod would've been one that replaced the parachute model with an anvil (Or a pots and pans confetti effect) attached by fishing wire, which while instilling momentary panic, followed by amusement, would not have ruined someone's work.

Edited by Insignus
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I seriously doubt stupid_chris intentionally broke a whole bunch of people's games. That said, it is entirely at your discretion which mods you choose to install, and there will sometimes be hiccups and issues like that -- especially around release dates, since the latest build of the mod may have actually been built on one of the latest experimental versions, and one of the small changes between then and release (and then the subsequent hotfix) may have been what made it behave so unstably. I find it's often a good idea to wait at least a week after an update (two if the mod author is busy at the time) before installing any mods, if you want to be totally safe.

Mod authors are people, and can make mistakes. They're not gods among men. They're going to mess up now and again. Banning them for honest mistakes (or small pranks that get out of hand unintentionally) is only going to really tick everyone off. Calm down.

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That is not even the "prank". The prank was sudden acceleration of the ships when the parachutes would deploy. So really your thing is completely unrelated. You might want to get off the horse and try to talk it out calmly in the RealChute thread.

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  • 4 months later...
So. Here we are again. Thankfully, this update actually loads up for me. This is a combination bug report and vent.

Unfortunately, the game is functionally worthless now, because as soon as I launch anything, or apply thrust, force, or even reaction wheel torque in excess of a certain amount, everything immediately krakens and flings itself apart. I have yet to achieve a sustained flight time of more than .5 seconds at throttles greater than 10%. Its not so much a reproducible thing, its simply the default mechanic my game engages in. Re installed and everything. Every time I launch anything, it dies. I can launch the game, but I cannot do anything in the game. Which is arguably more frustrating than having a broken game. I've been peeling off mods, but am not finding which magical one does it.

What the hell guys.

My sneaking suspicion is that is something that was updated regarding the joints and node sizes broke everything. There is no longer any structural strength. I attach an SRB to a command pod, WHAM! AWAY IT GOES. If this were a starbound update, it'd be called "IRONIC FAILBOAT KOALA"

And keep in mind, this is not even counting the fact that the update completely broke 3 months of persistent play by converting it to sandbox mode, a bug that the devs have been aware of since the first post-career mode updates came out, more or less. (No forgiveness. I'm no longer recommending this game to my friends, and in fact discouraging them from buying it until it is finished)

I really love this game, and the people that add stuff to it. But I am kind of starting to hate the people in charge of developing it. I"m questioning whether or not to continue giving it any time, because every update, I have to spend a day and a half re-tweaking and mod hunting and updating little tiny hotfixes, before I can even get to play again, by which I mean start over.

So, for .24, scratch everything you have planned. Chunk it. Make it all about creating and integrating a streamlined auto-updating mod-manager that cross checks dependencies and compatibility (Before you say anything, and chime in as comments that "OH SOMEONE ALREADY DOES THAT, GO DOWNLOAD A MOD MANAGER", thanks I have one already) I would like one that is integrated and will cut out the frustration and crap that pops up whenever this game gets updated. Each time you update, I want to be able to click one button, have that queue updates, downloads, and installations for mods, go off to work or class, and come back, no fusses, hassles, or kefuffles, and click off whichever ones didn't update (Which would be highlighted yellow as out of date or non-current), and then boot the damn game into a playable state.

I"m probably going to wait a few weeks, let everyone update their mods, come back, realize it hasn't been fixed as a core problem, then give up on it until finally leaves early access. Unless, god forbid, someone fixes it, or has a solution.

Now FAR, Kethane, KJR, NEAR, and other mods are including Modstatistics, people are acting like the mod creators are half-Satan, half-NSA.
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So. Here we are again. Thankfully, this update actually loads up for me. This is a combination bug report and vent.

Unfortunately, the game is functionally worthless now, because as soon as I launch anything, or apply thrust, force, or even reaction wheel torque in excess of a certain amount, everything immediately krakens and flings itself apart. I have yet to achieve a sustained flight time of more than .5 seconds at throttles greater than 10%. Its not so much a reproducible thing, its simply the default mechanic my game engages in. Re installed and everything. Every time I launch anything, it dies. I can launch the game, but I cannot do anything in the game. Which is arguably more frustrating than having a broken game. I've been peeling off mods, but am not finding which magical one does it.

What the hell guys.

My sneaking suspicion is that is something that was updated regarding the joints and node sizes broke everything. There is no longer any structural strength. I attach an SRB to a command pod, WHAM! AWAY IT GOES. If this were a starbound update, it'd be called "IRONIC FAILBOAT KOALA"

And keep in mind, this is not even counting the fact that the update completely broke 3 months of persistent play by converting it to sandbox mode, a bug that the devs have been aware of since the first post-career mode updates came out, more or less. (No forgiveness. I'm no longer recommending this game to my friends, and in fact discouraging them from buying it until it is finished)

I really love this game, and the people that add stuff to it. But I am kind of starting to hate the people in charge of developing it. I"m questioning whether or not to continue giving it any time, because every update, I have to spend a day and a half re-tweaking and mod hunting and updating little tiny hotfixes, before I can even get to play again, by which I mean start over.

So, for .24, scratch everything you have planned. Chunk it. Make it all about creating and integrating a streamlined auto-updating mod-manager that cross checks dependencies and compatibility (Before you say anything, and chime in as comments that "OH SOMEONE ALREADY DOES THAT, GO DOWNLOAD A MOD MANAGER", thanks I have one already) I would like one that is integrated and will cut out the frustration and crap that pops up whenever this game gets updated. Each time you update, I want to be able to click one button, have that queue updates, downloads, and installations for mods, go off to work or class, and come back, no fusses, hassles, or kefuffles, and click off whichever ones didn't update (Which would be highlighted yellow as out of date or non-current), and then boot the damn game into a playable state.

I"m probably going to wait a few weeks, let everyone update their mods, come back, realize it hasn't been fixed as a core problem, then give up on it until finally leaves early access. Unless, god forbid, someone fixes it, or has a solution.

Wait a minute... The sensors indicate that this was posted on April Fool's Day, Captain!

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