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complaners please look here


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*disclaimer 1: I am dyslexic please excuse spelling errors

I do believe that the the new sls engines have a too high isp for there role and also it brakes the general trend as seen below (but manually fixed that issue anyway) but other than that i'm fine with the rest of the ARM squad mod

there are two ways to fik this issue

1. (here is all nasa mission pack with modified(nerferd) Isp for 3.75m engins https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bzk2g35pucvp3e5/BBqRRbBWxt)

2. All the ARM parts are in a folder in the game data folder called NASAmission the same as a standard mod folder (so this is effectively a squad made part mod) if you don't like the parts just delete all the parts apart from the GrapplingDevice(Klaw) and the PotatoRoid(the asteroid part) as these are needed for the asteroid and asteroid grabbing to work)

reason why unhappy with isp:

by MalfunctionM1Ke

LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine (small)

Mass: 1,25the

Thrust: 215kN

TWR: 17.5

ISP: 320/370

Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine (large)

Mass: 6,0t

Thrust: 1500kN

TWR: 25.5

ISP: 280/330

S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster (huge)

Mass: 9,75t

Thrust: 3200kN

TWR: 33,5

ISP: 320/360 (changed in file above)

Edited by baberbot
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There are already several threads about 23.5 balance, and it seems you even took your quote from one of the existing threads. Please add your thoughts to one of those rather than start yet another thread on the same subject, okay? Closing this one.

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