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Need people for survey for school project


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So, in my marketing class, I have to do a survery on 10 people regarding cell phone usage. I'm too lazy to go to my friends, so I'm going for the KSP community on this one. I need the answers by next tuesday. Thanks!

1. Do you use your cell phone daily? YES NO

2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 0 2 4 6 6+

3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Apple Samsung Blackberry Nokia Other

4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? (Open-ended question)

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.â€Â

Completely Agree, Somewhat Agree, Agree, Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Completely Disagree

FUN FACT: My school's internet filter doesn't block the KSP forums...I am extremely paranoid right now.

Edited by Joshington
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1. Yes

2. 2

3. Other - Huawei

4. At evening

5. Somewhat agree.

However, if my smartphone broke suddenly, I wouldn't buy a new one, but use my trusty old Nokia C2-01 brick instead :D.

Edited by jmiki8
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1. Normally, YES.

2. 4ish.

3. Other (G'zOne Commando)

4. Mostly when I recieve a text message or call, though I also use it to tell the time if I don't have a watch or clock nearby.

5. Choose an answer: Somewhat agree

Hope this helps! I also went to the Kommunity for help with a documentary project. Some were critical, but eventually saw my side of it!

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1. Do you use your cell phone daily?


2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day?


3. What kind of cell phone do you own?


4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone?

I mostly use it as a clock so near the end of classes, during breaks between them and after the lessons are over and I'm waiting for the bus (that's also why I check it that often).

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.â€Â

Completely Disagree

I suggest you do research among other groups too, this here will be biased.

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1. Do you use your cell phone daily? YES

2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 6

3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Nokia 928

4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? Work hours

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.†Completely Agree

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1. NO

2. 0

3. Blackberry

4. I touch my cell phone about once every month. Even then, I can't figure out how to calibrate it or whatever cell phones do. And the only reason I touch it is to keep it away from my computer, my bedroom, and everything I hold dear.

5. Completely Disagree

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1. Do you use your cell phone daily? NO

2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 0

3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Other

4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? Afternoon/evening

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.†Disagree

FUN FACT: My school's internet filter doesn't block the KSP forums...I am extremely paranoid right now.

If you get in trouble, or if they ever block it, you oughta raise a ruckus, claiming it as educational. It IS afterall. Just mention KerbalEdu. :D

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1) No

2)four time per day: 2 for sending a message and two for checking the answer to those messages(this is, of course, an average, sometime I have to use it more often)

3) Samsung(an old one: one of these cell phone with the sliding keyboard(it was the new technology at the time)). The cool thing is the solidity: I dropped it several time and it never broke(not even the screen)!

4) The morning and the evening.

5) Completely disagree: I could live without it very well.

I hope it help you :)

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I'll chuck my answer in because you really need more than 10 responses to be able to pull out any meaningful stats:

1) Yup

2) 6+ (I'm posting this from it...)

3) It's branded as Google Nexus, but I believe the manufacturer of this model was LG.

4) While commuting, so morning and late afternoon

5) This question is a bit ambiguous. Are you asking if people choose to use their phone everyday, or if they feel they have no choice? If it's the former I completely agree, if it's the latter I completely disagree.

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1. No

2. 0

3. A vintage 2007 Samsung Juke

4. It mostly replaces a watch for me.

5. Completely disagree.

You may want to include some demographic information about the people replying.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Student

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1. Do you use your cell phone daily? YES

2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 6+

3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Other (LG!)

4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? Recess.

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.â€Â

Somewhat Agree

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Yes 1. Do you use your cell phone daily?

2 2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day?

Motorola 3. What kind of cell phone do you own?

4PM 4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone?

Agree 5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.â€Â

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1. Do you use your cell phone daily? NO

2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 0

3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Samsung

4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? (Open-ended question) - Whenever I get a text (7am - 1-)

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.â€Â

Completely Disagree

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1. Do you use your cell phone daily? YES NO

2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 0 2 4 6 6+

3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Apple Samsung Blackberry Noki Other

4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? (Open-ended question) When I'm awake.

5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.â€Â

Completely Agree, Somewhat Agree, Agree, Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Completely Disagree

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