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Exploding Kerbals

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Everything else in the game explodes nice and pretty like.

But Kerbals just go poof.

I understand that making it too violent is against the idea of the game, but making them explode comically like every other piece of debris would be a nice touch.

Would go a little way to explaining that everything on kerbin explodes, and thus wings and non-explosive parts can explode without that being something strange.

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That little poof is in my opinion the best solution. Explosions may be fun but they are not very realistic - unlike tanks full of rocket fuel, there's not much on a spacesuit that can explode - even accounting for the backpack and EVA propellant.

And I would hate to see a Kerbal dead body. It's better if they just disappear.


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I believe there is a green splatter texture somewhere in the game files.

Probably it was once intended to be applied to parts that kerbals have crashed into at high speed.

It's a shame it never got used, really.

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I think that their ragdoll bodies should be kept when they hit something, but that the first part to hit would be buried in the object it hit... so if the kerbal fell headfirst into the mun, there would be a ragdoll kerbal with its head stuck in the mun... it would be funny.

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I believe there is a green splatter texture somewhere in the game files.

Probably it was once intended to be applied to parts that kerbals have crashed into at high speed.

It's a shame it never got used, really.

Anything other than the dust poof might be a risk to the game's overall rating. Even a 'green splat' is far more gruesome than a dust puff.

They'd probably need to add a toggle to the menu to enable/disable gore.

If they gave it a more looney tunes approach though, it would be more in line with the humor of the game. Kerbals should make 'Wile E. Coyote' craters when they crash into something at high speed.

Edited by vger
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I feel as if parts that impact places should either A) Explode if it's a fuel tank. or B) Become embedded in the surface they're in and part of the terrain. Rather than becoming a part, they simply become part of the map. Although I feel that a part should have to hit at a very extreme speed. Parts that don't hit hard enough become "Broken!" and bent or something. Like a rocket engine gets its bell damaged and I-Beams become curved. This entire idea might be too hard to implement.

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I feel as if parts that impact places should either A) Explode if it's a fuel tank. or B) Become embedded in the surface they're in and part of the terrain. Rather than becoming a part, they simply become part of the map. Although I feel that a part should have to hit at a very extreme speed. Parts that don't hit hard enough become "Broken!" and bent or something. Like a rocket engine gets its bell damaged and I-Beams become curved. This entire idea might be too hard to implement.

I like the idea of procedurally-generated decals that dot a surface. This way no matter what object it is that hits, it would leave a scoring mark in the shape of itself at whatever angle it hits at. This would include Kerbal-shaped impacts. That would be highly amusing to see. "Oh, look, here's where Bob left a permanent impression on the Mun."

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