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Greetings from the land of corruption!


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Greetings, salutaions, hellos, and stuff that makes you feel all soft and squishy inside! Sandnor here from Sin City! I got sucked into Kerbal orbit and I have no plans on trying to escape. It's been an interesting trip so far, even if poor Jeb is sitting alone on Mun in the Science Lab (read lander that ran out of fuel). I'm sure he'll be fine. Bill and Bob even left him fully stocked with all the dehydrated brussel sprouts. Lucky sod!

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Same thing happened to my Jeb. He got stuck on the moon for several years after his lander fell over. I tried a Jeb style escape plan (fire all the engines and hope for the best!) Which resulted in the lander being completely destroyed except for the command pod. I finnaly sent a rescue mission and decided to retire such a brave kerbanout. Now if only I could get Bob off of Eve....

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Hello Sandnor, and welcome to the forum. :) From what I understand, though, LV's problem is not so much corruption as desert heat. I try to avoid both, though.

You get used to the heat in the end. Now hot is anything over 110. Till then it's merely comfortably warm. Then hell.

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Hello Sandnor, and welcome to the forum. :) From what I understand, though, LV's problem is not so much corruption as desert heat. I try to avoid both, though.

Corruption and illegal activities are in the blood of Las Vegas. Their former mayor was even a former mob lawyer.

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