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[1.02] Vertical Propulsion Emporium. v0.22b (10th may 2015)


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Sorry I have not spent any time on the mod in recent months, I have had a shortage of inspiration. Hopefully I will wake up to myself shortly and resume flinging cast iron, brass and wooden rockets skywards.

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, i hope it coud be updated. This mod is simply enormous, i hope inspiration will come back soon... Maybe an idea : a tech-tree and a carreer mod mixing all your wonderful parts and the "Rusty Star Rockets". Another unknown novel from "Jules Kerbnes" ? 

But the most important thing : this is an awesome mod ! Thanx !

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  • 1 month later...

I have been involved in steampunk for close to a decade and playing Kerbal Space Program for just about a year and have only just now discovered this mod. I reloaded 1.0.2 just to play this and am enjoying it immensely.


Originally a chicken coop, repurposed as an outhouse and then packed full of explosives, this is now a two story rocket for taking taking aristocrats with an overabundance of funds into space. The aristocrats get to ride in the bottom outhouse.

So, Kerb-fu, having been involved in steampunk for all that time (and actually moderately known within that wide community), perhaps I could provide some inspirational ideas towards the revival and updating of this fine mod. Cavorite sphere?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, my orbital path has taken me far from the centre of the KSP system for some time. However as I swing past again I would like to thank everyone who helped inspire, with ideas and enthusiasm and all the rocketeers who enjoyed the mod. I have had a great time making parts and I will attempt to make more when time and my limited skills allow.


Please keep pouring on the ideas, and cool pictures too :cool:

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I've uploaded a number of craft at Kerbal-X. Maybe that will generate some new interest in this mod in particular and steampunk in general.


  On 2/8/2016 at 6:45 AM, Kerb-fu said:

oddly enough, the esteemed professor has had plans for a spherical 3 kerb pod for some time, but the engineers had so much fun kicking the model around the lunchroom that no further progress has been made.



If one could not work out the complexities of anti-gravity in KSP, I should think that it should at least be durable. In "The First Men in the Moon", the Cavorite sphere impacted on the moon quite hard, bouncing and rolling. It could be fun to slam the thing into the surface at upwards of 50 m/s and have it survive the impact.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/9/2016 at 12:52 AM, CaptKordite said:

I've uploaded a number of craft at Kerbal-X. Maybe that will generate some new interest in this mod in particular and steampunk in general.



If one could not work out the complexities of anti-gravity in KSP, I should think that it should at least be durable. In "The First Men in the Moon", the Cavorite sphere impacted on the moon quite hard, bouncing and rolling. It could be fun to slam the thing into the surface at upwards of 50 m/s and have it survive the impact.


Anti-gravity in such a way as the Cavorite sphere wouldn't be hard to do at all. All you need to do is tell the game "Okay, on this part, this part of it has a very high thrust and ISP with an invisible particle, and this part is an extremely strong SAS or ASAS to keep it upright". As for the impact speed... just make it ridiculously strong to impacts like the I-beams. :P

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  • 2 months later...

What about dynamite? Just add dynamite to the bottom of your rocket and BOOM! You're off! (Not quite sure if that's actually possible though)I'm pretty sure rocketry wasn't really considered in the minds of Sci-fi writers of the Yester-year. Hot air balloons for research purposes could be made.

Maybe something similar to the Orion Nuclear Pulse rocket using... dynamite?

Flapping Ornithopter wings might be a good idea.


Edited by HolidayTheDouche
Added Idea.
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  • 1 month later...

They tell me that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Original: Bottom, Flattery: Top


Enjoy your time off Kerb-fu, but do keep in mind, some of us love your mod and if you don't return soon, I'll just have to flatter your entire mod.

On a more serious note: If you don't plan to return, please PM me.  I'd be flattered to try to fill your top hat.

Edited by Fengist
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My dear sir, I happened to be strolling through the forums where I observed your most intriguing post. The timing is most fortuitous as I have been of late considering a grand reopening of the professors laboratory.

Please feel free to share any mechanisms, contraptions, apparatus, contrivances and indeed gee-gaws that you have developed, in fact I must insist you release these immediately, the world cries out it!


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How fortuitous that your arrival coincided with my flattery.  I suspect you have a contraption that perhaps detects it?

As it happens, I was looking for a more creative outlet for my rough-shod modding skills (you can only paint a boat hull so many colors) and I recalled how visually intriguing your mod is.  So, being a consummate hack at modding I cleared out a new spot for a stripped down KSP install and gave the emporium it's own home.  Then, I discovered that various parts seem to be having issues.  My calculations suggest that the pixels in your landing gear and wheels are coming into contact with anti-pixels in the KSP runway.  Nothing else could explain the calamity that ensued upon leaving the SPH.

So, a few hours ago, I donned my top hat and began fiddling with things.  With you on sabbatical and nothing more than a few textures to work with, I thot perhaps I'd just start from scratch, follow your artistic lead, and see if I couldn't... oh hell, I was gonna re-model your entire mod if need be.  

Thus far, what you see is it.  And there's yet a working hatch or ladder on it.  But that can be remedied.


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All the landing gear explode on contact with the ground. Welcome to Unity 5.

The barrel capsule seems to have a goofed mesh, possibly an airlock. It's sticking out the side and is invisible.

And just my opinion, but the pusher prop needs a nerf and a velocity curve.  I got the blimp working.  Hooligan airships was revived recently and yours still works with their plugin.  I put 2 of the props on it and promptly flipped it upside down the instant I hit the throttle.  Dunno if you played with velocity curves much, but it would allow the prop to ease-in to it's power.


Edited by Fengist
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Time to brush of the cobwebs eh?

Need to rethink jetpack KAS dependency, it uses and old KAS module not supported now.

I will go back over the basics like hatches etc. However I have nightshift for the next few days so time will be limited.

might be time for some part pruning, and a few new ones too

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As requested: 

Fengist's Shipyard and Gedunk Shoppe's tribute to Professor Phineas Kerbenstein and the steampunk community.

A Mk-1 command pod created in the style of the Vertical Propulsion Emporium.  Complete with airlock, ladder, lights and more.

Unzip this to the Kerb-fu/parts/Command directory


Kerb-fu, feel free to do with this as you please.  Consider it to have a, do what you want, license.  Let me know and if you'd like, I'd be glad to pass over the model, textures and Unity Scene.

And by the way Kerb-fu, you're one of the reasons I created the Maritime Pack.  Long ago I built a sailboat using your parts and realized, I wanted more.  So, I taught myself modelling and how to create plugins. Consider this a 'thanks' for giving me massive migraines, bruises from multiple face-desking's, carpal-tunnel syndrome and a wife who's certain she married a mad man.


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  On 7/20/2016 at 3:41 PM, Fengist said:

As requested: 

Fengist's Shipyard and Gedunk Shoppe's tribute to Professor Phineas Kerbenstein and the steampunk community.

A Mk-1 command pod created in the style of the Vertical Propulsion Emporium.  Complete with airlock, ladder, lights and more.

Unzip this to the Kerb-fu/parts/Command directory


Kerb-fu, feel free to do with this as you please.  Consider it to have a, do what you want, license.  Let me know and if you'd like, I'd be glad to pass over the model, textures and Unity Scene.

And by the way Kerb-fu, you're one of the reasons I created the Maritime Pack.  Long ago I built a sailboat using your parts and realized, I wanted more.  So, I taught myself modelling and how to create plugins. Consider this a 'thanks' for giving me massive migraines, bruises from multiple face-desking's, carpal-tunnel syndrome and a wife who's certain she married a mad man.





I know well the frustration of modding, my face and my desk spent a considerable amount of time pressed together and I have never before or since uttered the word " WHY ! " with so much pain and frustration

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All of the hatches on capsules seem to be broken.

In other news:


My new planet pack (with playable planet called Sudric) is a totally new system, and it is meant to have a totally new species and culture. They are called Vernians, and their space program is controlled by their church. This makes sense, because their religion is based around the almighty space probe, an Extrasudrican machine from a highly advanced and long since gone space empire. (It's actually based around the joke :hailprobe: in the Orbiter community)

Anyway, the space program of the Vernians is extremely low technology. Steampunk, even.


I thought I might share my thoughts on how you might improve the mechanics behind the mod. Here.

Also I note that your otherwise rather magnificent device, the service module solar panel, has an important flaw: It is circular. Reflective boilers require paraboloids and parabolic cylinders, not spheres or cylinders, to focus the light to the water vessel. A potential workaround may be folding the ends of the panel upward slightly.

Edited by GregroxMun
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  • 2 weeks later...

well well well, or should I say wheel wheel wheel.

I have been bashing my head against the new wheels setup, making some progress which is nice.

I may have to design new wheels and ditch some of the old designs due to incompatibility with the new ksp wheel colliders.


edit: Huzzah! some wheels work now, others will need revision, or deletion, as their dimensions ensure they will get the wheel stuck bug every time.

Edited by Kerb-fu
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  On 7/31/2016 at 12:40 PM, Kerb-fu said:

well well well, or should I say wheel wheel wheel.

I have been bashing my head against the new wheels setup, making some progress which is nice.

I may have to design new wheels and ditch some of the old designs due to incompatibility with the new ksp wheel colliders.


edit: Huzzah! some wheels work now, others will need revision, or deletion, as their dimensions ensure they will get the wheel stuck bug every time.


Did you happen to notice this thread?

Angel claims to have a cheat by moving things to the wheel collider ignore layer.  Dunno if that'll help.  I'm not a wheel kinda guy.

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  On 8/3/2016 at 5:29 AM, Fengist said:

Did you happen to notice this thread?

Angel claims to have a cheat by moving things to the wheel collider ignore layer.  Dunno if that'll help.  I'm not a wheel kinda guy.


I do use that layer on my wheels, and I was considering reworking the rest of my parts to do the same.

Objects with colliders using the WheelCollidersIgnore layer 26, are not rendered in the game, which in itself is not a big problem, I can make additional colliders which need not be rendered.

that is a lot of tedious work though... :confused:

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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