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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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On 12/16/2015, 12:58:45, DolphinDude3 said:

Awesome mod! And take your time with the update, as overhyped as I am about it'd I'd rather have a complete and stable mod than a rushed and buggy one.

Until then the old version with some work in the files still looks awesome.


Hate to bother you, but how did you make this work, especially with the new way EVE is built?

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3 hours ago, Nekurokasume said:

Hate to bother you, but how did you make this work, especially with the new way EVE is built?

The EVE that comes with KSPRC works just fine for me. From what I can remember without going and looking at the files I just installed KSPRC, deleted Texture Replacer, Distant Object, PlanetShine and I think maybe also RSS and swapped them out for the latest version of Distant Object Enhancement, PlanetShine, and my pre-existing install of Texture Replacer, which contains Gregrox Mun's Colored EVA/IVA suits, the heads from Scart91's texture pack, and Space Kraken's Andromeda Skybox. Which also pretty much sums up my gamedata folder as far as visual mods go.

TL-DR KSPRC's EVE worked for me.

Edited by DolphinDude3
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1 hour ago, mrflib said:

Proot - good luck with the release! Do you envisage many problems with the 1.1 upgrade to Unity 5 and 64 bit or is the work you're doing not really linked with that?

It'll all depend on how fast/well EVE and Scatterer update to 1.1 probably :) 

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13 hours ago, Proot said:


Yes, we candemor!.

(Sorry, spanish meme/prank I could not resist. That is "Chiquito de la Calzada". A spanish humorist which speaks in a very kerbalish way, lol.)


10 hours ago, Nhawks17 said:

It'll all depend on how fast/well EVE and Scatterer update to 1.1 probably :) 

Well, im still guessing 1.1 wont happen before March 2016..

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6 hours ago, maseo said:


Well, im still guessing 1.1 wont happen before March 2016..


1 hour ago, Elthy said:

They are allready in QA for 1.1, so march is very unlikely.

Yeah... Even though this is going to be a longer QA period, it's more likely to come out at the end of January or early February.

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Ok, new version is uploading. I'll post the links ASAP.

Overhaul of the most important changes:

    - All planets revamped (textures and normal maps) from its own heightmaps (now everything you see is down there).
    - Improved surface in Gilly, Bop, Pol. Surface re-done in Minmus.
    - Improved surface colors in most of the bodies.
    - All bodies has now personalised and completely new surfaces.
    - New sunflare and, thanks to Thomas P., new sunflare loader (no more KSP_Data messing).
    - Most of the parts (except the new ones and NASA) revamped or retouched.
    - New HD Skybox, from a high-detail real skymap.
    - Added Engine Light with adjusted configs.
    - New atmospheres with Scatterer (keeping the stock heights). A tiny blue atmo added in Eeloo (Pluto style!).
    - Added reflections to all command pods and several parts.
    - New clouds and atmo effects (particles, sandstorms, tornadoes, geysers...). And much more incoming (several new effects are not completely ready yet).
    - Trees, weed, rocks and other details revamped.
    - Procedural clouds in Jool

Known problems / to solve:

    - Is recomendend to play forcing OpenGL or Dx11, to avoid memory problems.
    - Auroras are not possible at night sides (yet).
    - No procedural clouds at Jool with Dx11.
    - The sun flare under the atmosphere is not matching (yet) the real size of the sun.
    - Atmospheres are not showed in all bodies at the same time (just the atmo where the active vessel is, and maybe near bodies).
    - Atmospheres are not showed in the tracking station.
    - No clouds in the main menu.
    - Sun particles are visible under the atmosphere.

Despite that many effects and noveltys are not ready yet, I don't want to delay this by more time, so you can expect more content coming soon. Also, no time for extra content this time, it's comming again in the next version.

Edited by Proot
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50 minutes ago, Proot said:

Ok, new version is uploading. I'll post the links ASAP.

Overhaul of the most important changes:

    - All planets revamped (textures and normal maps) from its own heightmaps (now everything you see is down there).
    - Improved surface in Gilly, Bop, Pol. Surface re-done in Minmus.
    - Improved surface colors in most of the bodies.
    - All bodies has now personalised and completely new surfaces.
    - New sunflare and, thanks to Thomas P., new sunflare loader (no more KSP_Data messing).
    - Most of the parts (except the new ones and NASA) revamped or retouched.
    - New HD Skybox, from a high-detail real skymap.
    - Added Engine Light with adjusted configs.
    - New atmospheres with Scatterer (keeping the stock heights). A tiny blue atmo added in Eeloo (Pluto style!).
    - Added reflections to all command pods and several parts.
    - New clouds and atmo effects (particles, sandstorms, tornadoes, geysers...). And much more incoming (several new effects are not completely ready yet).
    - Trees, weed, rocks and other details revamped.
    - Procedural clouds in Jool

Known problems / to solve:

    - Is recomendend to play forcing OpenGL or Dx11, to avoid memory problems.
    - Auroras are not possible at night sides (yet).
    - No procedural clouds at Jool with Dx11.
    - The sun flare under the atmosphere is not matching (yet) the real size of the sun.
    - Atmospheres are not showed in all bodies at the same time (just the atmo where the active vessel is, and maybe near bodies).
    - Atmospheres are not showed in the tracking station.
    - No clouds in the main menu.
    - Sun particles are visible under the atmosphere.

Despite that many effects and noveltys are not ready yet, I don't want to delay this by more time, so you can expect more content coming soon. Also, no time for extra content this time, it's comming again in the next version.

Proot. From the bottom of my hear thank you. :)


Feliz NavidaSeñor.

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