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The other airbase is run down?


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I was testing a new plane and flew on over to the other airbase. When I got there it looked almost like graveyards in the back of the hangars... When I took my kerbal out I investigated more and they looked more like some old building foundations. Then I went to the tower and found it was all run down! The wall panels fell off and where on the ground. I went up the stairs and found that there is an enclosed area up there! I found this interesting and I didn't see anyone already post about this so I decided too. I would put up pictures but I have no idea how to.

Cool stuffs!!!

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It stopped getting funding when the Dev's decided to stop caring about spaceplane parts. :P

i use it as my spaceplane base/ defence base. Its an interesting place to land with spaceplanes when you overshoot the runway. Some cool stuff, really wish there were more airfields in general just to explore/ use as landing strips.

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It is cool and it's well known - we all fly past it nearly every time we launch, after all. Being well known doesn't stop it being cool though, or you being cool for having visited it for the first time :-) There are a few 'left-overs' in the hangers as well, by the way.

There are lots of other cool things out there - on Kerbin and elsewhere. See the 'Easter Egg' thread and/or KerbalMaps site if you want to know what/where they are, avoid those like the plague if you want to find them for yourself (and extra cool points for doing it the hard way). If you want a hint in finding them but want to 'play' it rather than 'cheat' then get the SCANSat mod (successor to ISA Mapsat) and launch mapping satellites which, optionally, will highlight "anomalies" but not tell you what they are.

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It stopped getting funding when the Dev's decided to stop caring about spaceplane parts. :P

How dare the developers of a ROCKETRY game ignore PLANES.

Just kidding, as a current spaceplane builder it would be nice to see some more new parts. The Rapier was a nice addition, but some more stuff would be nice. Im not too fussed though.

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It stopped getting funding when the Dev's decided to stop caring about spaceplane parts...

They did not stop caring... otherwise they wouldn´t have hired Feram as part of the dev team. And more spaceplane stuff and aero-dynamics is on the to-do list before 1.0. There are things to come.

I like the old airfield. Even in bright daylight and cute kerbal graphics it has some deserted and creepy aura around it... i wish for weather effects like fog and thunderstorms for the full story of "The Kerbwich Horror" by H. P. Kerman

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Oddly enough, even though it's actually decked-out as rundown and abandoned the island still seems like a 'country airfield' to me whereas shiny new-looking KSC West feels much more creepy and silent somehow.

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They did not stop caring... otherwise they wouldn´t have hired Feram as part of the dev team. And more spaceplane stuff and aero-dynamics is on the to-do list before 1.0. There are things to come.

I like the old airfield. Even in bright daylight and cute kerbal graphics it has some deserted and creepy aura around it... i wish for weather effects like fog and thunderstorms for the full story of "The Kerbwich Horror" by H. P. Kerman

Wait what, Ferram on the Dev team? I think you meant Bac9. He started with planes, but he modeled that SEXY SPACE CENTER

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Ah, I know the island well. Ish.

Nearly every spaceplane pilot uses the old airbase as a target to attempt their first landing with a new system. I made mine there! Lost half of my landing gear... But I did it! XD

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Wait what, Ferram on the Dev team? I think you meant Bac9. He started with planes, but he modeled that SEXY SPACE CENTER

Then i must be badly mistaken. I got it from one of the youtubers, but i might have gotten it wrong. Sorry!

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It stopped getting funding when the Dev's decided to stop caring about spaceplane parts. :P

i use it as my spaceplane base/ defence base. Its an interesting place to land with spaceplanes when you overshoot the runway. Some cool stuff, really wish there were more airfields in general just to explore/ use as landing strips.

It would be cool to be able to refuel/repair at them too.

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I use it as a home for Bill, Bob and Jeb, and pretend it's the local air traffic control tower (not only of the small airfield and KSC runway, but also the Center Control or ARTCC for those of you who know aviation). They live there, each with their own small private jet for transportation to and from KSC (I'll get pics in here if I remember/have time later). That way I don't accidentally stick them in a spacecraft that I don't want them in, and it serves as a cute little airport, with storage for small spaceplanes.

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I agree with the idea it looks like a barely-maintained but still 'functional' country airfield. Like one where the guy they paid part time to mow the grass has to run the cows off the runway when a plane's coming it. I also wish you could refuel or something there, and that there were more little (or big) airfields scattered about Kerbin. Still, even as is it's a fun place to test your landing capability, etc...I even stuck a flag on the top floor of the control tower as a 'beacon'.

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I use it as a functional yardstick for aircraft designs: If I can't land, then take off, from the island runway, the plane design needs revising. It's also a good Alternate Landing Site for the inevitable event of finicky aerobraking.

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To everyone who "wishes they could refuel there" or anywhere. Consider this, in previous versions I have gone to great lengths to get a lander with a docking port that aligns with my rover's so that I can refuel the rover (it can make Munar orbit or make short suborbital flights). Now, you can refuel ANYTHING by equipping your fuel truck/rover with 'the claw'.

Edited by nadreck
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... I also wish you could refuel or something there...

Thou hast inspired me. *Begins working on fuel tank/refueling system for Old Airfield*

Also, I kinda wish you could launch missions from there... or KSC West. Does anyone know if either of the two unused locations will eventually become usable? Or are they permanent Easter eggs?

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Can't say "permanently" or anything but I do know that I stuck a flag on KSC West's pad so I could target it for the next landing ... then wasn't allowed to launch from KSC itself because "there's a flag on the pad". In other words somehow they're linked!

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Can't say "permanently" or anything but I do know that I stuck a flag on KSC West's pad so I could target it for the next landing ... then wasn't allowed to launch from KSC itself because "there's a flag on the pad". In other words somehow they're linked!


Interesting... Foreshadowing?

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