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Shattering problem with old asteroid plants


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I'm having some difficulty with an asteroid just wanting to shred whats attached to it when time warps start. It's happening with an asteroid that was originally just fine but is now 300+ days old. I went to load it back in. Stable. but I tried to time-forward and everything attached to it just tore to pieces. I tried reloading numerous times and trying a few different things, but every time, the attached components just rip apart the moment time warp starts.

Stranger yet, the parts thrown off, despite having no means to accomplish any kind of acceleration, gain a slight, Kraken-ish acceleration.

Is anyone else having trouble with asteroids trashing anything docked to it? I'm aware that ships can get a nasty and sometimes fatal jolt when exiting time warp, but this is the first trouble I've had with entering it. I foolishly already terminated the asteroid, but still figured it might be worth posting.

I had a thought right as I was about to post. I believe the manned capsule had a ladder than slightly breached the asteroid's surface. I know that sort of interaction is usually associated to the Kraken drive. Maybe someone can test that idea?

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We're aware there are some strange things happening with time warping. It seems to occur fairly sporadically, but the Klaw is always involved, as far as I've seen. Check one of the threads in the Support forum about explosions or spontaneous disassembly for more information. :)

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It's part of a known larger issue with a NullReferenceException. The bug can be triggered in several ways - generally too much reloading or too much switching between crafts. Once triggered, nonphysical timewarp will be bugged as long as the game is open... no matter whether you switch crafts, reload, or even start a new save. The only way to remove the bugged state is to exit and restart the game.

Edited by Kerano
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And what is "too much"? :)

It's a bit inconsistent/unpredictable, so there's no one answer. It seems to happen mostly with clawed asteroids though. Generally, switching between two or more clawed asteroids in the map view ~5-10 times will trigger the bug. Quicksaving and reloading a clawed asteroid after moving it may trigger the bug after ~10-20 times. Quicksaving and reloading while using physics timewarp to move it brings this down to ~5-10 times. Having two clawed asteroids in physics range usually triggers the bug after <5 quicksaves and reloads. While I was adding the final piece to this cluster of 5 asteroids, the bug was almost always triggered upon the first reload.

Edited by Kerano
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