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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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I have a weird bug regarding this mod. If I build a craft using the quadcore as a wedge pylon, even when empty, the following gamebreaking bug occur. The craft seems to be tethered to the launch pad as if the quadcore acts like a launch clamp.

Edited by Fuzzwood
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I have a weird bug regarding this mod. If I build a craft using the quadcore as a wedge pylon, even when empty, the following gamebreaking bug occur. The craft seems to be tethered to the launch pad as if the quadcore acts like a launch clamp.

I'm getting this as well.

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I have a weird bug regarding this mod. If I build a craft using the quadcore as a wedge pylon, even when empty, the following gamebreaking bug occur. The craft seems to be tethered to the launch pad as if the quadcore acts like a launch clamp.

Are you using any other mods and can you send me the craft file?

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Since Paul wants to deliver my MM patch with the TAC pack I'd like to point a few things out to avoid problems/misunderstandings:

  • The TAC converter has no option to shutdown at an underflow (at least none I’m aware of). So if one input resource runs out it stops production but automatically starts again the moment there is a little bit of IR again.
  • It requires to set the overflow behavior for each output resource individually. Let’s look at the output resources of the FuelCell for example: outputResources = ElectricCharge, 16, True, Water, 0.0000520833, True. Having this toggle set to True for each resource means, that any overflow will be vented. Even if both resources are full! I personally prefer it to stop if one or more resources are full. The FuelCell for example should stop once EC is full. That means changing the line to the following: outputResources = ElectricCharge, 16, False, Water, 0.0000520833, True which will still vent an overflow of water but stop once the batteries are charged. I set everything to “allowOverflow[=True]†since by quick skimming over the original converter modules I got the impression that’s the default behavior (canOverflow = true), but never checked if it would continue to output if both are full! So @Paul: sorry for me missing that, you may consider setting one resource overflow mode to False to prevent a few cries of agony… :blush: I’ll add my personal config to this post. Oh and I agree that there should exist an option to auto-stop if all are full, I suppose I will add that to the USI converter shortly (if RoverDude approves). I should be able to add it to TAC also, but have never worked with Taranis before and don’t know his plans.

!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
name = USI_Converter
converterName = FuelCell
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Hydrogen, 0.0647500000, Oxygen, 0.0323750000
outputResources = ElectricCharge, 16, False, Water, 0.0000520833, True

!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
name = USI_Converter
converterName = Elektron
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = ElectricCharge, 18, Water, 0.00036
outputResources = Hydrogen, 0.44800, False, Oxygen, 0.22400, True

!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
name = USI_Converter
converterName = Water Purifier
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = ElectricCharge, 15, WasteWater, 0.0002778
outputResources = Water, 0.0002583, False, Waste, 0.0000194, True

!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
name = USI_Converter
converterName = Sabatier
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = ElectricCharge, 28, CarbonDioxide, 0.22400, Hydrogen, 0.89600
outputResources = LiquidFuel, 0.000061, False, Water, 0.00036, True

EDIT: I already sent RoverDude a pull request for the optional "shutdown if everything full even if the output resources would all allow overflow" feature. I will also send TaranisElsu a PM suggesting that he includes it into the TAC converter as well. So hopefully the next releases of USI and TAC-LS will make the workaround of having at least one non-overflow output resource unnecessary.

Hey all,

Been playing around with KSP for a while right now and truly love it. I'm in the process of playing a career and it's still early in my game. I'm trying to set up a satellite communications network (I use Remote Tech, among other mods), and I don't have access to a battery bigger than 400 units, nor anything to feed my hungry dish antennae other than solar panels and (wait for it!) fuel cells. I built a workable prototype sat, but in testing I noticed that even though my batteries are fully charged and my solar panels are deployed on the sunniest of days at the KSC, my fuel cell keeps producing electricity (and eating resources) whether or not there is any drain and whether or not there are any other power sources.

What I would like is to have a system in which the fuel cell is only active when the solar panels are not, either by detecting activity at a given flow rate or detecting that battery levels are below a certain percentage. I suspect that neither of these are possible, but I'd like to be told I'm completely wrong in my suspicions. Or if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. (BTW - The quote above is what gave me the idea to ask about this, so credit / blame marce for making me register here!)

Pauk Kingtiger and anyone else who has helped to develop this mod: thank you. KSP and the various mods that make it so delicious has taken the place that no game since Civ 4 has held in my heart. And mind. And fevered dreams. :D

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when stacking two universal storage cores in a ship, I always hit the new kraken (http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/2753). sometimes at launch, sometimes in space. it's funny to watch, but very limiting. here's a sample ship with two stacked US quad-cores frozen on the launchpad with boosters firing behind it:


works fine using only one core, but that's limiting. this is a very useful mod, I'd love for it to work in all cases.

linux x64, 0.90

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First of all happy for your response and that I am not the only one suffering from this issue. Let me put first and foremost that I really like this mod. It makes my rockets a lot more streamlined as I can jimmy all science parts and whatnot into bays.

Also, reading the above post. When I deploy the parachutes in this stage (normally prevented as the craft is on the ground) they extend perpendicular towards the ground and I can make them switch sides by tilting my craft in their pointing direction.

I have the strong feeling this is then indeed related to the new Kraken bug. Crafts using only one core appear to be working fine as I was able to launch many of those before.

The mods I used (or used, as I deleted my entire install in a fit of rage :() are

Installed by CKAN:

Active texture management

Ambient light adjustment

Coherent contracts

Community resource pack

Connected living space

Crowd sourced science

Deadly reentry continued

Distant object enhancement

DMagic orbital science

Editor extensions

Ferram aerospace research

Firespitter core

Fuel science


Kerbal alarm clock

Kerbal attachment system

Kerbal engineer redux

Kerbal joint reinforcement

Landing aid

Magic smoke industries infernal robotics

Module manager

Orbital material science

Precise node

RCS build aid

Realchute parachute systems



Resource details in tracking center





Station science

Transfer window planner


Umbra space industries tools

Universal storage

Universal storage [KAS pack]

USI Kolonization systems (MKS/OKS)


B9 Aerospace

KW rocketry


TAC fuel balancer

Universal storage [TAC Pack]

Now, I don't have the craft file but even after rebuilding the craft from scratch, the same bug occured. What I had on the craft is in the following order:

Mk16 chute

OCTO probe core (2x Communotron 16, 4 OX-STAT solarpanels flipped 90 °)

Command Pod Mk1 (empty as this was a rescue mission with enough fuel to also reach and come back from the Mun)

TAC-Life support Small life support

>>>Multiple orders of<<<

Quad core (DMagic solar x2 and magnetometer x2)

Quad core (DMagic mystery goo x2 and science junior x2)

FL-T400 Fuel Tank (2x Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute with parameters edited by real chute)


LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine

TR-18A Stack Decoupler

KW Rocketry SA-4 LFT (2x Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute with parameters edited by real chute)

LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine

TR-18A Stack Decoupler

KW Rocketry SA-4 LFT (2x Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute with parameters edited by real chute)

KW Rocketry SA-2 LFT (4x RV-88 winglets, 4x TT-70 Radial Decoupler)

KW Rocketry WildCat-V

Attached to the TT-70 Radial Decoupler:

Aerodynamic nose cap

KW Rocketry SA-05 LFT (1x Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute with parameters edited by real chute)

KW Rocketry SA-2 LFT > @decoupler (+ fuel line to KW Rocketry SA-2 LFT, 1x Sepratron 1 pointing straight down)

KW Rocketry Vesta VR-1

Edited by Fuzzwood
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I can't recreate this issue. I have Win7 64bit running KSP 0.90 32bit.

I've tried on my normal install with a bunch of mods and also a stock + US install and it leaves the pad every time.

I have 2 quad cores stacked as in the picture above.

aradapilot, you're running 64bit on Linux, Fuzzwood, are you running KSP 64 as well?

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I actually just uninstalled. I was having really buggy gameplay with out without the universal storage parts in use. They all went away when I removed it.

Irritating issues such as not being able to activate or toggle parts on ships (with power), click on Space Port buildings, select options from the Main Menu (forcing a process kill) that only went away when the game was restarted. Even weirder were the staging bugs. At its worst, whenever I had a Universal Storage part on board, each launch stability enhancer would have to be staged individually followed by the second stage breaking physics and causing the ship to hang motionless in space or keep accelerating along a vector without thrust (no gravity impacts or engine shut down impacts).

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If it may help: this was a save in career mode and I had a Kerbal I had to save in orbit. Also, now that you mention KJR. I had another issue of my radial decouplers not firing or the attached seperatrons not firing. The intermitant KJR update fixed that issue at least but perhaps there is more going on.

So with that I am not sure the bug lies within your mod or that more mods using multipart connectors are somehow affected.

Edited by Fuzzwood
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I have a weird bug regarding this mod. If I build a craft using the quadcore as a wedge pylon, even when empty, the following gamebreaking bug occur. The craft seems to be tethered to the launch pad as if the quadcore acts like a launch clamp.

Yup, me too.

GNU/Linux x86_64



EDIT: Now narrowed down to specific mod combination, huge mod list redacted ;)

Reproducible only with UniversalStorage +KerbalJointReinforcement + ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads

Do those others experiencing this have the above 3 mods installed (maybe just the EPL dll for MKS)?

I suspect this is also the cause of some unintentional kraken drive shenanigans I have been trying to sort out...

More testing to follow.

*wanders off to check threads for KJR & EPL*

Edited by steve_v
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That's for the bug hunting guys, really appreciate it.

I'm trying to work out how US would cause these problems, it's just a parts mod, and shouldn't be playing around with physics at all.

It's possible that advanced animator is causing the problem, that mod is no longer supported so I can't say if it's 100 compatible with 0.90, but I don't see why it wouldn't be.

The other thing is Regolith, but again I'm not sure how that would cause the issues you're seeing above.

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I'm trying to work out how US would cause these problems, it's just a parts mod, and shouldn't be playing around with physics at all.

Likewise, buggered if I know why this only seems to affect craft with US parts.

Removing EPL solves the launchpad bug for me, but it looks like this kraken has more than one head.

Only US + KJR needed to cause (for me at any rate):

Kerbal on EVA still connected to & controlling craft, appears very similar to the 'tied to the launchpad' issue.

After a save / load cycle the physics of the connection to the US core goes nuts, becoming extremely springy & triggering explosive disassembly if constrained.

Unintentional kraken drive on save / load cycle, stops if some (any) part of the vessel is jettisoned.

Interestingly, this only appears to happen if there is another part between the US core and the root of the craft / subassembly... at least with the configurations I've tested. The test case I was using to de-kraken my lander was: mini docking port (root) > fl-a5 adapter > US core > lander can. Without the fl-a5 adapter the problem disappears.

On the up side, all this repetition means I'm getting pretty good at flying this particular rocket. :)

Removing AdvancedAnimator.dll makes no difference.



Rolling back to KJR 2.4.5 solves all of my woes.

There are a bunch of similar issues cropping up on the KJR thread right about now, so all in all this is probably not your problem :D

As you were.

*contemplates bugging ferram4*

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New version released

This update combines all the packs into a single download, and instead uses Module Manager to create parts based on other mods you have installed.

We've done this so we can support more mods without having pack spam, it also makes installation and download much easier.

The other packs are still available for download but we will depreciate them in future releases.

The update is available from Kerbal Stuff or via CKAN

More information and instructions at ksp.kingtiger.co.uk


2nd January 2015 - Version

This release combines the separate packs into a single download! Rather than have you manually download multiple packs depending on what mods you have installed, Universal Storage now uses Module Manager to detect other mods and creates the appropriate parts to match! This new system makes it much easier to download and install Universal Storage and makes it possible for us to support more mods without spamming new packs.

No more separate packs, everything is combined. Module Manager will detect which mods you have installed and create the appropriate parts.

Also we have a slight change to the version system that shows the KSP version, in this case 0.90

  • Packs combined to a single download, Module Manager now creates parts based on other mods you have installed
  • Support for Ion Cross life support
  • Parts renamed so they appear in a logical order in the parts catalog (This is the part title only, not the name field, shouldn't break saves)
  • Added Mod Development Pack, containing sample module manager files for modding Universal Storage. This pack will be added to in future versions.
  • Updated installation instructions.
  • Latests version of Regolith and Module Manager
  • Adds Optional Folder with alternative configs for TAC Life support
  • Adds Part Catalog icon
  • Updated instructions to include the above

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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Hi Paul,

When TAC LS officially comes out on CKAN, any idea how you'll handle giving the user the option to change consumption rates to human? It looks like CKAN might give us an overwrite error if you try to overwrite the LifeSupport.cfg in the ThunderAerospace folder.

We could just install manually, but...

Edited by ev0
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Hi Paul,

When TAC LS officially comes out on CKAN, any idea how you'll handle giving the user the option to change consumption rates to human? It looks like CKAN might give us an overwrite error if you try to overwrite the LifeSupport.cfg in the ThunderAerospace folder.

We could just install manually, but...

I've been wondering about that myself. I can probably do it with module manager, I just need to sit down and play around with it.

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Hm, not sure how I feel about this latest update. I only use certain parts out of your mod, and i'm not very good, read I can't, edit MM configs, so how hard exactly is it going to be for people like me to only get the parts I want, and prevent the parts I don't want from showing up?

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Hm, not sure how I feel about this latest update. I only use certain parts out of your mod, and i'm not very good, read I can't, edit MM configs, so how hard exactly is it going to be for people like me to only get the parts I want, and prevent the parts I don't want from showing up?

Go to GameData\UniversalStorage\Parts and delete any of the folders with parts you don't use. Each part has it's own folder so you can easily edit it to what you want. Although keep in mind the latest version will only add the parts to match the other mods you have installed. So if you don't have TAC life support installed it won't create any TAC parts for US.

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