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Fellow Rocket Scientists (Introduction)


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Hi everyone,

Just got this game a few days ago. Really awesome!

I have achieved Minmus & Mun, thanks to Scott. Docking!! I managed 1, about my 5th try after wasting so much monopropellant and electricity.

Stumbled upon the mods section...oh boy do I need some help...Please!!

So I know the basics of most stuff goes straight into the GameData folder.

So I want to make a Realistic version and found this : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59207-0-23-Realism-Overhaul-ROv3-Modlist-for-RSS-1-10-14 (also found the BTSM Mod and will split both into seperate games)

I have gone and downloaded pretty much every single link on that page plus an extra or 2 on some of the sub pages.

After putting most stuff together I have a few files I don't know what to do with, if you know where these are supposed to go please let me know :

1)RPL_V18c_0_23Hotfix (RPL_Tweak_Pack) : This extracts and looks like I just paste into gamedata except that the folders are trying to say something!? Do the cfg files need to be copied out and into RealismOverhaul folder? Parts? Plugins? Tweaks?

2)InfernalRoboticsSRC0.12 : This is a bunch of .cs files, doesn't look like a normal copy to GameData mod?

3)RT2_RO.cfg by brooklyn666. I have the cfg file, does this go into RealismOverhaul folder or the RPL_Tweak_Pack/RT2_Settings_Files(DeleteOnceMoved)? Or somewhere altogether different?

Seems to be about it, thats what I have left to merge into the realism pack that I will copy into a new KSP.

So far the majority of my ksp time is spent figuring out my rockets can't get to space.... so I add a couple more rockets and fuel...still cant, add some more boosters...still can't....asparagus staging does the trick for now but tends to spin alot. Note that I haven't figured out how to use the dV numbers and calculations just yet, sort of getting the idea, so all my rockets need to be physically tested for minutes until they just don't make LKO...;.;

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