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[Megathread] The Female Kerbal Megathread

Whirligig Girl

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Lets ignore any conversation on whether or not if female Kerbals should be in KSP or not, or anything about sexism or anything, and if a mod find this to be too taboo they may lock it when or if it gets out of hand.

A few ground rules about the submission of artwork:


No conversation on whether or not if female Kerbals should be in the game.

No Sexism or sexism discussion.

No Feminism discussion.

No tall humanoids that are just human women with green skin (I'm looking at you, Postcards from Laythe). That's cheating.

Constructive criticism only, no flames.

Now with that in mind, here's something to start off. I did not draw this. It was drawn by Timmon26. Not me.


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I think that there should be a female Kerbal in the game,however they should show some kind of weaknesses and different movements like for instance how they walk etc. But becaise its just a game theres no need for sexual stuff...(boring) i know!

But Lets just say the females can be more cleverer, smart and more apealing when doing announcements in the game. i.e the hangars theres should be some tannoys whilst you build your space vehicles in the VAB or SPH.

imagine life without females in Kerbin .... *yawn* lol

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As far as my reading of the rules goes, this is fine.

Female Kerbals are not considered forbidden content (just forbidden suggestion);

If you stay within the limits the OP laid out, you're within the rules;

It's an artwork thread. And frankly, I see no issie with a Kerbal who appears slightly more feminine than masculine. Spacesuits cover all, really.

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Presumably many of us would be content with the simple addition of female- (or at least unisex-) sounding names to the generator. While at it, a bit of variety in naming would generally be a whiff of fresh air. Current crew rosters read like a redneck gathering. One could argue this was intentional, but still... :rolleyes:

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Redneck gathering, heh, well the famous three are Bob Bill and Jeb, they sound very yokel.

Feminine names would be nice but we do really need those oval heads I think, bodies can just be scaled down slightly on the Y and Z axis.

So tempted to delete a lot of the posts here by the way, too much arguing, not enough content guys.

Edited by sal_vager
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Kerbals should reproduce by dividing! Just imagine how funny it would be if you had a kerbal walking around and suddenly it splits into 2 kerbals. I guess that would make a great way to colonize: leave a Kerbal on Laythe long enough then you have two kerbals.

But yeah sure female Kerbals would add varity... heck any variation on kerbal body plan really, I would love a Kerbal with a purple 'fro, that would be BA!

Edited by RuBisCO
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Redneck gathering, heh, well the famous three are Bob Bill and Jeb, they sound very yokel.

Feminine names would be nice but we do really need those oval heads I think, bodies can just be scaled down slightly on the Y and Z axis.

So tempted to delete a lot of the posts here by the way, too much arguing, not enough content guys.

I would appreciate the deletion of such posts, even if they were mine.

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The truth is: Some of us likes to see a charming new chick on the hood.

But... i like to think the kerbal culture as an matriarcal, were Rocket science is Considered a manly childs play, while the girls back at kerbin like to apply herself im more serious and less dangerous activites, passing far from ksc.

At leat, the kerbal tecnology must be from somewere. It must have a mon! (Mün?)

Edited by Nahim
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Oval heads are a great idea - it's not sexist and doesn't imply inferiority, but is enough of a difference to be noticeable and easy for the user to differentiate between the two. As has been mentioned and is probably obvious, female kerbals should not be sexualised. That would just ruin the game a little. I don't think the developers would even consider that though, thankfully.

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My take on Kerbal physiology and explanation of why there are no female Kerbals in the space program:


In my concept, Kerbals are an aquatic organism similar to Earth's cephalopods, including that their vital organs are concentrated in what appears to be a head, but is actually their main body. The "torso" of a Kerbal is little more than a muscular foot featuring one or two pairs of tentacles. Kerbals possess no bones, and their bodies being adapted to a marine environment, they suffer negligible muscle degeneration from being in space and are able to survive extreme G-forces. As they live underwater, Kerbals have built very few structures on land - rather the majority of their cities are hidden deep in Kerbin's oceans.

Like crabs and several other marine invertebrates, Kerbals are able to survive and breathe on land as long as they keep themselves well-hydrated, but whenever they go outside it is necessary to wear protective suits to prevent drying out. A side effect of the suits is that they restrict movement, preventing the Kerbals from extending their tentacles freely but still allowing them to manipulate objects and operate machinery.

Currently the space program only employs male Kerbals due to physical limitations: male Kerbals possess a second pair of tentacles, which originally developed for use during mating, similar to the claw on the back end of an earwig. Female Kerbals, on the other hand, only have two tentacles. In the water, unrestricted by gravity, this is no problem for them, but on land this prevents them from performing tasks such as carrying rocket parts, using a notepad, etc. Presumably work is being done to develop artificial limbs for female Kerbals so that someday soon they too can explore the universe.

Edited by parameciumkid
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