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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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Hi Proot,

I think I have a problem with the Texture of the MKII LanderCan. Somehow the lighting seems off:



It looks like the side that should be dark is bright and vice versa....

Any Idea, what could cause this?

Or is there a way to use the original texture?

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  Sackpfeife said:
Hi Proot,

I think I have a problem with the Texture of the MKII LanderCan. Somehow the lighting seems off:



It looks like the side that should be dark is bright and vice versa....

Any Idea, what could cause this?

Or is there a way to use the original texture?

Mmmm... the bump is wrong. Fixed for the next version. Many thanks! ;)

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  Proot said:
Mmmm... the bump is wrong. Fixed for the next version. Many thanks! ;)

Do you know how to solve my problem? When I first used this, it was fine, but the second time, it froze when I launched the game at the Kerbal/visor part. And my computer gets really loud. I have ATM installed.

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  AstroGamer said:
Do you know how to solve my problem? When I first used this, it was fine, but the second time, it froze when I launched the game at the Kerbal/visor part. And my computer gets really loud. I have ATM installed.

Sorry, but I have no idea about that, can you send me your log to try to find the problem? Windows, Mac or Linux? Clean install?

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  Proot said:
Sorry, but I have no idea about that, can you send me your log to try to find the problem? Windows, Mac or Linux? Clean install?

I found it, but it's quite long. Veeery long. Is that ok? Windows, and I have a few mods, such as Dmagic, KAS, KerbinSide, InfernalRobotics, TarsierSpaceTech, Trajectories and Karbonite. Oh, and of course, ATM.

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I really enjoy your mod. Out of curiosity, how do you edit the level of lighting in the game? Your mod makes it dark as it should be in space on darksides of planets, but does not decease the intensity of the light. I like that feature and would like to try it with another visual mod.

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Is there a way to tone down the blue haze around Kerbin? I love that it makes the "pale blue dot" effect, but the transition is always harsh, and it seems to really slow things down until I get further away? I think I would like to mellow the color, still keep some of the blue, but clear it up a bit. I just have no idea where to look to configure that in the mod and settings files.

Also, (and this may be the same area as above) is it possible to also tone down the sky color a bit? The blue is way to dark and unrealistic at the horizon when on Kerbin, and overhead the blue is nearly black, rather than a deep blue. I would like the horizon to still be blue, but a pale blue, and the overhead sky to be nearer where the horizon is now. Is that possible? Where would I look to tweak the settings for that?

I absolutely love this mod, and it is the mod I most look for updates when KSP is upgraded. The rings it adds to Jool are perfect, and I love a lot of the other little tweaks and effects.

Oh, one other this, is there any reason the Jool texture was changed from the Jupiter-style clouds from .25 to the more stock variant currently distributed?

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Alt+N (if you're on windows) opens the EVE GUI. From there you can try different values for color (rgb) and alpha/transparency (a) channel. Just select the correct layer first. Then either press "save" or open the cloudlayers.cfg in Boulder/Clouds and edit away.

The blue horizon effect is changed in realsolarsystem.cfg in RealSolarSystem map. You can try out different values with the GUI for that as well. Press Alt+G to open. For color I usually go with "waveLength = 0.75, 0.65, 0.53, 0.8" and I adjust inner- and outer radious to be so low that no visible edge is seen from LEO. Neither KSPRC or Astronomer does this. The side effect is that skies can turn quite dark. But that can be somewhat countered by using an atmosphere layer, like the one you're trying to edit.

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  ThorBeorn said:
Alt+N (if you're on windows) opens the EVE GUI. From there you can try different values for color (rgb) and alpha/transparency (a) channel. Just select the correct layer first. Then either press "save" or open the cloudlayers.cfg in Boulder/Clouds and edit away.

The blue horizon effect is changed in realsolarsystem.cfg in RealSolarSystem map. You can try out different values with the GUI for that as well. Press Alt+G to open. For color I usually go with "waveLength = 0.75, 0.65, 0.53, 0.8" and I adjust inner- and outer radious to be so low that no visible edge is seen from LEO. Neither KSPRC or Astronomer does this. The side effect is that skies can turn quite dark. But that can be somewhat countered by using an atmosphere layer, like the one you're trying to edit.

This is very helpful guidance, thank you. Do you know what the Alpha numbers do, or the Kr and Km?

- - - Updated - - -


I like your colors very much. Through a lot of trial and error, I've set up these to use, and I really like them. I think they need to be played with a bit more, once I understand better what the numbers are actually changing, but here they are:

Red: .75

Green: .65

Blue: .55

Alpha: .8

Esun: 50

Kr: .00075

Km: .00001

InnerR: 603193.6

OuterR: 619200

I find that this gives a very bright, pale horizon with still a hint of color at midday, and the early morning and afternoon light is perfect. I also get a fantastic twilight/dawn sky glow with this.

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Cetera: The numbers for alpha, Esun, Kr and Km don't seem to do anything. Only color and the two radius values seem to work. InnerR and OuterR seem to change just that, the radius of the horizon shader - how far in meters from the spheres center (Kerbin) is the horizon shader displayed. And yes they won't save on the GUI, you need to directly edit the RealSolarSystem.cfg. The values are listed under "AtmosphereFromGround" under "Kerbin". If they are not just add this under the Kerbin node:

innerRadius = 603193.6
outerRadius = 619200
waveLength = 0.75, 0.65, 0.55, 0.8

However, this is getting offtopic. I think you can manage from now. Otherwise ask in the Real Solar system thread or in the EVE thread and also take a good look into the configs people like Proot, Astronomer, Pingopete etc make for EVE/RSS. You can ofcourse also play around with textures and pick and choose from whatever mod you like. Just remember that even unused textures (ex for clouds) gets loaded be KSP at game start and use up memory. Good luck!

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  shult12 said:
Why is so goddamn slow to load texturereplacer with this pack?

Because this pack loads LOTS of things in Texture Replacer? New planet textures, new suit textures, new visor textures, new part textures, etc...

Also, if you're using ActiveTextureManagement (ATM) it will take a long time to load the first run, but once it's loaded once, will not take nearly as long to load.

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First, thanks for this, the game looks amazing! Keep up the good work.

Quick question, if anyone knows: I tried using the -force-opengl switch and it seems that this mod doesn't work properly with it. Without the switch it works fine though. I've searched the thread but couldn't find an answer. Any ideas? I'm on Windows 7 Pro x64, using the x86 version of KSP (i7 4790k, GTX 970, 16GB of RAM). I'm using ATM (the game crashes during loading without it).


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  Frstwlf said:

Quick question, if anyone knows: I tried using the -force-opengl switch and it seems that this mod doesn't work properly with it. Without the switch it works fine though. I've searched the thread but couldn't find an answer. Any ideas? I'm on Windows 7 Pro x64, using the x86 version of KSP (i7 4790k, GTX 970, 16GB of RAM). I'm using ATM (the game crashes during loading without it).

What issues are you seeing? I use the openGL flag myself and don't notice any issues.

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  Ignath said:
What issues are you seeing? I use the openGL flag myself and don't notice any issues.

Nevermind, I'm just stupid. It worked after having played for a bit without OpenGL. I suppose I had to load it once without OpenGL? I don't know, but now it works. Thank you anyway. :)

  shult12 said:
Yeah I have ATM installed. It takes like 1 hour to load one file. I can't wait over 50 hours just to play the game.

It took me one hour to load the game with KSPRC and ATM for the first time. Now it takes me around 15 seconds or so. I suppose it depends on your CPU. Try letting it load overnight if it's really that long. Although there may be crashes during the first loading... I had none though.

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