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follow-up optimisations

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Well, it seems with the new pack we got a lot of optimisations, and leaves more room for follow-up things.

maybe here are some example ideas :

Remove the water that's under land terrain (if you manage to glitch a Kerbal underground you will see this), this should reduce rendering over land and improve water-lag levels.

Asteroid optimisations, they are needed as they produce a lot of lag for lower end machines. (aka me)

With the new structural integrity maybe we could get a 5x or 6x phys-warp maybe so the ion engines can be 1/4 less powerful.

try and optimise anti-aliasing, it actually produces tons of lag....

Any other ideas ? (no steriotypical "64bit !", that is planned for the near future).

feel nearly free to discuss :)

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Remember that most optimizations will have to wait on future Unity versions.

For instance Unity 5 is going to launch soon. And it will take time for the game to be adapted to it.

If possible tho. I would like an option (default off) to use time on rails time acceleration in low orbit under map view at full rate. This will mean I don't have to waste fuel to burn into a higher orbit just to move time. Or even have a window to jump ahead by orbit or time.

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-Water is just another planet, you can'ty remove it from under the terrain without completely redoing how it's being created/handled/rendered. Mind you that ocean lag has decreased to be null and void on this last update.

-Haven't experienced it, can't comment

-Instability with physical timewarp goes by a factor of two with each increment, and this is going to summon the kraken even on some regular crafts, I'd reccomend against it.

-Anti-aliasing will slow you down. Normally this would be managed by your GPU, but given the amount of stuff Unity offload to the GPU is minimal, you will get some very increased lag because your CPU is already bottlenecked with KSP

There are things that could be done do speed things up, but as said above, a lot of them are Unity dependant. I don't think those are the right path to explore to try to optimize KSP on our side. I think putting on rails loaded but inactive crafts that cannot move (looking at you space stations) would be a god first step IMO. But I don't feel it should be a priority now.

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