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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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I asked this question in the development forum and someone thought this mod might have a solution for that. Can you say anything about that, Paul?

Sorry for just plunking down a link, I though that would be better than repeating everything.

Both of those questions are more KAS things, but I'll try to help.

Limiting what goes in containers, as in the KAS container, can be done. First up a part has to be KAS enabled, which gives is a size. Containers only can contain a limited total size of parts, settable in the container cfg file.

If you mean limiting what can be attached to say a science bay, then no it's can't be done. KSP allows anything to attach to anything (more or less) and there's no way to limit it beyond allowing surface mounting of parts.

For the second question, it is technically possible, in that you could write a mod to do it, but I'm unaware of anything existing at the moment. As a guess you could use Firespitter to detect if there was anything in a KAS container and change the model based on that (say by adding boxes inside).

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I m the author of the SETI-BalanceMod (link in signature) and wanted to thank you for this awesome mod.

It is now listed in the mods supported by SETI and I made some rebalances (including the wedges from DMagic Orbital Science), so it added some very nice dynamics.


Please add a battery wedge, additionally to the existing alkaline fuel cell.

And a further recommendation would be solar panels which retract into a wedge. They could be foldable like the basic 1x6 panels, while the outer panels increase in size since the wedges offer more room for them.

The unfolded total shape could be something like a trapezoid, with or without steps.

Thank you again!

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I am having a bug and I think it is caused by this mod. I am trying to make an orbital science station and when I have 4 storage containers on it it weighs 17.2 tons and when I go to launch I just see the particles coming out of the rocket but it does not move, I tried replacing the containers with something else which made it weigh 17.2 tons as well, and it took off fine. Any ideas on what to do?

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I am having a bug and I think it is caused by this mod. I am trying to make an orbital science station and when I have 4 storage containers on it it weighs 17.2 tons and when I go to launch I just see the particles coming out of the rocket but it does not move, I tried replacing the containers with something else which made it weigh 17.2 tons as well, and it took off fine. Any ideas on what to do?

Have you tried this? (Posted at the top of this page.)

Latest version of KJR fixes the "stuck in place" bug.
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You only need to the core pack. As of everything is in a single pack and it automatically detects other mods that are installed and creates parts to match (using module manager).

- - - Updated - - -

There has been a very minor update to the CKAN file. This includes KAS and DMagic Orbital science as a suggested mods (you'll get an opt-in prompt when you install Universal Storage from CKAN).

Daishi is now also listed as mod author.

No changes to the actual mod, this will only affect those who use CKAN.

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You only need to the core pack. As of everything is in a single pack and it automatically detects other mods that are installed and creates parts to match (using module manager).

WOW! I don't know the means to code this, but just the idea is awesome! That should one "helluva" programming! Congratulations (and thanks again)!

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If i might request a part from anyone who has the modding chops... I'm looking for a wedge that has 60 man(kerbal) days of water/food /O2. With the separate wedges and 2 crew I have a 200 day oversupply, and the space could be put to better use.

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For some reason these things are locking my ship in place, like, no matter how much power I put behind it, it won't move at all until I cause an event to change the ship(for example decoupling something)

Seems to only happen if there's two of them stacked ontop of eachother.

I've had this happen before, but the fix has nothing to do with Universtal Storage. Do you use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? [...] In the KJR thread there's a dev version which fixed the issue for me. It's a straightforwared replacement for the .DLL.

I just created an account to thank Leops for this (and I suppose Crimor for asking). I started experiencing dead-stopped orbits and phantom accelerations three days ago, and I've spent the past three days reinstalling mods, trying (in vain) to decipher logs, launching test flight after test flight with different parts on board, finally narrowing it down to the presence of Universal Storage parts. I checked and double checked that I had the latest version, and minutes ago, finally found your comment. It works. By Jool, it works.

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I keep being told on KSP startup that an update is available for this mod, but after installing it (correctly, twice) it still tells me about an update., which according to the title of this thread doesn't exist.

Any ideas?

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He just forgot to update the .version file, happened to me as well for my SETI-BalanceMod.

The file UniversalStorage\UniversalStorage.version should look like this:

Notice the "BUILD":1 line instead of your "BUILD":0 line.

"NAME":"Universal Storage",

You can just put in the 1 instead of the 0 and it doesnt bother you anymore.

Edited by Yemo
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I love the mod but one thing I find a little frustrating is figuring out what everything is when it is closed.

A few questions:

- Do open and closed doors affect drag in FAR or are they purely cosmetic?

- Is there any way to get labels on the OUTSIDE of the universal storage containers?

Thanks so much.

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I've had this happen before, but the fix has nothing to do with Universtal Storage. Do you use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement?

I get this, and I do not use KJR.

Edit, Help please, with the new structure to this mod, is there anyway to edit parts that get added by MM config? I like to tweak the snacks! pack that gets added to the game, but I can't find anything referencing it in the files, Where do I need to look?

Re-Edit: Actually on testing in a new Sandbox mode, the newest version of Universal Storage does not create the snacks! pack, at all, unless I've done something horribly wrong.

Final Edit: Confirmed, re-downloaded latest version, installed on clean install, with Snacks mod. No US snacks wedge is being created in game. I can find folders for all other US parts, but not the snack wedge, did it mayhaps, not get added into the latest install by mistake?

Edited by vardicd
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Very strange.

AVC is telling me is available, and I downloaded the file.

I now have two very similar files in my mod collection:

Universal_Storage- (downloaded today)

Universal-Storage- (downloaded 13th Jan)

Note the diff is one has a _ and the other has a - between "Universal" and "Storage".

According to AVC, both versions are

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Very strange.

AVC is telling me is available, and I downloaded the file.

I now have two very similar files in my mod collection:

Universal_Storage- (downloaded today)

Universal-Storage- (downloaded 13th Jan)

Note the diff is one has a _ and the other has a - between "Universal" and "Storage".

According to AVC, both versions are

Snap, I'm getting the same.

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Version is avalable on Kerbal Stuff

This update fixes a ACV version error and tweaks storage amounts for oxygen, food and water. This helps with balance when using life support mods, giving a 48 day supply of food and water per wedge and a 96 day supply of oxygen (TAC values). Note that craft in flight will not be affected, but saved craft and sub-assemblies my need to be reviewed to ensure mission success. As ever make a backup of your save file when updating mods!

  • Water wedge capacity reduced to 40 liters
  • Food wedge reduced to 40 liters
  • Oxygen wedge reduced to 14108 liters (stored as a compressed gas)
  • EVAx tweaked to provide 1 day of resources for each mod
  • AVC version error fixed

A note on the reported Snacks error. I can't replicate the issue, please ensure you've installed Snacks, Universal Storage and any other mod correctly. If you're using career mod, note you have to unlock the Snacks wedge, it's in the spaceExploration node.

I will update ksp.kingtiger.co.uk with new download and change log tomorrow.

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A note on the reported Snacks error. I can't replicate the issue, please ensure you've installed Snacks, Universal Storage and any other mod correctly. If you're using career mod, note you have to unlock the Snacks wedge, it's in the spaceExploration node.

I'm using the latest version, have the snacks mod installed, playing on KSP .90 and have tested in both career mode and sandbox. The snacks wedge will not appear in game, I have to pull the snacks wedge folder from an older version and manually add it to the game to get it to appear. {Latest version, as of before this newest update. I was up to date at the time. Will test newest version shortly.}

Edit: Okay, I figured out what's going on, and it's completely my fault.


I don't use the highlighted parts in game, so I manually delete them from the game folder, I'm slightly OCD, and hate having my parts list cluttered by bits I don't use. I remove regular squad parts too, and with the old structure it was no big deal, these parts just didn't show up, with the new system you have of MM adding in, deleting these folders prevents the Snacks wedge from being created. I'm going to have to find some other way of dealing with these. Sorry to generate an erroneous bug report, and waste your time, when it was my own fault.

Re-edit: Figured it out, I can remove all the folders, except the food one. have to leave that to create the snacks wedge. I feel like an idiot. Again, sorry to have wasted your time with this issue. :blush:

Edited by vardicd
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tried to install US and US-KAS Trough CKAN. I get this error:

Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
Please try a `ckan update` and try again.

If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
Please report it at:


Please including the following information in your report:

File : GameData/UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R110_Wedge_KASContainer/KASContainer.tga
Installing Mod : UniversalStorage-KAS 1.0.0
Owning Mod : UniversalStorage
CKAN Version : v1.5.6-0-g0000000 (beta)

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


If I install only US it is OK, when I try US-KAS I get an Error.

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tried to install US and US-KAS Trough CKAN. I get this error:

Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
Please try a `ckan update` and try again.

If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
Please report it at:


Please including the following information in your report:

File : GameData/UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1R110_Wedge_KASContainer/KASContainer.tga
Installing Mod : UniversalStorage-KAS 1.0.0
Owning Mod : UniversalStorage
CKAN Version : v1.5.6-0-g0000000 (beta)

Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


If I install only US it is OK, when I try US-KAS I get an Error.

You don't need US-KAS any more and it's unsupported, which is why it's not working. I've asked for those packs to be removed from CKAN.

You only need US, which now includes all the extra packs.

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Hi, thanks for your great work on your mods! Question regarding the new water, food, and oxygen values in the update: When I installed my current version of Universal Storage (, I followed the instructions that came with US to tweak resource values to 25% because I also have TAC Life Support installed. Is there anything I need to make sure to do -- or not do -- when updating to make sure I don't break anything and maintain proper balance of the values? TYIA!

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Hi, thanks for your great work on your mods! Question regarding the new water, food, and oxygen values in the update: When I installed my current version of Universal Storage (, I followed the instructions that came with US to tweak resource values to 25% because I also have TAC Life Support installed. Is there anything I need to make sure to do -- or not do -- when updating to make sure I don't break anything and maintain proper balance of the values? TYIA!

When you update delete the existing UniversalStorage folder then install the new one. That will remove the 25% values and use the new ones which should balance nicely with TAC. You'll get 48 kerbin days worth of food and water and 96 kerbin days of Oxygen (the oxygen is the biggest change and is now about 30% of the previous value).

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