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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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By the way, is it on purpose that one cannot grab the Science Bay?

Yep, its due to a limitation with KAS (or KSP and its part attachment tree structure). If you grab a root part, all of the parts connected to it will simply fall off. You can turn the grab functionality back on again in the .cfg file (if you open it with notepad there should be instructions in there for you to follow); but we felt that it was too easy to accidentally grab the bay and wreck your payload.

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Yep, its due to a limitation with KAS (or KSP and its part attachment tree structure). If you grab a root part, all of the parts connected to it will simply fall off. You can turn the grab functionality back on again in the .cfg file (if you open it with notepad there should be instructions in there for you to follow); but we felt that it was too easy to accidentally grab the bay and wreck your payload.

Ok, that's not a problem, really. I can simply empty the science bay and attach the content somewhere else, then move the science bay. Could you point me to the config parameter please?

Would it possible to implement some sort of saftey, something like "do you really want to detach science bay from US core?"

Edit: or even better, could the "detachability" be a tweakable?

Edited by Kobymaru
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Ok, that's not a problem, really. I can simply empty the science bay and attach the content somewhere else, then move the science bay. Could you point me to the config parameter please?

Would it possible to implement some sort of saftey, something like "do you really want to detach science bay from US core?"

Have a look for this text...

// If you want to reenable simply remove the comments on the module below.

// {
// name = KASModuleGrab
// evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.01, -0.14)
// evaPartDir = (0,0,1)
// attachNodeName = back
// customGroundPos = true
// dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.45)
// dropPartRot = (-10.0, -90, 0.0)
// bayType = wedge
// bayNode = back
// bayRot = (0, 0, 1)
// }

// *******************************************************
//	This part has KAS grabability disabled by default as grabbing it will detach any parts mounted to it.

And take out the //'s so it looks like this...



name = KASModuleGrab

evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.01, -0.14)

evaPartDir = (0,0,1)

attachNodeName = back

customGroundPos = true

dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.45)

dropPartRot = (-10.0, -90, 0.0)

bayType = wedge

bayNode = back

bayRot = (0, 0, 1)


I'm not sure how we'd manage a warning system though... it might have to be through a .dll and i'm not exactly a coder :) I'm not sure Paul would want to overcomplicate this mod with extra plugins either, considering how badly the 0.24 update hit the .dll reliant mods out there.

Edited by Daishi
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When you get the TAC version done, will I need all three versions? Because I run KAS and TAC.

To get all the toys yes.

The core pack will give you all the basics and some of the resorces.

The TAC pack adds in the extra resources and processors TCA LS needs, such as Food, Waste, Carbon DIoxide and the Water purifier.

The above is KAS enabled if you has KAS installed, so you can grab and move parts.

The KAS pack includes a KAS storage container and the EVAx (EVA extender pack) which the TAC pack will add TAC resources to. You don't need to the KAS pack to make US work with TAC LS, it's parts are focused towards KAS. But it's only two parts and the EVAx directly works with TAC LS, so I recommend it.

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To get all the toys yes.

The core pack will give you all the basics and some of the resorces.

The TAC pack adds in the extra resources and processors TCA LS needs, such as Food, Waste, Carbon DIoxide and the Water purifier.

The above is KAS enabled if you has KAS installed, so you can grab and move parts.

The KAS pack includes a KAS storage container and the EVAx (EVA extender pack) which the TAC pack will add TAC resources to. You don't need to the KAS pack to make US work with TAC LS, it's parts are focused towards KAS. But it's only two parts and the EVAx directly works with TAC LS, so I recommend it.

Nice will be giving it a shot for sure, can't wait for the TAC version and I have the other two ready to go. One more question these both work for 64bit right? If not I have to start the process of deciding which mod I can live without to get this one installed.

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US works on 64bit and I believe KAS does as well (although there is a separate fixed DLL for 64bit).

TAC LS I don't know, you'll have to check the TAC forums.

Personally though, I've found the frame rates to not be great in 64bit KSP, comparing stock installs. I'm still using 32bit for actually playing.

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US works on 64bit and I believe KAS does as well (although there is a separate fixed DLL for 64bit).

TAC LS I don't know, you'll have to check the TAC forums.

Personally though, I've found the frame rates to not be great in 64bit KSP, comparing stock installs. I'm still using 32bit for actually playing.

I am too at the moment with ATM installed. I have the 32bit fix DLL for KAS and TAC prerelease #4 is running just fine so I will give it a shot as soon as you get done with the TAC pack.

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Your Feedback needed!

The next version of Universal Storage will be KSP-AVC enabled. For those who aren't aware of it, this is a version checker that comes in two parts. First of all there is a website where modders can set the current version information for their mod, including what versions of KSP it will work with. The second part is a version file included in every mod. This text file contains the version of the currently installed mod as well as a link to the mod download.

What happens is that on running KSP the mod checks for version files in your game data folder, then downloads the version information from the site and compares the two. If there is a newer version of the mod available it lets you know and gives you a button to download the latest release.

This system comes in 2 flavours.

One is a seperate mod that you install. The other is a smaller version that I package with universal storage.

This is probably a good time to point out that this is an opt-in system with a pop-up that asks if you want to use the version checker the first time you run it.

It is also a one way system, nothing is uploaded to the version checker site. Rather it downloads a basic list of the current versions of any mods registered with KSP-AVS and tells you if there is a discrepancy.

So my question is how do people feel about the version checker? Would they prefer to have everything packaged with US, or just the version files, so it'll work with KSP-AVC if you install it separately.

I'm very enthusiastic about the mod, but I don't want to make people uncomfortable about what they are installing.

For more information you can check the KSP-AVC thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79745

I've also made a short video talking about AVC and how it would work with Universal Storage

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Your Feedback needed!

I like the idea as long as it does it only at startup, in a different game there was a mod that checked for updates while running causing lag and continuous memory usage. Also if it is packaged with the mod and someone does not instal the DLL will it work the same as it does now or does the DLL need to be installed and opt out in order to work? Personally I would like to try as it would be nice to not have an update on KSP and hunting for mods, but I have my reservations based on other mods that claimed the same thing and turned out to do other undesirable things.

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I like the idea as long as it does it only at startup, in a different game there was a mod that checked for updates while running causing lag and continuous memory usage. Also if it is packaged with the mod and someone does not instal the DLL will it work the same as it does now or does the DLL need to be installed and opt out in order to work? Personally I would like to try as it would be nice to not have an update on KSP and hunting for mods, but I have my reservations based on other mods that claimed the same thing and turned out to do other undesirable things.

If you don't install the DLL or later delete then the version checker won't work. In essence it's hard opting out. (the rest of Universal Storage will work just fine)

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Your Feedback needed!


Many thanks for asking feedback and making an effort at describing the system, that's how to go.

Absolutely happy with the opt-in system. I'm enticed to accept just because it asks the right way.

About the 2 flavours, happy you allow for both so to better suit with users preferences. My one is to go with the separate KSP-AVC, as more and more mods I have installed are going to use it, so best if the feature is consistent across all.

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Your Feedback needed!

Another voice saying "thank you for asking us about it", and go for it. I already have the full AVC installed, after looking into how it does what it does and being happy with it.

As I understand it, if you install the mini version, it'll be superceeded by a full install anyway, if one exists?

So I'd say go for whatever works best for you, and I for one will be happy with having it.

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Last week a few people were asking for the part values for TAC. I have now updated everything for the TAC pack (part.cfg, the models are still in production).

You can find the information in my Resources spreadsheet on my public one drive. All value are subject to change before release (and probably after release as well)


The part information is in the Universal Storage tab.

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Great mod! I'll download any pack asap, really nice and polished stuff here.

I actually have few questions - will there be TAC food octo storage part? Or there is and I missed something :P And have you planned to make that EVA pack get some additional buffs like more power for orbital manuev... err, getting onto rockets easier? It sucks to be on massive body without a ladder sometimes :(

And one question more like to fellow users and modders - is there any way to adapt some small egine to use US hydrogen as propellant? Is ths resource considered a propellant at all? I get it's used only by two converter parts (at the moment) so I thought it would be nice to burn some in lander engine.

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And one question more like to fellow users and modders - is there any way to adapt some small egine to use US hydrogen as propellant? Is ths resource considered a propellant at all? I get it's used only by two converter parts (at the moment) so I thought it would be nice to burn some in lander engine.

You could manually change some engines to use H2, additionally Nertea's NFPP has an optional patch which changes the LV-N engines to use H2 (as well as other engines which use H2)

The real fuels mod also uses H2

YMMV though as the resource keys need to match exactly, so if the US part produces H2 but the engine expect LiquidH2 (for example) they're not going to work (or you'll need a converter which accepts H2 [the gas] and produces LiquidH2 [the cryogenic fuel])

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