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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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Having watched some of the 1.0 streams over the weekend, I'm going to be changing the following for universal storage:

  • Processors to use the stock system rather than Regolith. Should be easy enough as they were both created by Roverdude.
  • I'll also look at changing the textures from .png to .dds, to improve the loading times.
  • Probably new tech tree nodes for parts, but I can see further tweaks needed here as I gain more experience with the new tree.
  • Some other balance tweaks for the parts, depending on how 1.0 looks.

I'm probably going to do this in the form of a few pre-releases for those who want to use US as soon as possible with a final version in a week or so.

Hm, if every part mod creates its own tech tree nodes, the result is a major mod compatibility issue, growing with every mod installed.

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Hm, if every part mod creates its own tech tree nodes, the result is a major mod compatibility issue, growing with every mod installed.

To clarify I wasn't planning to create my own nodes, but might move the parts to more appropriate nodes in the revised, stock 1.0 tree.

- - - Updated - - -

Paul - if you need help with using the converter code just let me know (but it should be pretty easy to convert over from Regolith's syntax).

Also - make sure you drop the regolith dependency in CKAN as it's deprecated (for now)

Will do. I figured I could work out the new code from the stock parts but if I get stuck I'll let you know.

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Am I safe to play 1.0 and later install the updated US without it harming my career file?

Probably too soon to know the answer to that, Bear. My guess it that it won't break a save unless he cuts out any parts between test and official 1.0 patch, and you happen to be using one of those parts.

Thanks for the update Paul, I'm looking forward to your next release on this :)

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Since it has to do with your mod, which I love by the way, I'd rather ask you directly...

Am I safe to play 1.0 and later install the updated US without it harming my career file?

Thanks man!

Yes, probably. You could add US half way though a career game in 0.90 and I see no reason why you can't in 1.0, but of course I haven't tested it.


US isn't currently working in 1.0, they have tightened up the attachment node rules (which is a good thing) but it means I need to make some changes.

I've also tested changing the textures over to DDS and that works fine, which should speed up loading.

My plan is to upload a compatibility version tonight which will make the minimum changes for US to work in 1.0. Then over the next few days I'll release a proper update which will include updates to the part locations on the tech tree and some stat balancing (I need to see what has changed in stock so this make take a while).


I had a look at the .cfg files for the stock ISU processors and it makes sense, but there are some new fields, such as the produce heat (awesome) which I could do with some clarification on. Do you plan to produce notes for modders on the new resource system?

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Version for KSP 1.0

This is a fast release so that people can use Universal Storage as soon as possible.

Change list:

  • Updated textures to .dds
  • Updated node alignment (due to changes in KSP wedges are now much easier to attach to cores :) )
  • Removed safety decouplers as they were only a place holder. They will be released as an optional file if you want to put them back in.
  • Science bay 'should' act as a cargo bay and shield the contents (testing needed)
  • part.cfg for each part has been given a unique name to make finding things easier.
  • Processors now use stock resource conversion module.
  • Latest versions of Module manager and community resource pack

Still to do (before I release on kerbal stuff)

  • Review and maybe move parts to new tech tree locations
  • Review cost, heat, science unlock and other stats
  • Clean up the module manager code to take advantage of new functionality
  • Move from KAS to KIS (waiting for KIS to be updated to 1.0)

Download from:

[link removed]

Feedback and testing would be awesome, a lot has changed in KSP and I can't test every situation.

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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ty ty,

edit: apparently some of the nodes on the bays (or maybe its the cores) are still un-aligned. :( they try to attach backwards and clip through the back of the part

Edited by BobsYerUncle
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ty ty,

edit: apparently some of the nodes on the bays (or maybe its the cores) are still un-aligned. :( they try to attach backwards and clip through the back of the part

Thanks Bob, I can't recreate this issue. Can you give me the specific core and wedge combo you're having the problem with?

Also, just to check, you used the download link above and not Kerbal Stuff or my website?

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Thanks Bob, I can't recreate this issue. Can you give me the specific core and wedge combo you're having the problem with?

Also, just to check, you used the download link above and not Kerbal Stuff or my website?

i had just started building, so didnt test a lot of them, but it was the small (4x) core, and the empty (science) wedge

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ty ty,

edit: apparently some of the nodes on the bays (or maybe its the cores) are still un-aligned. :( they try to attach backwards and clip through the back of the part

Which modules/cores were you having trouble with? I'd be happy to help with testing as well. I had some initial difficulty like this too, and had to do a full uninstall/reinstall of KSP itself to completely clear up any old issues.

I tested every US module I've unlocked so far, and I've seen attachment behavior seeming to be perfect. A lot less twiddly than the previous release, too, which is a huge plus for this version!

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ty ty,

edit: apparently some of the nodes on the bays (or maybe its the cores) are still un-aligned. :( they try to attach backwards and clip through the back of the part

yeah, ive been having the same issue, cant get it to work out at all!

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yeah, ive been having the same issue, cant get it to work out at all!

To confirm, if you are downloading the version from Kerbal Stuff, CKAN or kingtiger.co.uk then that is the 0.90 version.

You have to download from this link to get the 1.0 pre-release [link removed]

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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Uh, wow, I HAD the same issue about invertedly connecting wedges to the quadcore, although I was absolutely certain, that I got the 1.0 WIP version^^ Rechecked, beholden, D'oh'ed, reloaded the correct version and bewm, nice mod works again :)

Thx for repeatedly faceslapping about the correct DL link, even I "fell" for it, hehehe :D

DMagic Orbital Science 1.0 integrates nicely, everything works on the launchpad, but no hot testing yet :)

Maybe enlarge the link and the hint even more, so people with hyperactive scrolling fingers WILL see...

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@Paul - yep, once the dust settles a bit :)

Great. Added basic support to my AmpYear mod but struggled to figure out how it scales the isru converter, etc. IE: how to know what EC they are actually using? Looking at what's exposed I couldn't find anything obvious. Am looking forward to some modder API notes for resources and the parts.

Edited by JPLRepo
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To confirm, if you are downloading the version from Kerbal Stuff, CKAN or kingtiger.co.uk then that is the 0.90 version.

You have to download from this link to get the 1.0 pre-release http://1drv.ms/1QCIigh

Uh, wow, I HAD the same issue about invertedly connecting wedges to the quadcore, although I was absolutely certain, that I got the 1.0 WIP version^^ Rechecked, beholden, D'oh'ed, reloaded the correct version and bewm, nice mod works again :)

Thx for repeatedly faceslapping about the correct DL link, even I "fell" for it, hehehe :D

DMagic Orbital Science 1.0 integrates nicely, everything works on the launchpad, but no hot testing yet :)

Maybe enlarge the link and the hint even more, so people with hyperactive scrolling fingers WILL see...


yep that explains it, i used the kerbalstuff link as well. i'll grab the new one and hopefully start building again this afternoon if i get some time!!!, ty.

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