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The Stock Craft Repository (v0.24.2) - no longer being maintained

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Hello all, I've come to show my latest plane, The Spanner, and it's variants.

Please note that this PLANE is stock, but it only works in FAR, and probably wouldn't work with stock aero.

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The Unlocked version can pull up to 80Gs, with the others pulling somewhere around 45Gs constant.

Any suggestions on how to get more Gs out of this or any plane with FAR would be appreciated :)

Craft Files: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/223743-harpoon-spanner-variants

Edited by Fueniker S.
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"Sun Star by Jolly_Roger - A weaponized craft that looks like an early iteration of the Millennium Falcon. [spoiler: Image.]"

Couldn't download.

Blocked: May contain a virus or spyware.

I am using newest version of Nightly. Didn't have problems with the others. May I suggest not zipping? Maybe they don't want us building these weaponized platforms in space... roflmao.

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Today i created something incredible, something unheard of, something confined to the realms of Danny and Scott... a working 30m/s boat! I call it the HMS Billbob. And yes - it is just a Spaceplane Plus aircraft on a glorified raft but it can do 30.2m/s on full throttle! And it counts as stock because these parts are being added in 0.25 so... :P


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And yes - it is just a Spaceplane Plus aircraft on a glorified raft but it can do 30.2m/s on full throttle! And it counts as stock because these parts are being added in 0.25 so... :P

Sorry, but although those parts are awesome, they are not officially stock yet, and someone with the latest version can't open them without Spaceplane Plus installed. I can't add this to the OP.

@Roflcopterkklol, I have a question for you. Since you continue posting upgrades to previous crafts you've made, what do you think about just having the upgraded one and not all of them in the repository? If you make a craft better, you might as well not have the inferior previous version still up. And I think it's good that you're now posting SSTOs and other things - we already have lots of atmospheric vehicles!

So like for this new craft you just put up - the Titan - how about having that one instead of Zeus? For now, it's fine, but consider this for the future.

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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And it counts as stock because these parts are being added in 0.25 so... :P

also, when .25 comes out squad will almost definitely do some tweaking to the parts, so you wouldn't be able to load that in .25 anyway :(

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Sorry, but although those parts are awesome, they are not officially stock yet, and someone with the latest version can't open them without Spaceplane Plus installed. I can't add this to the OP.

@Roflcopterkklol, I have a question for you. Since you continue posting upgrades to previous crafts you've made, what do you think about just having the upgraded one and not all of them in the repository? If you make a craft better, you might as well not have the inferior previous version still up. And I think it's good that you're now posting SSTOs and other things - we already have lots of atmospheric vehicles!

So like for this new craft you just put up - the Titan - how about having that one instead of Zeus? For now, it's fine, but consider this for the future.

Oh titan and Zeus are completely different craft, Zeus i made for Vagani, He wanted a craft to move his buggies around and it also features one of his buggies the ATORV (Spring) which i modified to be a VTOL, only reason i put some variations was if people were wanting some other uses, now that Titan is finished i could get rid of the explorer and scientific zeus though.

Other than that when im feeling less lazy i am going to move all of my posts to the first one i made, compact the whole lot and take up some less space, only reason i have not updated this to include Goliath if you have seen the OP for Titan.


I was feeling less lazy, moved all my craft to my first post.

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I'd like to submit my collection of Firefly Launch System (FLS) SSTOs.

FLS SSTOs are Turbo Jet powered and have no wings; They launch and land vertically.

Each FLS SSTO is constructed so that the intake air is equally shared among all the Turbo Jet engines, resulting in symmetrical thrust without having to throttle down or turn off engines in pairs.

They are also reusable and if the launch vehicle is recovered after the flight, they can lift payloads to LKO at a rate of 22 funds per ton.

Here's an album of the 5 SSTOs:

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Here's a rundown of the 5 SSTOs:

Deimos-3600 (Deimos-21) - 21 tons to LKO

Charon-7200 (Charon-41) - 41 tons to LKO

Triton-14400 (Triton-82) - 81 tons to LKO

Io-21600 (Io-123) - 123 tons to LKO

Titan-28800 (Titan-164) - 164 tons to LKO

FLS SSTO Fuel Tankers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/24rm21xo02qtcnv/Firefly%20Launch%20System%20Fuel-Tankers.zip?dl=0

FLS SSTO Lifter Sub-assemblies: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9seh4psv5wx4qq/Firefly%20Launch%20System%20Subassemblies.zip?dl=0

If you'd like to learn more, click here.

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I improved my space tug and gave it couple buddies, so consider this an upgrade / replacement:

Para-Sci High-precision Space Tugs

Three compact, carefully balanced space tugs for adding or rearranging modules on stations and motherships.



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I've been watching far too many sci-fi movies lately...


The Corona-class, a mid-range assault starfighter (powered via an LV-909 and 3 ions) loaded to the gills with missiles. (3 of which are guided.)


The MU Type 1 Armored Freighter, an LVN-powered transport ship with an armored central hull. (The armor does work, as proven by some... testing... :) )

DLs and more info for both here (on the latest page):


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Just Launched this Space Station with 12 Ion Explorers. I use it to complete lots of contracts without having to launch again from Kerbin.

(I've removed the Engineer science parts from the version i've shared here to keep it stock.)

It can house 8 Kerbals on the base and an additional 12 on the ion explorers' rover seats.

It has Sr. Docking ports on either end.

Each Explorer attaches via a Jr. Clamp and has a rover seat for planting flags and parachutes for returning to Kerbin as well as some science and an antenna.

Obviously the Explorers can only land on fairly low gravity/no-atmosphere celestial bodies, but there are a lot of those to Explore!

It is fairly expensive, but the lifter has parachutes so it can safely be returned to KSC. (depending on fuel, you should get about half a million back)

You can also fulfill a lot of contracts with this thing floating around up there. You can probably make your money back with 6 or 7 big contracts.

Here it is at the VAB:


Now Beginning its Gravity Turn:


Now About to Detach the Lifter:


Now Without the Lifter:


And Finally, Here's Bob taking one of the Ion Explorers out for a spin:


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Going to give this craft a post of its own so i can chuck a video up with it, Have fun and enjoy. (FAR may change the craft performance dramatically, made for stock KSP)

Part count:297

High performance jet boat

Need something to kill some time? then this is what you need in your garage.

This beast of a boat is capable of doing 80m/s in a straight line in the water or 100m/s in a straight line on land, but straight lines are not fun are they?

This boats main feature is being awesome for aquatic acrobatic madness, capable of reliably sending you into a spin on the water at max throttle doing 60m/s while spinning.

Jet ATV mk2

Action group 1 toggles the engines, enter the water below 50m/s and then have fun.

To do a spin pitch down and while pitching down pitch to the left or right.

To stop a spin and change direction cut the engines for a second, change direction then re apply them, it will come around much faster if you do this.

No SAS required (Not recommended)

As a side note it will do 100+m/s in the water, but the kraken comes forth and obliterates it.

It is also capable of 160ish m/s on land if you keep it straight. not recommended at all.

Download link:

Feel free to let me know what you think of my work.

This craft was not built for FAR and i suspect it will not work on FAR, you may need to adjust the downforce.

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Just letting y'all know that I'll be working on putting all these crafts into the original post over the next day or so. Thank you so much for all your awesome crafts, I love seeing how much creativity people have! I kind of put these crafts in with bursts - so, "ignore" the thread for a little, then catch up, etc. - but rest assured I haven't given up on this thread.

Edit: School... busy... so hard to find time to update this.

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Mun bug mk3: long term mobile base/rover

Hello there, been a while since i uploaded a craft for you guys to have some fun with and boy do i have something that i am proud of to throw at you today.

(Video coming soon)

The Command beetle mk3




Do you need a base but hate having to send out rovers to find what you need then bring them back to the base?

Then why not make your base the rover?

This mobile base carries 7 kerbals with all the equipment (Room for more modded parts) you could ever need on a mun/planet to gather science, Built with its own VTOL system for de orbit and capable of 15m/s under the power of its motors on the muns surface, Who needs a rover when your base can be your rover?

Built with durable wheels and emergency landing gear for landing/take off or when the terrain just gets a bit too rough.Very easy land/fly, easy to get to its destination.

Action groups

1: Toggle VTOL engines.

2: Toggle ladders.

3: Toggle interior lights.

4: Toggle exterior lights.


5: Toggle Nuclear engines.

6: Toggle main sail.

Flight instructions:

Throttle up to 95% on launch, hit the SAS and away you go, after staging the lifting rockets at 12,000m wait until your speed starts to increase again then begin orbital turn.

At around 35km you will need to stage the middle rocket, after this continue to burn until 50km, at 50km bring your pitch down to 60 degree, continue to climb until 70km, at 70km bring your pitch horizontal and continue burning until orbit, at around 1700m/s you will need to stage the lifting rockets, at around 2400m/s you will be in orbit.There is more than enough fuel to get to the Mun or minmus in the carrier stage, feel free to test how far you can actually get the command beetle (Maybe even to duna?)



Bye bye lifting rockets


Bye bye second lifting rocket


Gee i have said bye to lifting rockets a few times


In Kerbin orbit
heading for Mun encounter


Orbiting Mun
(More than enough resources left in the carrier stage to go to other destinations)


Landing the Command beetle
(And a closer look inside)

Durability test
(jumping the command beetle into the biggest crater on the mun)

Download links:

Command beetle mk3 (With launch system)

Command beetle mk3

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Just thought I'd put this up in case anyone is interested... It's not perfect but it's something I was pretty proud of when I built it as it was my first successful / productive Jool mission. This is my "Jooles Verne" core that I used in 23.5.


-Over 8000 DV for the main ship, plus just over 7000 in the forward return section (unloaded)

-Custom lifter to get everything fully fueled to ~350x350km orbit with a little fuel left over. Everything but final stage deorbits.

-Includes lab and escape pod (I used the pod for getting data back down to Kerbin in a hurry)

-Can visit Jool and all moons* with Kerbin return, with payload of two small probes and a reasonably sized lander (*Assumes aerobraking/capture at Jool and Kerbin; I skipped Bop on my trip because of fuel concerns but it had a good bit left over so should make it; no guarantees)

-Build your own twin science probes (or anything relatively lightweight, really) before launch or send them up later. I sent them up later and didn't save the design, plus they weren't well made, or I'd include that too.

-Clampotron Sr at the rear for bringing along extra fuel or a lander (may require Sr-to-Standard adapter or small redesign)

-Designed to be partially reused (docking ports instead of decouplers) although it may be easier to relaunch the whole thing. Or refuel the remaining ship for use around Mun / Minmus or maybe Duna.

-"Comfortably" seats total 4 Kerbals for the entire trip, assuming one sits in the escape pod on the way back. Additional 4 external seats just in case you decide to leave Kerbin fully crewed. Not responsible for Kerbals left in abandoned landers or labs by your own forgetfulness.

Warnings / pertinent information:

-Not cheap to launch in contract mode

-The journey to orbit is a slow one but it will get there

-Be sure to disable crossfeed on at least the docking port between the lab and the return ship, optionally replace them with decouplers.

-Stage 2 spins. A lot. I couldn't get a strut in the right place to stop it but this shouldn't be a fatal flaw, I've launched it several times like this.

-Don't forget to ignite stage 4 through staging order (you'll see what I mean after dropping stage 3). To clarify I'm counting up from launch, not down as in the staging order numbers

-My design used one probe for Jool and one for Laythe, my lander was not capable of landing on Laythe or Tylo (keep this in mind for fuel budgets if yours is)

-Recommend MechJeb for babysitting long turns and burns

-Staging order is a little off in the screenshot but should be corrected in the .craft

-Recommend turning off fuel flow in central orange tank until the others are empty for easy and balanced lander refueling.

-Action groups are not set as I generally didn't use them at the time.

-Ascent is pretty forgiving but I usually start gravity turn around 8-10km and maintain ~45 degree angle until around 150km apoapsis.

Craft File


*Not all parts shown are included in the craft file




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I wanted to create a functional and awsome looking Rifter.

It took me large amounts of time, but finally its done and here it is..

This Badboy is +-54 Tons and consists of 338 parts (x64 Mode Advised) (Crew Cap. 2x like the original one)

This version is 100% stock, added the cool looking swept elevons from patch 0.25

(The VTOL only works at low gravity)

Good Luck & Fly Safe




1 Turbojet Engines (Toggle)

2 Rapier Engines (Switch Mode)

3 Rapier Engines (Toggle)

4 O-10 MonoPropellant Engines (Horizontal Thrust) (Toggle)

5 PB-ION Electric Propulsion System (Toggle)

6 O-10 MonoPropellant Engines (Vertical Thrust) (Toggle)

7 Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port (Toggle Shield)

8 Telus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer (Toggle Ladder)

9 Photovoltaic Panels (Toggle Panels)

10 Communotron16 (Toggle Antenna)

-->Backspace: Decouple Command Pods & Deploy Chute<-- (If things really go bad..)

--> Turning on lights, will also ''Toggle'' the Landing Struts (Not the wheels) <--

Here is the proof of me getting this badboy to orbit Kerbin..

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Introducing the Magpie Mk1, my first SSTO and my first share. Named after an Australian bird known for dive bombing red haired kids at the park. The plane can reach a 100k orbit, dock, de-orbit and land without a refuel. The nose cone can be replaced with an Mk1 cockpit to carry a second kerbal

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Magpie Mk1.craft


First stage starts the jet engines

1. Start/Stop the LV-T45 engine

2. Stop/Start jet engines

3. Start/Stop 6 LV-1R engines (optional: useful as an afterburner, any more than 10 seconds will cut into your reserve fuel)

When de-orbiting transfer any remaining fuel to the front most tank

enjoy :D

(PS: craft is .25 compatible)

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B-2 Spirit bomber mk2




Description: Not made with FAR or NEAR.

After the first b-2 i made soulreaver gave some helpful pointers on how i could get the plane to look more authentic and then i decided to improve on the originals performace because why not? and i am 5 times happier than i was originally with the results.

It comes equipped with drop bombs in the bomb bay and is capable of 2100+m/s in the upper atmosphere.

Very stable and easy to take off/land, SAS is never required (unless doing some crazy things in the upper atmosphere)

I may have gone a tad over board you can nearly orbit it.... feel free to remove the clipped internals to decrease the performance.

Action groups:

1 toggle engines

2 toggle bay doors

Space bay releases 2 "bombs" at a time.

Download link: part count 373


SR-71 white bird




Description: Not made with FAR or NEAR.

I have decided to start building replica planes and where better to start than the SR-71?

This replica is capable of 25km flight like the original at over 3500km/h, it is stable at any fuel level and quite maneuverable for what it is (I did my best on the flying capabilities)

Download link:


SR-72 white bird


Rear view


Top view


Video because videos are fun.

Description: Not made with FAR or NEAR.

After finishing the SR71 and B-2 Spirit bomber i set my eyes on the experimental SR-72 and i am very happy with the results of my labour, capable of over 8600kmh at 35km in the atmosphere this plane is a true high altitude sub orbital flyer, but do not be fooled by its high altitude speed, at low altitudes this plane is very maneuverable and completely stable with SAS never being required (unless you are lazy)

As an added bonus feel free to deplete the fuel and never have to worry about the centre of mass moving to a place that will cause instability in the plane.

Have fun and enjoy this craft.

I do not believe i need to leave any form of flight instructions for this plane.

Download link:

SR-72 White bird, Part count 254.


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