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[WIP Plugin](0.90) Burn Together! Alpha v7.0 (3/29/15)


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When you're done sorting out a lot of the bugs, could you add support for KSP Interstellar? This would probably fix the issue as stated with really long-range drifting by making the trip as short as possible. I know it's asking a lot though, with how the warp drives are coded, and all, but I think it would be really cool to have a large fleet of ships warp into Joolean space at once, as opposed to one ship, or all of them arriving several hundred kilometers apart.


F--- Yea!

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I didn't even think about that. That would be cool! But yeah, I think the only things I need to do for it to be fairly releasable are staging, the rest of the action groups, and a better steering system. Then I'll see about KSPI and/or locking formation on rails.

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Check to make sure that all the followers have activated engines. The leader's throttle gets limited to match the max thrust of the slowest follower, so if any ships have 0 thrust, then the leader will be limited to 0 throttle.

If that's not the case, send me a screenshot or a detailed description so I can see if its a bug.

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I tried this with a save without FAR or firespitter and it works. I was trying to get it to fly Mustangs in formation with firespitter so I believe its a compatibility issue though I'm not sure.

Definitley firespitter, IIRC it uses a different engine module, this only supports ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX

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I love your mod. It should live long an prosper. :)

Just 2c regarding long transfers.

Is it possible to use MJ maneuver planer, or a similar feature, to reassemble formation at certain points set by the player?

For example, in time for maneuver nodes, SOI changes, entering atmosphere etc... all those situations when formation matters, and makes life easier. They may be selectable from a menu. Lets say, you save positions of followers relative to the leader when engaging time warp. Than, during the warp, ships drift. Upon setting up a maneuver node, followers set up and perform interception burns, that will get them back to the leader after a breaking burn, some time before the maneuver. You may have to force dropping out of warp in time to kill relative velocity. CAC, MJ, KSPI and other plugins may make things more complicated than that.

Now, this is talking from a player's perspective, at 3AM and knowing next to nothing about programming. :sealed:

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I can't seem to get this to work with the KSO engines. The SSME's and the OMS engines do not light.

It works for me. Make sure the engines are already activated. BT won't activate engines for you.


Hm. Probably can't support KSP Interstellar either then, if it only supports ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX.

It should work with all the 'engines' except the Alcubierre drive and solar sail.

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Bookmarked! I will be looking at this, it sounds very useful! One question though: if I have two spaceplanes almost touching (with their bottom), and I roll them, will they smash their wings together, or will they rotate around a center point, and not crash.

P. S. I hope you understand, I kinda forgot English. :)

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It works for me. Make sure the engines are already activated. BT won't activate engines for you.

Whenever I dual launch the KSO's only the solid boosters activate. The thrustmax never fire. They all say they are activated, but no fuel flows into them during launch. Also, only one of the KSO's launches, the other just sits on the pad.

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Hmm, that's odd but it shouldn't have to do with the plugin. What method are you using to attempt to launch them?

--Small dev update:

I've been working on my Constellation pack so just one change for v4: action groups.

Despite saying that this isn't really intended for launches, I did a quick launch to orbit using the new action groups function in alpha v4 (download available in op).

Actual staging with the spacebar still isn't available; I staged by using an action group.

Edited by BahamutoD
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I've tried launching them with one on the runway and one on the pad, and I've tried launching them with one on an extra planetary launchpad and one on the launch pad. All individual launches work perfectly when not synced. Does it have to do with launch clamps? I've tried changing the staging but haven't gotten any results either.

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Oh, well first of all, staging isn't supported yet. The newest version adds action groups though; you can try setting their launch actions to an action group.

Okay I'll try that!

Update: Nope : (

Edited by Westi29
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It would be good to have a toolbar for this, and some other functions. Like "Create Formation", and "Choose Formation" ( just several patterns of ship placement around leader ).

Rover support would be AWESOME, to have ability of creating auto-trains. Its like this - leader has a marker on it's rear side, follower has an optical tracking device (laser of some sort). In practice this would mean that follower will copy leaders movements, but with preset delay. Leader has constant contol on that delay

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