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Superstitious launch schedules, witchcraft and good luck charms?


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I've come to the conclusion that I have become very superstitious regarding my launches of very high weight payload. I've come to place a set of batteries (z-100) with each of the little light bulbs facing the other on top of the final payload or somewhere near the top. Another of my little curiosity's is putting a ring of the same battery type around a docking port if the docking port is right on top of the craft. Along those lines of illogical slander I never launch a rocket if the Mun is more then half way across the sky, along with that I never land a rover on the borderline between the sunlight and the shade on the Mun. It's bad luck.

Examples are: Voodoo, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Curses, Lucky charms, Spirits, Jeb's Underwear, Jinxes, Magic and/or pacts with demons.

What have you tried? :confused:

Edited by TimePeriod
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I always...ALWAYS have my lifter engines pointing at the ground. It may sound silly, but whenever I have them pointing any other direction, bad things just happen. Its like voodoo.

For some reason, I always feel like I won't go to space today if the engines are pointed toward space. :)

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I dunno 'bout the rest of y'alls, but I need to have some sort of probe body or Kerbal or somethin' to steer the rockets. Lighting the fuse and watching a SLS rocket go up nearly drove a 10m piece of steel through my face.... four times.

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I actually don't have any "superstitious" habits, but I do have some preferences. I like to do my launches in the late morning or around noon, KSC time, just so I have good lighting on craft for the ascent. I don't use FAR, but I've started using nose-cones again, just for aesthetics. I always put on too many RTGs, but it also means I don't need solar panels usually.

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If the thermometer and barometer are not vertically in line with each other I will find a way to make them that way.

I'm not sure what I hate so much about them being next to each other. I guess it just looks asymmetrical with respect to whatever 'face' of a part it happens to be on.

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I always...ALWAYS have my lifter engines pointing at the ground. It may sound silly, but whenever I have them pointing any other direction, bad things just happen. Its like voodoo.

Not really, unless the definition of voodoo changed recently.

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Navigation Lights mod... my payload always has lights on it with colors that are a sharp contrast, and if possible, complementary, to the color of the planetary body its intended to reach.

I've never sent Kerbals to rock that hasn't already been visited by a probe. Though that may change if my 'mothership' project actually works.

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Heresy! Your way of flying is different to my beliefs! HERESY I SAY!

Oh, get over it. I bet you don't even read your technical journals every Saturday, do you, DO YOU?

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Chuckle I actualy saw a video where someone did it differently. Rocket upsidedown sepretrons to flip it as the clamps release and engiens fire. He actualy got the thing flying. think it was a challange a few months back.

There was a Reddit challenge a while back. Scott Manley's video showcased 11 different designs:

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Chuckle I actualy saw a video where someone did it differently. Rocket upsidedown sepretrons to flip it as the clamps release and engiens fire. He actualy got the thing flying. think it was a challange a few months back.

That was probably the Up Goer Five challenge.

Manley did a video about it showing different methods:

< video removed, I was too late to the party... *shakes fist at post above* >



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Whenever I have a land mission to a planet or Moon, I bring what I call a "G.H.O.O.D Pack" (Silent H, "Good Pack" :P) which stands for "Get the Hell Out Of Dodge Pack" When I first heard of The Kraken, I thought it was an actual in game monster... and I do not like being stuck on barren planets with a giant monster...

So I pretty much developed a command chair with some boosters on it, to just hop in and GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE! In case the Kraken ever comes :P I still bring it just because im still scarred of what may be in the dark depths of space...

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Whenever I have a land mission to a planet or Moon, I bring what I call a "G.H.O.O.D Pack" (Silent H, "Good Pack" :P) which stands for "Get the Hell Out Of Dodge Pack" When I first heard of The Kraken, I thought it was an actual in game monster... and I do not like being stuck on barren planets with a giant monster...

So I pretty much developed a command chair with some boosters on it, to just hop in and GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE! In case the Kraken ever comes :P I still bring it just because im still scarred of what may be in the dark depths of space...

That's awesome. :D Sounds exactly like something Jeb would come up with.

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I play Soviet era Red Army Choir tunes during my launch. I always start with the national anthem followed by The music from Hunt for Red October. Then its random from there out. For landings I'm fond of Polyushka Polye.

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