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The Stock Craft Repository (v0.24.2) - no longer being maintained

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  KandoKris said:
Thought I'd Add this one of my rescue craft for wayward kerbals. Able to get lost in space kerbals and return them to kerbin :rolleyes:


Woah, that is one epicly giant craft! Seems like it could rescue a Kerbal stuck just about anywhere. If you can add a download link, I'll put it in the OP.

  Callmedave said:
Is it possible to have a new category 'science' - any vehicle capable of gathering science? Obviously many vehicles will fall in two categories, but is that a problem?

Sorry for never answering your question. I was going to, but then my forgetful memory kicked in and I... forgot. I don't think a science category would be a good idea because pretty much every craft that is submitted will fit into that category. Having crafts in more than one category just makes things confusing in my opinion and will make the repository longer and bigger than it really is. I also don't think there can ever be a craft that does science but nothing else.

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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So, this can also go here. I think I'm going to start linking stock stuff here, just in case. This could go under... well... bases? landers? Minmus/Mun craft? Other? All of the above? Anyhow:

Go Sci-fi or go home! A not very faithful replica of the Eagle moon lander from Space:1999. It looks too sci-fi to work, but I cheat nothing: all clipping is strictly aesthetic, (no fuel tank is inside another fuel tank, no stacked engines, just two sets of rockets and a moderate delta-v goal). In fact, this is the third time I go about making a similar replica. I remember the first one, back them docking was kinda new and there were no structural panels. Or reaction wheels, which made balancing it... interesting :rolleyes:. The new model, however, is light years beyond it, and actually manages to both look much cooler and actually do useful work by some (admittedly broad) definitions. Look at it fly, ain't it gorgeous?


But other than looking good, what does it do, you say? Well, it builds this:


That's Farside base, assembled from two launches, a single Eagle with a pressurised rover (standard payload on the provided file) to scout the place and start things up, and an extra module pack launch that the Eagle lowered to the surface to build the 4-module outpost. In total, I burned through a couple of orange tanks to land the whole thing and assemble it, but the Eagle design has been certified to land 20mT on the surface of Mun directly from the launchpad, then going back up to either munar or LKO orbit to be refuelled (and good luck fitting more than 20mT of payload on the bay).

So, what about the base then? Well, it's a modification of my earlier surface base so everything fits in a much tighter package. In fact, I hid everything under the fairings of one of my 50mT "Longstrider" General Lifters, and with careful flying I was able to launch the base to Mun in a single go, without refuelling or using tugs or anything (it arrived to lunar orbit with fumes, but the Eagle and a supply station awaited there to replenish consumables). If you wanted to take it further, an eagle could grab the whole thing by the rear and add nuke-like isp to ferry the modules to other, further away moons with similar gravity to Mun. One of this packs is en route to Moho in my save, actually...


There you have it, a hab module, a fuel dump, a lab module, and the hub that connects it all together, plus the construction rover and two passageways to connect the stuff in a cool way (I recommend using KAS and editing the grab-able parts to include the landing gear so you can get rid of the excess after construction, if you don't know how ask and I will tell you). The possible configurations are pretty much endless if you mix and match modules, and I recommend tinkering with the mix of modules you put in the launcher: right now a 6-hub bundle is going to Minmus to see about building an hexagonal node I can stick habs and fuel modules to, in order to create what I hope will be a very cool base near the monolith. I will tell you guys when it's built!

A final, important note on the payload bay:


As you can see, half an orange tank with Sr. docking ports capping it just about fits in there, docking on both sides on load for an incredibly rigid connection. It is good to stick to that size (lab modules are the same length, incidentally), and if you have troubles adjusting your custom modules to fit, remember the smallest probes are great fine length adjusters by turning part clipping on and sinking them in parts. Another tip is to make them slightly shorter, and building them so they hang form the top one: gravity will let it fall slightly on the pad upon loading, and the other port will dock. Right now in the file you download, the bay has a pressurised rover with full science complement that is actually only joined through the cupola to the Eagle, and the rear Sr. docking port engages on the pad. So if you don't want to mess with building, you can skip this section, not grab the Base Pack file, and use the Eagle as a rover delivery ship with one use. That's boring IMO, though, but you can check it out that way and see if you want to do more with it. :)

Also, the downwards-facing central docking port (standard size) can become a bit unstable if you hang very heavy things just form there (it's medium size and those are notoriously wobbly), so if you don't use KAS struts or something similar to secure cargo, take care with how you sling your loads, and prefer to have something only connected to one of the horizontal docking ports rather than hanging from just the middle unless it's a very light load: the Eagle can take very unbalanced loads thanks to excess control authority, but if a heavy payload is swinging all around the payload bay, you are going to have a very "interesting" landing. Take especial care to disable all torque-producing sources in the bay so the don't contribute to instabilities!

Doable, though, I've landed development versions with >20º swings every second or so around the vertical axis when the engines where full on because the docking port was unstrutted and I had forgot to turn off the torque generators on the payload... certainly interesting! I have taken great care to mitigate the effect as much I could for release, though, so now you should get very smooth rides with all kinds of payloads. The side docking ports are actually universal, BTW not just Sr, you can also dock medium ports in there so you have more flexibility in securing your payload firm.


Docking cargo, as you can't see, isn't the easiest thing to do, but the ship is quite agile and balanced on RCS, so that is left as an exercise to the reader, so the reader gets very good at flying with a bit of effort :)

Launch notes:

To launch, you use a conventional rocket, so no big surprises there, you can look at the album. The core should be ditched at almost-orbital velocities, to finish circularization on the nukes. All in-space maneuvering and the beginning of the landing should be performed on nukes. In fact, for Mun, nukes have enough T/W to do the whole landing, but terminal hover and touchdown are best done the proper way, with the high T/W chemical engines. Be sure to switch control to the conveniently placed docking port on top so the navball makes sense for VTOL flight to ease things, and check out the action groups to know how to handle all of the systems (landing gear, for example, is not mapped to G to prevent RUDs caused by payloads extending legs).


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Eagle MkIII

Eagle Base Pack

Rune. A difficult one to classify for sure!

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SPS MKI (Science Processing Station Mark 1)Is a fully developed space station with a lab module, crew module, and habitation module. It is also fitted with a Science Jr, Communotrons and Mystery Goo Canisters. It is perfect for science missions in career mode to process science.



Download: http://www./download/y08sl2crcc1x2ox/SPS+MKI.craft

Edited by Hades514
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  Andrew Hansen said:
Woah, that is one epicly giant craft! Seems like it could rescue a Kerbal stuck just about anywhere. If you can add a download link, I'll put it in the OP.

Really... Ok ... um whats an OP ?

Download link below, sorry it's not the one craft as it's an evolving series.


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  RonaldoFTW said:
This is my F-22:)

(I don't know how to post screenshots though so yeah...)


If you want to see the craft you have to download it for yourself(and it really looks like the real one to me except its engines)

You can take screenshots by pressing F1, then uploading them to image hosting sites like Imgur or PostImage. The latter is nice because it doesn't require an account and will host your images permanently. Finally, click the image button and paste the link in to have it display right in your post.

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A straight copy-paste so you do your usual linking magic!

Hello guys! Long time no SSTO, right?, Well, here comes something I have been sneak-peeking for a while, the Nodachi!


The biggest one I've made so far (that works), it is also one of the most well balanced I have done, which is doubly surprising considering its size. First, a few of the numbers so you see I'm not kidding around. GLOW is 100mT almost exactly, so it is easy to translate into percentages. Well, 69.5% of that makes orbit. Yup, mass ratio 1.5 if you want to see it that way. About half of that (>36mT, or 36% of GLOW) is naked payload (the big red fuel tank with docking ports), so the plain payload ratio isn't bad either, putting most rockets to shame. And that counts the crew of three, the two MMUs to move the payload around and dock it, and the payload bay door (completely aesthetic), as structural mass and part of the SSTO. Of course, all of it is able to be reused. Notice how I developed for it a nifty engine assembly of 1:1 RAPIER/Turbojet ratio that works beautifully giving you just the right T/W ratio for each leg of the flight, and a smooth rocket transition.

You get 3 flameout events, BTW. Don't worry! They are pretty benign, you get fair warning and a couple of seconds to press the appropriate action group. First one, you switch the RAPIERS to rocket mode and leave the turbos on (4). Then the outer jets go out (cut 'em with 1), and then finally it's 100% rocket power when the last pair go (2), closing the intakes to cut drag (0), and lowish T/W, but by then you are already bringing your apo over 70 kms and don't need it. You can also recover from relatively big deviations , ~30º is not an issue you can't recover from.

The whole time after you climb over 20kms and level out, you don't have to raise the nose over 20-30º to get sufficient vertical velocity, so it turns out pretty efficient getting the speed. Getting to altitude with a full load, however, can take a long time, so you know, leave it at a 45º climb and go websurfing, or admire the cool (stock) exhaust my TurboRAPIER gives:


"And speaking about reusability, what what's that you said about reloading?" some of you might think. Well, the payload rack thingy that doubles as payload bay door isn't just to close it and make the whole thing more pleasing to the eye (as well as role playing reentry protection for payloads... have I mentioned this thing can land full on reasonably even terrain?). No, it is mostly there so you can have a base when building your own payloads for the bird. See, when you load the ship in the SPH, you get something like this: [spoiler=]lOX0uf0.png

See the big rover protruding from the payload bay? That's the Crawler/Tanker/Reloader. Not only can it taxi the big bird around, it is perfectly aligned so that payload rack mounted on the decoupler dock inside the bay when you drive it in. So you can:

1- Throw away an empty payload rack after you land it (you can "recover" it too!)

2- Load a crawler+payload of your design (save a payload rack+Crawler as subassembly by grabbing them from the payload bay, then build the payload to your liking, as long as it fits inside the docking port outline it'll fit the bay),

3- Refuel your Nodachi's consumables and tow it back to the start of the runway before decoupling the crawler.

4- You are ready for takeoff! Remember to retract the Crawler's landing gear before detaching it from the Nodachi for a smooth disengage (Abort action group).

Also, some glitchiness when you dock, you usually end up with one of the Nodachi's landing gears clipped to the ground. Just cycle the landing gear and don't mind the bumps, perfectly normal and harmless*.

You can in fact spawn a new crew while you do that, too, but don't expect a lot of effort put into making the crawler anything other than functional. And I "might" have forgotten to put RCS to refuel the plane, too, so just the 30 units on the pod. If someone has a stab at beautifying it, please give me a shout! I might include it if you want for others to use. Anyhow, some pics of the servicing process:




*Remember to quicksave before attempting a servicing operation, the kraken never sleeps.

Ok, so a few last details before I leave you with the mission album and download... but first, a look at my MMUs! I'm rather proud of them:


Just 10 parts! (solar panel is optional) And they look just the right size for your kebals, too, not to mention they allow me to handle dumb payloads just by sticking a couple docking ports on the sides, something much more part-friendly for bigger builds than giving each section independent RCS controls for docking. Also, a nice shot of the reference payload (the benchmark of all kerbalness, the Big Red) being released, this time by remote control:


The orbit shots on this look cool, right? Anyhow, don't worry about the RCS groups being so far back. That reaction wheel can compensate if you put fine controls on and take things slow, but I heartily recommend using Navyfish's docking alignment indicator. Once you master docking (and not before), it greatly cuts down on the time and frustration required to make a multi-dock like the one the payload rack uses to secure itself firmly.

Finally, refer to the mission album for more screenshots, including a couple with the UI up so you guys can check out my payload ratio claims and such. You can also check out how the older version without payload door did (in case you want to get rid of it to put another custom payload), as well as notice I didn't use my usual 70km orbit with this, I went for the full 100kms circular... and I still had a healthy margin. So if it fits the bay, it'll take it to orbit, I can say that with confidence. Now enjoy the rest of the pics, and if you like it, leave a comment!


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Rune. Bigger, Better, Badasserer.

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  KandoKris said:
OMG Rune. Design ++ Very cool plane in both form and function

Thanks! It took a lot, and there are quite more than the 28 SSTOs that its filename implies... I only follow the "Mk+number" designation on stock designs that work!

  Andrew Hansen said:
Woah! You never cease to amaze me! Very nice. :)

EDIT: Is GLOW another name for the Nodachi?

GLOW is a usual aviation term, the acronym for Gross Lift Off Weight. Basically, what it weights when it leaves the runway. BTW, I wouldn't call a 4:1 intake/engine ratio completely "non-airhogging" (reading the description you make of it in the OP)... especially considering they are stacked in sets of eight with cubic struts to take less room.

Rune. And look like cool precoolers, too, but that's roleplay.

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*adds this*

The NerdCubed

After seeing NerdCubed's video earlier today trying to make a spaceplane, I made a version of the plane he ended up with that actually works quite well. No it isn't a spaceplane, but it is a plane, you'll just have to accept that.



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Could have sworn I'd posted in this thread already, but I guess not. Anyway, I figure the world might want to benefit from my simple little space tug, which due to my mastery of using the WASD and Alt keys is perfectly balanced so as to waste minimal RCS fuel. I also made it so the docking port on one end is the root for easy use as a subassembly.


Space Tug.craft

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Here's something I designed a while ago but didn't really test until recently. Need more engines? Have a docking port?


Here's the VAB subassembly:


I made this because my fuel tankers needed the extra thrust to make orbit, but then the LV-N's take over. Originally I just decoupled the KR-2L, but then got this idea once when I wanted to put it back on. I keep a couple at my LKO fuel depot.


And just for reference, here's the fuel tanker on which I use it. It's not very efficient, and has a strange rolling issue in the upper atmosphere. I haven't tried to fix that, but it will get about 20,000 fuel into orbit. I also used this design to send fuel to Eve, although I refilled it in LKO first. It also has a variety of docking adapters to suit any situation (if all else fails, use the claw.) I don't know if it's really "repository" worthy though.



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  Rune said:
GLOW is a usual aviation term, the acronym for Gross Lift Off Weight. Basically, what it weights when it leaves the runway. BTW, I wouldn't call a 4:1 intake/engine ratio completely "non-airhogging" (reading the description you make of it in the OP)... especially considering they are stacked in sets of eight with cubic struts to take less room.
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Please place this one under stock craft/ VAB/ rovers...

The spacecraft of the future is here!

Tired of attempting to colonize planets, only to leave your supplies and personnel scattered all over the surface and stranded?? Sanchez Aerospace (a subsidiary of Mainway Enterprises) proudly presents the Tylo Rover 5.0, all new for 2014!


Far more than just a "flying car",... (although we must stress that it *is*, in fact, a flying car)!

It is also an excellent rock climber and all- terrain vehicle with the best handling this side of Baja!

But that's not all it does!

Slap a couple of these onto a payload and deliver it directly from orbit!


Not only can it deliver payloads to the surface, but it can actually traverse the most extreme terrain with it and actually assemble your outpost when it gets there!


You can slap a couple parachute pods* on it for deliveries to even the largest planets, or just use the prodigious power of it's built-in rockets for the most massive airless moons!

How much power are we talking? How about enough power to get you to LKO in a true SSTO vehicle?**


Put a stack of them on top of a "shotput courier" booster and send a fleet. Attach them to a lander module and make a return vehicle. Use it as a self- propelled jerrycan! Also makes julienne fries!***

Kiss your interplanetary exploration worries goodbye in style, in your all- new 2014 Tylo Rover 5.0 SS!

Operators are standing by!

*Parachute pods sold seperately

** Closed course with stunt robot guidance. Always drive your Tylo Rover responsibly!

*** Not really

http://wikisend.com/download/440760/TR5 SS.craft


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  jBeta said:
I had to try it to believe it. Very impressive! I may start using part clipping a bit more after seeing this.


I just used the clipping to gain ground clearance while maintaining a low center of gravity... but I'm not above lying, cheating, and stealing where necessary to achieve my goals :D

The secret to achieving SSTO performance in such a tiny package isn't in the part clipping, but rather ruthless elimination of weight and the liberal application of math.

Anywho... glad you like it.

Use it in good health!


Edited by GoSlash27
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http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/222167-chriscorp-navyOk I've like Been working on this one for almost a week. Originally thought it belonged in the "Gentlemans Navy" post but then realised that its not about boats. So becuase its all 100% stock I'll show it off here intead

So without further delay I present the first complete look at the ChrisCorp Navy. Album show complete process from testing to deployment to on Laythe


Dam album wont load so you'll have to check the link but here is a sneak peak :cool:



Laythe aircraft carrier as undergone extensive testing for;

Sea/Stress test ( 4 test craft ) - Result;

Avg safe Land speed 40-50m/s over ruff terrain, Avg speed on water 25m/s

unbreakable on water small damage from excessive land speed, nothing major.

Range - Water approx 100-150km depending on weight ontop ( planes ) Land... you'll get bored before you run out.

Docking works for runabout boats at any fuel lvl (displacment varies between full & empty)

3 different docking angles for VTOL's of small and medium sized - all tested

Launch and Landing & Transfer testing ( 6 test Craft ) - Result;

Launch is as sturdy as a rock just need to turn late and carry a little dead wieght for 1 minute 1/2 way through launch or things become risky (staging changed to make it 100% safe)

Transfer - if you go straight to laythe and air break but dont land you will have enough left over to modify your orbit to pic the best landing zone might even shed a tear as you drop 100lt's on your way down.

Landing - totally safe... well almost use centre pod for guaranteed survival :) use landing rockets to reduce speed <100m/s at 2500m <50m/s at 500m & as close to zero as possible at water/ground level.

100% success rate during testing of powered landings minimal to no damage ( lost 1 air intake )

Download on Curse


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  KandoKris said:

Wow! So this will be a whole package of crafts! Amazing. I wouldn't like to endure the lag caused by all those structural parts, but I admire seeing other people's videos and screenshots showing their giant creations.

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  KandoKris said:
Ok I've like Been working on this one for almost a week. Originally thought it belonged in the "Gentlemans Navy" post but then realised that its not about boats. So becuase its all 100% stock I'll show it off here intead

So without further delay I present the first complete look at the ChrisCorp Navy. Album show complete process from testing to deployment to on Laythe


Dam album wont load so you'll have to check the link but here is a sneak peak :cool:



Laythe aircraft carrier as undergone extensive testing for;

Sea/Stress test ( 4 test craft ) - Result;

Avg safe Land speed 40-50m/s over ruff terrain, Avg speed on water 25m/s

unbreakable on water small damage from excessive land speed, nothing major.

Range - Water approx 100-150km depending on weight ontop ( planes ) Land... you'll get bored before you run out.

Docking works for runabout boats at any fuel lvl (displacment varies between full & empty)

3 different docking angles for VTOL's of small and medium sized - all tested

Launch and Landing & Transfer testing ( 6 test Craft ) - Result;

Launch is as sturdy as a rock just need to turn late and carrier a little dead wieght for 1 minute 1/2 way through launch or things become risky (staging changed to make it 100% safe)

Transfer - if you go straight to laythe and air break but dont land you will have enough left over to modify your orbit to pic the best landing zone might even shed a tear as you drop 100lt's on your way down.

Landing - totally safe... well almost use centre pod for guaranteed survival :) use landing rockets to reduce speed <100m/s at 2500m <50m/s at 500m & as close to zero as possible at water/ground level.

100% success rate during testing of powered landings minimal to no damage ( lost 1 air intake )

Download to by put on Curse once I've refined the designs to reduce partcount as much as I can

The "Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club" pertains to all military-oriented craft that are stock.

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