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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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Have you considered using Model {} nodes with these parts, instead of repeating the empty wedge mesh and texture for every part? I've never tried this with animated parts (though I think I've seen it done before), so there might be a problem there, but it seems like this could save a lot of space.

You could put the empty wedge on one mesh with one 512*512 texture and put the interior sections on separate meshes. Then you could either fit multiple parts' textures on one file, or make higher quality textures for each wedge without really taking up more memory.

It probably doesn't really matter now, but if you keep on adding parts you'll ending up needlessly consuming a lot of space.

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Have you considered using Model {} nodes with these parts, instead of repeating the empty wedge mesh and texture for every part? I've never tried this with animated parts (though I think I've seen it done before), so there might be a problem there, but it seems like this could save a lot of space.

You could put the empty wedge on one mesh with one 512*512 texture and put the interior sections on separate meshes. Then you could either fit multiple parts' textures on one file, or make higher quality textures for each wedge without really taking up more memory.

It probably doesn't really matter now, but if you keep on adding parts you'll ending up needlessly consuming a lot of space.

Hm, tempting. Any examples out there i can look at?

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Hm, tempting. Any examples out there i can look at?

I used Model {} nodes to assemble several meshes in different part configurations in the mod I'm working on HERE. I made the meshes specifically to be able to easily put them together in different ways. One of them has animation, but at the moment it's just a single mesh for that part. You're more than welcome to pick it apart if you like, and I'd be glad to offer any help I can.

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I used Model {} nodes to assemble several meshes in different part configurations in the mod I'm working on HERE. I made the meshes specifically to be able to easily put them together in different ways. One of them has animation, but at the moment it's just a single mesh for that part. You're more than welcome to pick it apart if you like, and I'd be glad to offer any help I can.

Cool mod - and cheers for the help! Is there a way to unload these model nodes in-game, that you know of? The current way i'm doing it is just scaling the outer structure to 0% (and i presume its still being rendered somewhere in the game) instead of removing it completely.

Argh ninja'd :) I'll read up on that now.

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So I may have found a bug, but I'm not sure, might be mod conflict. I built a plane, to deliver a kethane refinery to northern Kerbin, both the plane and the refinery have fuel cells onboard. the refinery is attached by radial decoupler, and meant to be airdropped. twice now, after making it to the drop zone, when I stage the decoupler, the on/off status on the fuel cell changes to retracted, and my game crashes seconds later, any opinions or help would be great. after work tomorrow, I'm going to try again, and get some pictures this time if it happens again.

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So I may have found a bug, but I'm not sure, might be mod conflict. I built a plane, to deliver a kethane refinery to northern Kerbin, both the plane and the refinery have fuel cells onboard. the refinery is attached by radial decoupler, and meant to be airdropped. twice now, after making it to the drop zone, when I stage the decoupler, the on/off status on the fuel cell changes to retracted, and my game crashes seconds later, any opinions or help would be great. after work tomorrow, I'm going to try again, and get some pictures this time if it happens again.

Weird - post a log up as well, that should help a ton

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This is a n image of what I see just before the game crashes. Anyone else get this retracted line?

Thats to do with the hatch and structure animation - the game logs their positions as "retracted" or "extended" like an antenna. Looking into ways to remove that text, but its really just a GUI thing and shouldn't cause any harm.

And yeah, to me that error log points to mechjeb getting confused about splitting craft in two. It could have been a fluke?

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Those are some amazingly beautiful parts and I'm looking forward to using them once I get around to implementing life support into my game. Also, I can't wait for the KAS pack to come out. I just watched your video about the 0.6 update and I have a question. Does removing the external structure from a wedge have any impact on the aerodynamics when using FAR?

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Those are some amazingly beautiful parts and I'm looking forward to using them once I get around to implementing life support into my game. Also, I can't wait for the KAS pack to come out. I just watched your video about the 0.6 update and I have a question. Does removing the external structure from a wedge have any impact on the aerodynamics when using FAR?


That would depend if FAR calculates things based on the visible model, or the invisible collision mesh (more likely). The collision mesh doesn't change when you toggle off the structure, so I'd say removing it shouldn't have an effect at all. Although they're not exactly aerodynamic to start with so its probably best capping the models with a nosecone or a capsule.


I dont play with FAR, so feel free to do some tests :P

Edited by Daishi
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Hi there, I would just like to say that I really like the look of this mod so far, and those parts look awesome!

I was wondering, can we expect more wedges coming in the future, such as battery packs, mono-propellant tanks, etc? That would really solve a lot of issues I have with sticking stuff onto the side of rockets as well as stop FAR and DeadlyReentry from hating my rockets ;)

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Mono-prop, yes. Battery, probably not. We're already got the fuel cell for power generation and there are quite a few stock battery options.

We have to draw the line somewhere or we'll end up with a bloated mod and batteries fall on the wrong side of the line, sorry.

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Mono-prop, yes. Battery, probably not. We're already got the fuel cell for power generation and there are quite a few stock battery options.

We have to draw the line somewhere or we'll end up with a bloated mod and batteries fall on the wrong side of the line, sorry.

That makes sense, thanks for the answer. :)
An "empty" wedge wherein you could mount things like batteries would be nice, and less space-consuming than the fully cylindrical stack ones that I can't seem to remember the name of...
That might be on our to do list ;)
This would be quite a nice alternative solution, whilst being more flexible and would probably require less work on your end.
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I'm having some issues with the new part Elektron: I can't seem to get it working. After I toggle it on its efficiency just stays at 0.00. I have electricity and water.

I also have the ECLSS pack installed, and the Sabatier converter doesn't work for the same reason as well: efficiency stays at 0.00 no matter if I toggle it on or off. The carbon dioxide storage works flawlessly from the ECLSS pack, as well as the alkaline generator pumps out tons of electricity no problem at all.

As you can see in the screenshot for the problem:


I have also tested it in space and it doesn't work either.

Could someone help me with this? Thanks

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I'm having some issues with the new part Elektron: I can't seem to get it working. After I toggle it on its efficiency just stays at 0.00. I have electricity and water.

I also have the ECLSS pack installed, and the Sabatier converter doesn't work for the same reason as well: efficiency stays at 0.00 no matter if I toggle it on or off. The carbon dioxide storage works flawlessly from the ECLSS pack, as well as the alkaline generator pumps out tons of electricity no problem at all.

As you can see in the screenshot for the problem:


I have also tested it in space and it doesn't work either.

Could someone help me with this? Thanks

What's your folder structure like? Everything in the right place? Bear in mind some of these parts take a fair while to generate or recycle things, but they should at least be on. Weird.

Nice nuclear generator btw - a list of all your mods could help nail down any cross-compatibility problems too.

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I had a look at the above problem and the parts are working correctly, resources are being consumed and generated, but the efficiency stays at 0 until you accelerate time, then it jumps to 1.

To be honest I'm not sure what the efficiency number is meant to do, I've only ever seen it at 0 or 1. Maybe it's for some future functionality?

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To be honest I'm not sure what the efficiency number is meant to do, I've only ever seen it at 0 or 1. Maybe it's for some future functionality?

Isn't it also tied to solar panel efficiency based on the cells distance from the sun?


Aside from that - bit of a cross-post from the dev thread - but i've been working on a EVA extender backpack for the KAS release. Use this to extend EVA resources for longer spacewalks, rover trips, or more ambitious orbital supply runs and refitting activities. Also tweaked the Sabatier reactor, mainly cause i felt it was too plain for such an important piece of equipment. Considering its a massive power hog, i justified adding another 700 tris to the model due to the fact people aren't generally going to need more than a couple. Common resource containers like food water and gas, will be revised to be more conservative poly wise as you'll always have more than a few on your craft.


Also testing out transparency for potential see-through parts in the future :P

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