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Duna and Mun Bases

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Not sure if this is the right forum, but I'm quite proud of my latest creation so I thought I'd share it with you guys. Restarted career for the ARM patch, and I thought I'd set myself the challenge of landing a self sustainable base on Duna as soon as the tech tree allowed it. So here it is! Comprised of habitation for 4 Kerbals, with room for a further 2 in the Lab, and one observing and controlling from the central Cupola module. The base also has a docking-garages for two fully science-fitted out two-Kerbal rovers, and a docking port on the back of the Lab for expansion with future base modules.

My launch coincided with a solar eclipse, so I was lucky enough to snap this lovely shot


The approach orbit for the base took me on a route over the North pole, landing on the very edge of the snow line directly under Ike


Initially the base was sent up with just Jeb at the helm to set her down safely, while a transport ship with the rest of the crew was sent up on a slightly longer route


The final base layout (for now) once the transport ship had landed with the rest of the crew for the base later that week. Unfortunately, due to a fuel line error, the transport ship has proved to be a one-way trip, still full of 2500m/s dV of inaccessible fuel. No matter though, an automated recovery ship will be sent up immediately, and in the meantime the Kerbals have all they need for a comfortable and productive stay on Duna!


I'm also totally open to suggestions on how to expand the base in future :D

Editted: Here are the download links:

Base with Launch Vessel and without Rovers


Rover as SA

Using them is pretty self explanatory, the Launch Vessel gives the base enough fuel to get down to either Mun, or Duna, and I presume even beyond that although I've not tried yet. A warning though, they are designed as one-way trips. Theoretically they have enough fuel to get home from those locations too, but that would be very very tight. I'm using them as semi-permanent bases.

Also, I think the only action groups are 1. triggers all the science kit, 2. toggles the RCS thrusters on the rovers so you don't waste all their fuel, and 3. opens the gigantor solar panels.

Edited by chip4312
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Sure! I'll stick some snaps of the rovers on now, and I can upload the files a little later too if you like :D They've got a docking port on top so you can reset the onboard Goo and Material's lab or recharge the batteries quicker with the Gigantor arrays instead of the built in solar panels.




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Decided the first base was such a success I'd drop one on Mun while I waited for the next launch window to Duna. Made some minor modifications to the docking for the rovers and let her fly!

Jettisoning the first stage


Base all settled in its new home just between the East and Northwest Craters


Took the rover for a fun little test drive outside the base before settling down for proper serious sciency stuff, honest


Our landing windows seem to be resulting in some seriously cool celestial coinkydinks - first an eclipse on the Duna launch and now this within minutes of touchdown!


Now we've got a base on Duna and a base on Mun, I guess Minmus is next! Although I suppose the rovers will need some serious modification to work on the low gravity there...

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Both craft files will not open because they contain locked or invalid parts......

In the parts section, the EAS-1 External Command Seat has a big X across the picture.

Edited by Larrt_M
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It looks like the problem has something to do with the rover seats. Can you try uploading a version of the base without the two rovers attached to it? If that opens then you know it is indeed something with the rover.

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Ooo I think I've just realised what it is! I was about to say I don't think I use any mod parts bit I've just realised they've got flight computers on them! I'll strip them off when I get home and re upload

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Its the flight computer from the Engineer mod - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-0-23-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v0-6-2-3

I've stripped them off the designs, and if they work now i'll update the links properly in the first post. I've also separated the rovers from the base and included them as a Sub Assembly too.

Base minus Rover or Flight Computer - https://www.dropbox.com/s/truz7j11mdbk1gq/Deimos%20and%20Phobos%20-%20Upload%20Version.craft

Rover minus Flight Computer - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4r4348aagkl7pcf/Lil%27%20Rascal%20VI%20-%20Upload%20Version.craft

Rover as SA - https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5c9x7ywuylebnh/Lil%27%20Rascal%20VI%20-%20Upload%20Version%2C%20SA.craft

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Fixed it now. For some reason the links got truncated when I recopied them, but I I think thats sorted now. Man, this has been a bit of a train wreck xD Sorry about all that fuss. Hope you enjoy playing the base and the rovers though :D

I'm currently trying to think of someway to expand the base using the docking port on the back. It's about the same height as the largest landing strut, so I think it's got potential for fairly easy expansion. If you have any ideas about that, or any part of it really, I'd really love to hear them! And thank's for your patience! :D

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Yeah, I'm sure I will enjoy the base. I've created a few small versions like this one on Eve. It has a docking port on the end you can't see. Eight parachutes did it. I have another with side thrusters added for less or no atmosphere. I will have to look and see where your docking port is located, but you could create something like what I have with wheels instead of landing legs. Or both. If you get both docking ports to the right height you could just drive it to the docking port and dock them together. Or drive it into position lower the landing legs then dock them together. (If you have the height right)

This picture does not show the four ladders extended.



These side thrusters detach and fall away.

The ones I created were based on this older smaller version I found somewhere.


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Oh man, those are amazing, I love it! That's a great looking lander :D I was looking for something functional to add to my base, but while that looks like it has all the functionality the base already has, I also think the two bases would look great bolted together :D

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Check out this Munshuttle MkIV, I downloaded it a while ago. I changed the boosters to a Munshine VI. It would be cool to use bringing Kerbals to and from your bases.

Put a tanker in orbit around the Mun and you got it made.



This is one of my lander and rover combos. I will definitely put this one down by your base, and put a tanker in orbit. Yes, this will be a good time!


This is Skelton, one of my favorite planets. It is about the same as Duna but with better views. I may put you base down there.


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Ooo that is good, that's the kind of thing I've been looking to make for ferrying them between bases :D I'll try and give it a go tomorrow, see how it performs. Also, I love your lander rover! That'd make a solid addition I'm sure :D Looks like it could be easily modified for moving parts around in the base as well, with a stable base like that

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I put the base down on Minmus this morning. Very nice! The 4 center legs are set down lower than the rest of the legs so I raised them after the landing.

How do I get the Kerbals to sit and control the rovers? Never used open rovers before...


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Ah yes, sorry, I should have said! It has loads of legs, but you actually only need to use the outermost four once its landed. The extras are a) to ensure it lands safely and B) to raise or lower the distance from base docking port on uneven ground to rover docking port to ensure it smoothly rides in and out, hence why the middle ones are slightly higher :D To get the Kerbals in and out of the rovers, EVA them from the outside capsules and get them to climb down and descend the ladder. Once they get close enough, you can right click on the rover seats and it gives you the option to sit. From there, just undock the rovers and go.

The only thing is the first time you undock, you may need to switch to the rover in the space center. Not sure if I'm doing that bit wrong though.

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