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Capturing an E type asteroid and my improved Asteroid Catcher

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Hi, loving the new update! Been messing with designs and, while using my old design i used for most of my rockets, managed to keep it and just use the new parts, to build an awesome asteroid catching ship

The First one i made was the prototype, but the asteroid i was trying to catch was 8 days away and i didnt want to spend too much time building and testing so i just used the first ship and it worked out well.

After getting the E type into orbit, i wanted to make a more efficient, bigger and all around more usable ship so i got redesigning and came up with a new variant of the ship which im very happy with. It gets into orbit with tons of fuel left, has the ability to drop off 50% of the fuel tanks when they are empty, making the ship lighter and lighter and the top section has 2 "escape pods" generally small ships with a parachute and some science stuff, mainly just for kerbals that are on the asteroid to be able to jump ship and go back without needing to take the whole thing back.

It can also detatch the 2 huge side engines, each with 4 nuclear rocket engines on, and they both can claw into asteroids and are actually really good at doing the job, it also can just stick in as 1 big ship.

Alternatively both side bits can detatch and you are left with a smallish ship with still 2 nuclear engines and a docking port on the front attatched to the top pod. Check out the video showing a basic flight of it and let me know what you think :)

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This is more of me showing off the 2 ships rather than any mission, just the ships i used to capture the e type. The second video especially is just me putting the ship in orbit, showing off the different things it does.

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